Delete numbers following letters ( i.e. \w\d+\s becomes \w\s)
Hello everyone.
I’m having a hard time trying to delete the numbers that follow letters in a text I’m working on. Let me explain:
I basically converted a PDF to TXT, but in so doing, some words got some numbers attached to them (ex: “mindful2” or “ready27”) because those were references to notes to the text in the original PDF.
Is there a way to delete only the numbers that immediately follow letters (something like \w\d+\s )?
Thanks in advance!
…only the numbers that immediately follow letters
To provide what you’ve asked for:
Search mode: Regular expression(Hmm, after the fact I notice that you are a repeat regexer – but you did provide a “what I tried”, so…)
@Alan-Kilborn you’re right! Haha. Sorry about that, I’m just finding how regular expressions work (and I’m loving it, even though it’s hard to learn all by oneself)… so I’m sorry if sometimes my questions are more or less repetitive -.-’