RestApiToText Version Available
Hello All,
For anyone who might be interested, version of RestApiToText is available here for the 32-bit DLL and here for the 64-bit DLL.
Here are the steps to overwrite the DLL:
- Open Notepad++ and go to Plugins->Open Plugins Folder…
- Close Notepad++.
- In the Explorer window you created from Step 1, open the RestApiToText subfolder.
- Overwrite the RestApiToText DLL with the one you downloaded.
- Reopen Notepad++.
What’s New in Version
- Added the ability to use an environment variable when specifying header values, so that you can use a private API or authentication key without showing it in your REST call.
For more info, please visit the project.
Here is an example:
- Use an environment variable whenever you want to send a private API key but you don’t want to show it in your REST call. Just create the variable and wrap it in a $(env:variable name) expression, like so: