пропали файлы/missing files
люди помогите срочно пожалуйста, перезапустил ноутбук, открыл Notepad, и он пустой, нету файлов, такая команда не помогает C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\backup, ее нету просто на компе, как восстановить все файлы? очень нужно, много работы там и много проектов, все чем 2 года занимался, все пропало, прям очень нужно, помогите пожалуйста, дабы потерян смысл жизни, потому что все было там
people help urgently please, rebooted the laptop, opened notepad, but it is empty, there are no files, this command does not help C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\backup, it is not just on the computer, but how to restore all the files? it is very necessary, there is a lot of work and many projects, everything is gone than 2 years ago, it is really very necessary, please help me so that I lose the meaning of life, because everything was there
people help urgently please, rebooted the laptop, opened notepad, but it is empty, there are no files, this command does not help C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\backup, it is not just on the computer, but how to restore all the files? it is very necessary, there is a lot of work and many projects, everything is gone than 2 years ago, it is really very necessary, please help me so that I lose the meaning of life, because everything was there
please help me so that I don’t lose the meaning of life, because everything was there
Going forward, there are some “data safety” hints offered up in the FAQ HERE.