Customize Toolbar: Custom Fluent UI color icon don't change when disabled
I made a new Fluent UI icon for the “Save” feature. I enter the following line (Text menu is in French) in the Customize Toolbar.btn file:
Fichier,Enregistrer une copie...,,,,save_dark.ico,save_light.ico
“save_as_copy_dark.ico” is the dark gray icon (#4e4e4e) and “save_as_copy_light.ico” the light gray icon (#dedede).
In the dark and light themes, icons are properly displayed with their respective colors. But, when the save action is disabled, the icon is not grayed (the color don’t change). Is an issue with ico format? My icons are initially on PNG format with alpha channel, then converted to ico 32 x 32 pixels 32 bits.
this is coming from the cobwebs in my head-
I don’t believe Notepad++ makes the required fine grained status information available to the pool of plugins. I believe it’s more of a one-way street where the plugin (or function) can invoke Notepad++/Scintilla code (send messages) to perform an editing action. A plugin knows it’s own state and can thus modify the icon to be displayed, but the ‘Customize Toolbar’ plugin can only replace the displayed icon based on the light/dark mode of the editor core, not on the internal state of an individual plugin or function.
@artie-finkelstein Thank you for your response.