Specific Answer
Hi ! I want know if it’s possible to ask a specific answer to a question ?
Exemple :set info4=
Echo Do you understand ?
set /p info4=I want the user to answer only “yes” or “no”
Someone know pls ?
I don’t believe that question relates to Notepad++, so it won’t be considered on this forum.
@Alan-Kilborn si si ça concerne notepad++
@Nathan-Levesque said in Specific Answer:
yes if it concerns notepad++
Then please explain how.
Not only will it validate your assertion that it concerns Notepad++, but it will put enough context around your inquiry to provide an answer. -
il y a la commande CHOICE :@echo off CHOICE /C:YN /T:10 /D Y /N /M "Oui ou Non? [y/n] " IF ERRORLEVEL == 1 ( ECHO "Vous avez choisi 'Oui'" ) ELSE IF ERRORLEVEL == 2 ( ECHO "Vous avez choisi 'Non'" ) PAUSE
Please don’t answer off-topic questions.
OP was asked to show it is on-topic first.