Export Hex view in Txt format
I want to export the hex view of my file in txt format to be open with excel.
Is it possible to to this as is possible with HexEdit for example ?Tanks for you help.
“Export”? No. That plugin doesn’t have that feature.
If you select everything (
for Edit > Select All) right click on the left (hex) side and choose Copy from the drop-down, then doCtrl+N
/ File>New, and paste into that new tab, it will copy all the hex side as a space-separated list of two-nibble hex words (like54 68 69 73 20 49 73
forThis is
). But it doesn’t have a mode where it puts the side-by-side hex dump on the clipboard or into an external file. It’s purpose is to edit the hex inside Notepad++, not as a way to permanently store the hex-side-by-side-with-the-text.For easily creating a new file with the output as side-by-side (similar to the GUI view that HexEdit plugin shows), there are plenty of binary-to-hex converters – two that I’ve recommended before: you can download
here ; or you can getod
and a bunch of other gnu/linux-like utilities here , whereod -A x -x filename
can give similar information toxxd
’s default output -
Tanks a lot for your answer. I will try to use xxd as you mentonned.
I can also use hexedit but the size of the file (dump file .bin) is too big for hexedit so that i don"t have the whole file…
Therefore if you already used a similar application, I would be very interested in that.Thanks and have a good week.