Delet specific part of the line
At first, I apologize for my terrible English.
I have this problem: I would like to delete specific parts of the lines in the big text document. But there are so many options for what the text can look like. For example, I have about 500 lines:PoznamkaSlov!Prvé sväté prijímanie dňa: bez záznamu v, obci: Dolná Súča, PoznamkaSlov!Prvé sväté prijímanie dňa: 08.06.1969 v obci: Trenčín, PoznamkaSlov!Prvé sväté prijímanie dňa: 01.09.1999 v obci: Trenčín,
and I need:
PoznamkaSlov! Dolná Súča, PoznamkaSlov! Trenčín, PoznamkaSlov! Trenčín,
O I have other 400 lines like:
PoznamkaSlov!Birmovaný dňa: 25.06.1972, Zapísané na RKFÚ: Soblahov PoznamkaSlov!Birmovaný dňa: 21.09.1973, Zapísané na RKFÚ: Hlohovec PoznamkaSlov!Birmovaný dňa: 17.4.2010, Zapísané na RKFÚ: Trenčín
and I need:
PoznamkaSlov!Soblahov PoznamkaSlov!Hlohovec PoznamkaSlov!Trenčín
Is there an easy way to do it? I was trying to search through google and read many discussions but I didn’t find it anywhere. I try to do it trought instructions from this web:, but it work only with their example, and I don´t know how to change the searching…
When I copy my text in “new document” it marks more lines:
and when I try it, in my document, it no work… and writes: “Serch failed, Unexpected exception while searching”:
I don’t know if it’s even possible, but if you know some options, please help.
Thank you in advance for your answers. -
Using regular expressions is all about finding patterns.
If you can express your needs with a pattern, it is almost always possible to find a regex that does what you need.
Based on your explanation, I assume the pattern is the following.Each line starts with a word followed by an exclamation point, then any text, and ends with a colon followed by a space, some words followed by a comma. If this is the case, then the following should do what you want. If it doesn’t, try explaining the pattern you want.
^(\w+!).+: (.+),
replace:\1 \2
Thank you so much. Your answer helps me understand how these shortcuts work and solved my problem.
Thanks for help.