NppCrypt Authentification failed
i have a problem with the plugin NppCrypt of notepad++. After the copy of the file from a device to another, i have the error(with the copied file): Authentification failed. How can i solve this? -
I’m not familiar with this plug-in but looking at the github page; was it maybe caused by different versions of the plug-in? So maybe you’re trying to encrypt with an older version and decrypt with a newer version or something like that? See also this issue here .
If that’s not it, then maybe go to the github page and create a detailed description, like what you did step-by-step so they can try to reproduce the error.
As i said i have copied the file. With the original file everything works fine, with the copy the password seems wrong.
Same algorithm, nothing changed. -
When asking for help, it’s often better to err on the side of giving more, detailed, explicit information, rather than vague assertions.
- Please share ?-menu Debug Info from both devices
- Please share the Plugins > NppCrypt > About entry (or equivalent) for both
- Please check the NppCrypt settings on both, to make sure they match (sharing screenshots would help convince us)
- Please make sure nothing changed in the file during the “copy”. If it went over an FTP transfer, the line endings may have been corrupted. If it went via email attachment or what have you, maybe something got corrupted during the encoding/decoding/attach/extract process. Check the file sizes on both machines to make sure it’s the same number of bytes, etc.
Without detailed information, our best guess is “operator error” (that is: “you are doing something wrong”), which isn’t helpful to you. If you want help, you have to help us help you.