Last session is gone after plugin install/update
NPP remembers my session fine but if i install or update a plugin it restarts without the last session. I looked in my config but couldn’t find a solution, is there a fix for that?
tks! -
For the vast majority of users, an upgrade (whether through auto-trigger, or caused by manually doing ? > Upgrade Notepad++, or downloading the installer from the website manually) does not overwrite config files and session files. There have been occasional reports of people like you who have their session go away, but I’ve never seen it myself, and no one has ever given us a replicatable series of steps that will make it lose the session reliably. And I’ve never heard of that problem with a plugin install.
Sorry I cannot be of more help yet. Maybe if you provided more information, someone might be able to reliably replicate, and see if a bug can be found.
@peterjones thanks for commenting.
I forgot to add it was installed from , I see now the problem is there. Yes, even a plugin install will not load the last session.
I installed the latest official npp today and it works fine now. -
Yes, the Notepad++ developers have no control over what atrocities that particular site impose on the product, and I make no guarantee as to whether that monstrosity will function or be safe.
Fortunately, the official download site already has a portable version, so there is absolutely no reason to download their mutation.
I may have allowed personal opinion to affect this post. My opinion is my own, and is not meant to be understood as the opinion of the Notepad++ developers or this Community Forum. While this opinion applies to that aforementioned site, and what they do to software, especially Notepad++, I have not formed or expressed an opinion on the person or people responsible for that site.