• You've a lot of reasons to hate Notepad++

    5 Votes
    88 Posts

    @V-S-Rawat You can also try “RJ TextED”. I also posted my AkelPad assembly in English on the PureBasic forum. I hope the author doesn’t delete the link https://www.purebasic.fr/english/viewtopic.php?t=82525


    -8 Votes
    4 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    No one’s making you stay here and use this great software, so don’t use it if his opinion upsets you. Then don’ t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. Leave. Bye.

    We’ve got more important things to do than listen to your hatred and opinions. Use it, don’t, we don’t care.

  • [BUG] Updating removes my doLocalConf.xml every time

  • Lost session after update

  • Regarding 'Notepad++ v8.4.3 - Unhappy Users' Edition'

    9 Votes
    12 Posts
    Mark OlsonM


    Yeah, notionally plugins have to follow all these licensing rules. But in practice, there are plenty of closed-source plugins out there, and it doesn’t seem like they’ve faced any consequences for doing that.

  • Complete silence on Gaza and the treatment of Palestinians.

    -4 Votes
    7 Posts

    Everyone is fed up with the hamastinians and UNRWA corruption, please move on and keep your propaganda for yourself. There are plenty of discords you can join to share your brainwashed views.

  • why virtue signaling?

    -1 Votes
    3 Posts

    There is no point other then taking users hostage of the author’s views.
    As much as I (and we all should) support Taiwain in their fight against the fascist bully that the PRC is, virtue signaling has no place in software development.
    I support the author 100% on Taiwan, but disagree at 90% on the Trump part.
    This is wokism plain and simple, and it alienates more than half your audience. Author is French and should know better.

  • Your forum UI is non-standard and almost prevented me getting help.

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @KoliadaES-Release said in Your forum UI is non-standard and almost prevented me getting help.:

    Nobody reads anything these days, esp. when they first ‘jump in`

    But few proceed to just totally bitching about it; perhaps you’re a rare individual.
    Going on a rant is fine, but it is best if it is an “educated rant”.

    I’m sure that Peter’s recent effort (above), which is just more for you to read, is certain to be ignored.

  • Where do I report errors?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Joseph MillenbachJ


    Nice to see someone else frustrated/confused by the organization here.

    And in case anybody else sees this later… Reverting to the previous working version is another workaround idea. Assuming you need it now, and don’t mind working around the automatic update automation (if enabled for you).

    If you can find a bug online they often will tell you when the issue started. Or you can just start installing from an older setup version and testing. Keep trying something older until it works again. Or use the last version you’d been on…

  • The author asks to finance the war

    -3 Votes
    13 Posts

    I agree. He is either a hypocrite or full of propaganda.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @Timothy-Hoogland ,
    Although I may disagree with the developer’s POV, you and I have a choice of what we may want to do. If it offends you that much, stop using the free product.

    I disagree with the developer, as someone who was being banned, long before by the cancel culture running rampant on, then Twitter, that I chose not to ‘apologize’ and let them pound sand. Simply for tellling Fake News reporters losing their jobs to “Learn to Code”, which at that time was considered a slam. No loss.

    When Musk bought Twitter and changed it to X, I was able again to log on without the ‘Apology Butt Kiss’ document that you had to agree to. Although I disagree with some people’s opinion on X, I would defend their right to say it, something that I was not afforded when it was Twitter.

    On the other hand, I enjoy using the software and if not for these “Boycott Notepad++” complaints, I’d most likely never see the download messages that the developer chooses to put his opinions on. I may disagree with him, but it’s his right to say and do what he wishes with his site, software, etc in his control. It’s also my option, if I chose, to let him pound sand and not use this useful piece of software by emulating the cancel culture idiots that I detest.

    I believe in speaking with my eyeballs and wallet, something most people don’t seem to grasp or are unwilling to choose to do. So even if you’re willing to back-up your complaint by not using the software, you probably won’t affect the developers opinion and are considered simply to be, yelling into the wind. Either way, you’ve just lost the ability to use a very useful piece of software, which would be your loss.

  • The real haters can't hate

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    And had to remove the Facebook option as well, since FB changed their rules.

    So for now, we only support “Sign in with” for Github and Google (with a modern icon for Google):

  • [SOLVED] What's with the schizo behavior of the mouse wheel???

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    I did some search and appears that:

    this feature was added to Windows 10 in April 2018 with Update (version 1803) - about 3 years after the first Windows 10 release

    such a feature was already used in Mac OS called “Scroll inactive windows” since 2016 with macOS Sierra.

    WizMouse though was much older, since January 19, 2009.

    Conclusion: probably everyone copied it from WizMouse :)

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    My logfiles typically are less than one gigabyte, but the more information is needed, the larger they might become, but then I’m talking about sizes about 2-3Gb, I cannot even imagine getting at 5Gb. So this looks to be covered.

  • Lost 3 hours work

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    I misspoke. Apparently, if the file is open in a NPP tab, and you close NPP, open the file in another app and change something, apparently NPP is smart enough to read the file from disc again. So…apparently, it’s mostly if you have the file in a tab while NPP is open and change something in the file in another app…ie, use one app at a time and close files. :-)
    …or be aware of the possilibity of confusion. :-)

  • The setting Save previous session should be more precise

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Alan-Kilborn said in The setting Save previous session should be more precise:

    Things like F3 (i.e., shortcuts while in editing tabs) don’t work in other windows/dialogs.

    But soon:
    Notepad++ 8.6.6 will allow F3 and Shift+F3 to work while the Find or Replace windows have input focus.
    See point #6 here: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/25742/notepad-v8-6-6-release-candidate

  • Ctrl+Shift+... not registered in npp shortcutmanager but type sys chars

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    I’m pretty sure this will be changed in Notepad++ 8.6.5 (should be released soon).

  • Whaa......

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • update to 8.6 was a big mistake

    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Scud-McFox Many of these responses are only possible reasons and some might be incorrect.

    the font has less contrast and not good to read and much more tiring for the eyes overall the contrast of bars/design is much to low the hitbox for the line-marking-dot is to small now

    4K monitor possibly scaled up as others report as being blury.

    the thickness of the line-number-bar is much to big now

    New margin for Change History adds to the overall width.

    startup time is much slower then some versions before

    More code doing more stuff equals slower performance , though some people want more and more.

    had to reconfig all the hotkeys again because they are now extremely unhandy right clickin a script in the documentslist on the left side has now nested options and takes more time to click usefull things like “open explorer path” there was many useless stuff i had to disable, like the right “+ v x”-bar and now that little usefull x is missing many/all new other changes/additons are annoying

    Cannot have everything you want it to be, unless you are in control.

    vertical indicator bars are irritating and confusing what they are for (change history indicators). they steal to much focus on the script/text itself

    You can turn Change History off or on in Notepad++.

    I have been working on a PythonScript script to configure Change History and other editor and lexer settings. 168 properties so far though consider close to finished.
    Will be able to change colours and visibility of markers and indicators of Change History.

    Hmm, sneak peek at only a small part of a gif I created yesterday:


    so will be able to tone down the colours yourself by using the script.

    why they have to change/add tonns of useless stuff to that really good and handy editor? fixing bugs/performance okey, but not the opposite and plz dont bloat it to crap!!

    I agree. (Sometimes logic loses to the dark side of the force)

  • I decided to try writing my own editor

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @AZJIO-AZJIO: Just wondering—were you trying to write that post in your own editor? Could that be the problem?