Update errors. Help needed to revert to last update.
The update just pushed removed compare edit and end tag plug ins. Compare edit plugin can not be missing. I am translating games from Russian to English and compare edit is not optional for me. I need help removing this update please.
The last update was incompatible with your older version of Compare Plugin. Compare Plugin has published an update. Just go back to Notepad++ > Plugins > Plugins Admin, and install Compare v2.0.2 from that dialog.
I am using Compare Plugin v2.0.2 just fine in Notepad++ v8.3.3 (the most recent version to trigger auto-update)
Regarding “end tag plugin” – I have never heard of that plugin. If you are actually meaning one of the other plugins available in the Plugins Admin installation list, you will have to be more specific (though I would recommend seeing if they have a new version available in Plugins Admin if that’s the case). But if it’s a plugin you installed from somewhere else, you will have to contact the author of that plugin in order to find out if they have made an update to be compatible with Notepad++ v8.3.3.
@peterjones Thank you so much. I just tried the Compare plugin you mentioned and it is working. The end tag plug in specifically finds corrupted (different from original) end tags. Because translating strings very often corrupts an end tag. This will crash the game. But I already have a work around to prevent this so it is not really needed anymore.
I have done about 1000 hours of translating S.t.a.l.k.e.r. Russian mods for free for the English speaking fanbase. Notepad++ is a great help with this. Many more mods to do. Thank you so much for the quick reply.