not able to see the search results windows in notepad++
Was there ever a ix for this? Still not working
No one has given any steps to reproduce. No one has provided any data or screenshots to show a problem. I, on the other hand, showed what was likely taking place, and no one was able to come up with data to show it wasn’t what was happening. The user who claimed that deleting the
hierarchy solved it actually strengthened my case, rather than weakened it, because the only saved setting that would have been affected by the old settings being deleted is the positioning of the panel/window.I still maintain that if the circumstances are as the original poster claimed, and all subsequent posters have tacitly agreed to, that either the Search Results Window is undocked, and off screen or hidden, or that it’s docked but shrunk so tiny that they don’t notice it.
Without steps to reproduce, and with it only being a discussion in a forum of users with no official bug report made, I am not sure how anyone could think the problem (if there is one with the software and not with the user) could be fixed yet.
If you want to provide data – like a screenshot so I can examine the edges to show which edge to , and evidence that you’ve run the “find all in current document” or “find all in all opened documents” or “find in projects” or “find in files”, and the ?-menu’s Debug Info, and anything else other than the vague claim that it’s “still not working” (because it is still working for me).
BTW: As a fellow user, I and the other members of this forum cannot fix Notepad++ for you. However, if you can explain the problem enough that I or another “forum regular” can reproduce your problem, we can point you to the FAQ that explains how to make a bug report. But until we can reproduce it, we’re likely to continue working under the interpretation that we need to just help you figure out what’s going wrong on your end.
That is one of the best responses I’ve ever read on this site. Right on!
I did some experimenting. If you do the following sequence, I can tell you most likely where your Find Results window will be.
- Open the Find Dialog.
- Set Find what to something you know exists in the current docuemnt
- Run Find all in current document
- if Find Results Window shows up as either a window or a panel, your problem is solved. Otherwise, continue
- Exit Notepad++ completely
- Use Explorer to go to
🛈, and forconfig.xml
, Open With Microsoft’s Notepad (the default windows “Notepad” app, not Notepad++) - Copy the following two groups of lines, and paste into your reply:
- The “AppPosition”:
<GUIConfig name="AppPosition" x="1834" y="39" width="1419" height="700" isMaximized="no" />
- The complete “Docking Manager” section:
It may have a lot more lines than that. But I need everything between<GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="200" rightWidth="200" topHeight="200" bottomHeight="200"> <FloatingWindow cont="4" x="2519" y="308" width="2860" height="446" /> <PluginDlg pluginName="Notepad++::InternalFunction" id="44085" curr="0" prev="-1" isVisible="yes" /> <PluginDlg pluginName="Notepad++::InternalFunction" id="0" curr="4" prev="3" isVisible="yes" /> <ActiveTabs cont="0" activeTab="0" /> <ActiveTabs cont="1" activeTab="-1" /> <ActiveTabs cont="2" activeTab="-1" /> <ActiveTabs cont="3" activeTab="-1" /> <ActiveTabs cont="4" activeTab="0" /> </GUIConfig>
<GUIConfig name="DockingManager"
in order to help you find your Search Results window.
- The “AppPosition”:
Thanks! I changed the Config to what you mentioned… it popped up after a new search
@Kriston-Renshaw said in not able to see the search results windows in notepad++:
Thanks! I changed the Config to what you mentioned… it popped up after a new search
I’m glad it worked for you.
For the future, bear in mind that if you have other docked panels (function list or folder-as-workspace or plugin panels or what have you), just blindly replacing that section of config.xml will undo any positioning you had on those. I was originally going to coach you through which settings to change, so that it wouldn’t affect anything else. But since it worked this time, it all worked out.
Future Readers,
If you find yourself having this same problem, please follow the steps I outlined above and share that information with us.
It may be that there is useful information contained in that which will help us determine whether there’s just been occasional user error, or whether there’s something endemic to N++ that is causing random/infrequent corruption to those settings and thus hiding the Search Results window. If you just replace that section without sharing it, the information is lost (and if there is an underlying problem causing it, it cannot be solved due to lack of information).
Thanks for sharing that.
Do you see that
? That says that height of the “top” docking panel is 0 pixels wide. If you had followed my instructions earlier in the discussion (before you chimed in) and put your cursor at each of the edges of the editing panel, you would have seen the ↕ cursor appear, and you could have dragged the size of that panel.(Though I will admit, on the top panel, it’s not as obvious because of the tabbar. See the end of this post for a helpful guide for where to look for the “gaps”)
If the panel is 0-width at the top, then there is a gap between the tabbar top and the bottom of the toolbar, and the cursor on that border will be a ↕
If you click-and-drag that ↕ cursor a little down, you will see the Search results window start showing up.
… and if you keep going, the whole panel appears.OTOH, if there is no panel in that top section, then there is no gap (or the gap is smaller), and the cursor stays normal:
Here is a screenshot with four panels, all of them hidden. I have drawn red arrows showing where the small “gaps” in the GUI are for each edge. Whenever you have a “missing panel”, check these four areas looking for a ↕ or ↔ cursor, which can be used to click-and-drag to resize the panel.
Or, if you want to edit the config.xml instead, make sure that none of the attributes of
<GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="200" rightWidth="200" topHeight="200" bottomHeight="200">
have a “0” value: any that do, change to “200” instead (200 is the default value for a fresh Notepad++ instance) -
So in the end, when one is “not able to see the search results window” in Notepad++, it is likely the result of a prior user-resize of the panel to zero-height (or zero-width). So, not a bug that could have been “fixed”, in the end. More of a PBKAC.
I’m wondering if it might be a good feature request that if the Search Results Window command on the Search menu is executed AND either the height or width (or forbid, both) is zero, that the default size (apparently 200) gets restored in the process of “showing” the window.
Or, if that’s not liked or there is a logistical problem with doing that, how about something like the mechanism to locate a rogue Find window – if Ctrl+f is pressed and the window location isn’t immediately “findable” (e.g. multiple monitors situation), a second Ctrl+f press will recenter the window on the N++ parent window.
Hello, @muthuraj-madasamy, @peterjones, @james-johnson, @kriston-renshaw, @alan-kilborn and All,
In case that you cannot see the
Search result
window, use this simple method :-
Close any opened instance of Notepad++
Open your active
with Microsoftnotepad.exe
Replace all the section between the line
GUICconfig name="DockingManager" ........>
and the line</GUIConfig>
by the two lines :
<GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="200" rightWidth="200" topHeight="200" bottomHeight="200"> </GUIConfig>
Restart Notepad++
Open the
dialog (Ctrl + F
) -
Do a search of a common word of the active tab and click on the
Find All in current document
=> You’ll get the
Find Result
panel in all cases !I cannot think of a more simple method ;-))
Of course, this straight method removes any previous panel(s) which were part of your N++ session. However, it should not be difficult to re-open the few panels which are always opened in your session !
However, note that on the first opening of panels, after using my method, it will force them to their default positions, which may be different from your preferred ones !
Now, close Notepad++
Open again your active
with Microsoftnotepad.exe
This time, at the end of the
GUIConfig .............</GUIConfig>
zone, you should see :<GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="200" rightWidth="200" topHeight="200" bottomHeight="200"> <PluginDlg pluginName="Notepad++::InternalFunction" id="0" curr="3" prev="-1" isVisible="yes" /> <ActiveTabs cont="0" activeTab="-1" /> <ActiveTabs cont="1" activeTab="-1" /> <ActiveTabs cont="2" activeTab="-1" /> <ActiveTabs cont="3" activeTab="0" /> </GUIConfig>
If we consider the
generic lines :<GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="LW" rightWidth="RW" topHeight="TH" bottomHeight="BH"> <PluginDlg pluginName="Notepad++::InternalFunction" id="ID" ............ /> <ActiveTabs cont="P" activeTab="N" />
The value LW of the
attribute is the width of all the panels docked on the left side -
The value RW of the
attribute is the width of all the panels docked on the right side -
The value TH of the
attribute is the height of all the panels docked on the top side -
The value BH of the
attribute is the height of all the panels docked on the bottom side
And :
The value P of the
attribute represents the position of the docked panel(s) :0
for panel(s) docked on the left edge1
for panel(s) docked on the right edge2
for panel(s) docked on the top edge3
for panel(s) docked on the bottom edge4
for undocked panel(s)
The value N of the
attribute represents the number of the panels docked on that position :-1
if no panel is docked on the corresponding edge0
panel is docked on the corresponding edge1
panels are docked on the corresponding edge2
panels are docked on the corresponding edge3
panels are docked on the corresponding edge
and so on…
To end, the value ID of the
attribute represents the id-number of the panel :-
for the Find Result panel -
for the Character Panel -
for the Clipboard History panel -
for the Document Map panel -
for the Project Panel 1 -
for the Project Panel 2 -
for the Project Panel 3 -
for the Function List panel -
for the Folder for Workspace panel -
for the Document List panel
However, I didn’t verify if that list is the exhaustive one !
One example : if you have, at the end of the
section, the five following lines :<ActiveTabs cont="0" activeTab="2" /> <ActiveTabs cont="1" activeTab="3" /> <ActiveTabs cont="2" activeTab="-1" /> <ActiveTabs cont="3" activeTab="1" /> <ActiveTabs cont="4" activeTab="0" />
This means that your current N++ session contains :
panels ( 2 + 1 ) which are docked on the left side -
panels ( 3 + 1 ) which are docked on the right side -
panel ( -1 + 1 ) which is docked on the top side -
panels ( 1 + 1 ) which are docked on the bottom side -
panel ( 0 + 1 ) which is an undocked panel
For a total of
panels which can be, either, native N++ panels or plugins panels !Best Regards,
@guy038 said in not able to see the search results windows in notepad++:
Replace all the section between the line GUICconfig name=“DockingManager” …> and the line </GUIConfig> by the two lines
I think one of Peter’s points was that maybe user’s don’t want to do this, because they’d lose info on where other panels/windows are placed…
Guy, your discussion makes my niggling old brain think that you discussed all of this once before, in (
quite/ very much) the same detail! :-)
Edit: See HERE. :-) -
Hi, @alan-kilborn,
Alan, I did remember of the post that you mentionned ! But I wanted to rewrite in order to just speak of the simplified method and give quick explanations on the parameters
Going back to what @Alan-Kilborn said a little earlier:
I’m wondering if it might be a good feature request that if the Search Results Window command on the Search menu is executed AND either the height or width (or forbid, both) is zero, that the default size (apparently 200) gets restored in the process of “showing” the window.
I actually think that would be a good feature request. That would save people who on their last session either accidentally shrunk the panel, or intentionally shrunk it to get it temporarily out of the way, and left it that way without remembering.
But instead of a threshold of 0, I might pick something a little bigger: for example, this shows each of the panels at 10: you can tell something is there, but not necessarily what (depending on which edge):
But a 10 would at least give you enough visible hints that something is there, so maybe you’d try to resize. Whereas with something like 5 or smaller, you might not notice enough to go trying to resize:
So if one of us does make a feature request, I’d suggest a threshold of somewhere between 5 and 10.
Hello, @peterjones, @alan-kilborn and All,
Note that I updated my first post by adding this section :
Of course, this straight method removes any previous panel(s) which were part of your N++ sessions. However, it should not be difficult to re-open the few panels which are always opened in your N++ session !
However, note that on the first opening of panels, after using my method, it will force them to their default positions, which may be different from your preferred ones !
Hello, @muthuraj-madasamy, @peterjones, @james-johnson, @kriston-renshaw, @alan-kilborn and All,
I did some additional tests and I think that my method, to make visible the
Find result
panel, is not destructive regarding the other panels, previously opened by the user, in his usual N++ session!
To confirm this assumption :
Close any opened instance of Notepad++
Open your active
with Microsoftnotepad.exe
Replace all the section between the line
GUIConfig name="DockingManager" ........>
and the line</GUIConfig>
by the two lines :
<GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="200" rightWidth="200" topHeight="200" bottomHeight="200"> </GUIConfig>
- Restart Notepad++
=> You should not remark any opened panel
- Click on the
Edit > Clipboard History
=> The
Clipboard History
panel is displayed, by default, on the right-
Open the
Select the
text and hit theCtrl+ C
shortcut -
Select the
text and hit theCtrl+ C
=> The
Clipboard History
panel contains these two expressions-
Now, drag and dock the
Clipboard History
panel on the left side of Notepad++ -
Open any
file with severalkilobytes
Click on the
View > Document Map
=> The
Document Map
panel is displayed, by default, on the right-
Move to the middle of that file
Then, drag and dock the
Document Map
panel on the bottom side of Notepad++ -
Finally, open the
Settings > Edit Popup ContextMenu
=> The
file is displayed- Click on the
View > Function List
=> The
Function List
panel is displayed, by default, on the right- Click on the first line
<Item id="0"/>
of thecontextMenu.xml
=> The corresponding line is highlighted in the
Function List
panel- Exit Notepad++
- Restart Notepad++
=> You should see, as expected, the three panels
Clipboard History
,Document Map
andFunction List
at their previous position- In the
Document Map
andFunction List
panels, you’ll be able to find, again, the previous displayed text by selecting the appropriate tab
However, note that, now, the
Clipboard History
panel contains only the last text copied (IMPORTANT NOTEPAD++ LICENSE TERMS
). This is the normal behaviour !- Close again Notepad++
Open your active
with Microsoftnotepad.exe
Replace all this section :
<GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="200" rightWidth="200" topHeight="200" bottomHeight="200"> <PluginDlg pluginName="Notepad++::InternalFunction" id="42052" curr="0" prev="-1" isVisible="yes" /> <PluginDlg pluginName="Notepad++::InternalFunction" id="44084" curr="1" prev="-1" isVisible="yes" /> <PluginDlg pluginName="Notepad++::InternalFunction" id="44080" curr="3" prev="-1" isVisible="yes" /> <ActiveTabs cont="0" activeTab="0" /> <ActiveTabs cont="1" activeTab="0" /> <ActiveTabs cont="2" activeTab="-1" /> <ActiveTabs cont="3" activeTab="0" /> </GUIConfig>
With that one :
<GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="200" rightWidth="200" topHeight="200" bottomHeight="200"> </GUIConfig>
Save the modifications of
Restart Notepad++
=> Of course, no panel is now displayed !
- Click on the
Edit > Clipboard History
=> The
Clipboard History
panel is opened, by default, on the right side but still displays the last text copied ! (IMPORTANT NOTEPAD++ LICENSE TERMS
)- Click on the
View > Document Map
=> The
Document Map
panel is opened, by default, on the right side and if you select your previous file, it should display, as expected, the same contents- Click on the
View > Function List
=> The
Function List
panel is opened, by default, on the right side and if you select thecontextMenu.xml
file, it displays, as before, the first<Item id="0"/>
line, in theFunction List
So, in summary, my method removes all the panels and forget their preferred
location but does keep the information displayed by these panels, as soon as you re-open them ! Thus, it should not be difficult to get the old configuration of all your previous panels !Best Regards,
@Alan-Kilborn said in not able to see the search results windows in notepad++:
I’m wondering if it might be a good feature request that if the Search Results Window command on the Search menu is executed AND either the height or width (or forbid, both) is zero, that the default size (apparently 200) gets restored in the process of “showing” the window.
Official issue opened HERE.
I just had the same problem. Eventually I found out that the search window was behind the task bar. Just move the task bar to the left or right and you might also find your search bar in the bottom, behind the task bar.
Then to reattach the search window to the notepad++ window, double click the title bar of the search window.
P PeterJones referenced this topic on
I had the same problem after update to latest version. This is how I got the search windows back, Hope it help.
Run find all once, like “Find all in Current Document”
Press F7, Or click it from the Search bar, There is a search result windows option.
After you click it or press F7, It might looks like noting happen to you. Move your mouse to the edge of the file, you can see an up and down arrows.
After the up and down arrows shows up, Right click the mouse and hold it, than you can pull down the file (new 1 in this case). You should see the search window.
Hmm, running into this myself. Carefully dragging the mouse along the edges of Notepad have confirmed the lack of any 0px Find windows, and the Alt-Space Move bit had no effect either. I did first ctrl-f to Find All in All Opened Documents.
I was only able to get it back by deleting everything in between the <GUIConfig name = “DockingManager” (…)> tags and restarting N++. (The Find results showed up attached to the bottom of the N++ window)
Here’s what was in my config.
<GUIConfig name=“AppPosition” x=“454” y=“206” width=“1046” height=“675” isMaximized=“no” />
<GUIConfig name=“DockingManager” leftWidth=“200” rightWidth=“200” topHeight=“200” bottomHeight=“200”>
<PluginDlg pluginName=“Notepad++::InternalFunction” id=“0” curr=“5” prev=“1” isVisible=“no” />
<ActiveTabs cont=“0” activeTab=“-1” />
<ActiveTabs cont=“1” activeTab=“-1” />
<ActiveTabs cont=“2” activeTab=“-1” />
<ActiveTabs cont=“3” activeTab=“-1” />