Regarding 'Notepad++ v8.4.3 - Unhappy Users' Edition'
and I really did giggle noticeably by others near me when I read this.
This is an outrage: I am in Canada and paid in Canadian dollars. Why is this refund being made in US dollars without any regard whatsoever to refund of my Goods and Services Tax of CDN$0.00?
Koff. Splutter.
{wipes spittle off monitor screen} -
Sooooo glad they offered the refund to the Happy Users too in 8.4.4. I was extremely upset that the refund offer was only available to the Unhappy Users… But finally, us Happy Users get the chance for a refund as well :)
In the end, I get double the refund and get to keep this awesome software to boot :P
Don Ho’s refund process was sooo fast, I received it before sending it.
Need refund in €uro.
Exchange fee is horrible.I nearly liked the unhappy users edition. Felt a bit, like it was made for germans.
The current ‘8.4.4 - Happy Users Edition’ is just wrong for me. I feel left out, even discriminated!Not even a depressingly dark theme does compensate. It´s deeper. It´s in the code. The fun while coding and accomplishing something great.
I can see it in the menues, feel it on the touchpad.
Not appreciating that.I am so unhappy, that I even think, I have to make a negative refund, so that this unpleasent, repellent development has no excuse to stop. Thank god for donations. They empower one to much harder hitting, well-founded critique!
Just wait for it!I´ll be back.
I just noticed that there is a convenient link to the refund form in 8.4.4, if you do
->About Notepad++
.Man, the author must be SERIOUS about easy access to this refund for users!! Take advantage of it!!!