Hide Fold Lines
@PeterJones said in Hide Fold Lines:
I guess I need to rework the introduction to that FAQ to make that more obvious
It now says,
Being directed to this FAQ does not mean “end of discussion”. It is solely to inform you of these facts for the first time, or to remind you of them if you’ve previously seen them. You are allowed and even encouraged to discuss new features ideas or potential bugs found in the Community, as long as you understand that a discussion in this Community Forum is not the same as making an official Feature Request or Bug Report. -
@PeterJones said in Hide Fold Lines:
I wish people would understand that when Alan or myself or any of the other regulars point someone to that FAQ, it isn’t supposed to mean “discussion done”. It means that we are trying to inform them or remind them that no matter how much we discuss a potential new feature in the Community, it will not be considered for implementation until a feature is raised in the issue tracker.
OK Peter, but to me he sounded rather blunt / rejecting, saying suggestions don’t go here. He could have said " hey, as said in FAQ, don’t hope for things to get done just by suggesting here" , or something like that.
So, he got what he asked for, so to speak. Not that I’m upset, and hope he understood too and move on.In fact, if you think about it, what I suggested there could not really be made into an issue on github, because it was only a sort of tip that is only relevant in case he (or other developer) was going to implement any of HIS suggestions in that list about lines.
So, yeah, it was a “suggestion” (in the general sense of the word) but not an independent feature request. More like a comment one the way he (or others) could implement those features… After submitting a proper issue on github. Not here. ;) :)
@dinkumoil said in Hide Fold Lines:
Why do we need a folding line and a hidden line, seemingly drawn onto each other? If we would have the hidden line only it would be clear, but this way …
Of course they should not be drawn onto each other.
But, as a user, I can see why it’s good to have them both: sometimes you want to hide the fold lines, and not the non-fold lines.For example, if the code is deeply nested and indented, and you fold some of the fold-points, then the long fold-lines distract from the hierarchical structure. ( I like the alternative markers you show in your picture above )
But not so with some arbitrary fragment of the file that you choose to hide - there the line marker is rather welcome, IMO.
Hi, I made a “FoldingLineHider” Plugin.
Now you can use it on recent notepad++ versions.( Not important details: )
As you guys mentioned above, FoldingLineHider used SETFOLDFLAG before v8.5, and after v8.5.1 the green line problem has appeared. So I fixed it to set transparency of the folding line, and now it works well again.I didn’t know the history of this behavior and didn’t read this thread. :) And now i understand what happened. :)
Anyway now i read this thread, so i mention my plugin FoldingLineHider. Please try it if you still need this feature.
@leonardchai said in Hide Fold Lines:
I made a “FoldingLineHider” Plugin.
Hmm, so WHERE does one find this plugin?
To “hide” the folding lines, one can change the “Foreground colour” of the “Default Style”.
- Go to “Settings” -> “Style Configurator…”
- Select “Global Styles” in “Language” list
- Select “Default Style” in “Style”
- Click on the “Foreground colour” at the right side of the pane ( inside “Colour Style” area )
- Select white color
- Click on “Save & Close”
@Ivan ,
In what way do you think this answers the original request (from more than a year ago)? Because you are just setting the default color to be white-on-white – that has nothing to do with the “fold lines” that this discussion is about, and would just make some random text in some languages, and all text in a
file, not visible. But that has nothing to do with the little green lines under the folded section of code that was originally asked about. -
This post is deleted! -
@Alan-Kilborn here is the plugin: (i cannot post links yet)
Just tested on v8.7 and it works as intended.
moderator linkified URL -
P PeterJones referenced this topic on
@leonardchai Thank you very much. I searched for your plugin in the plugin admin menu and there it was. Works great!