Function List not work to show list of JavaScript Functions
Function List not work to show list of JavaScript Functions -
Possibly because that file you have showing in the panel is titled
and notindex.js
?A picture will not help anyone understand anything, except that you may be expecting syntax highlighting from one language to show in the syntax highlighting of another language. Check yourself, and read the FAQ’s at the begining of the forums to learn how to format text and ask your question.
Since I don’t use php, I can’t confirm or deny that this type of behavior is normal, so it will be up to someone else to verify if my diagnosis is correct or flawed, but from what I’ve seen, standard practice is that the language that is used to syntax highlight a code file, is dependent upon the file extension. Someone else will also have to paste the relevant links to FAQ’s as I don’t have them as nicely layed out as @PeterJones does in his responses. :-)