Hover to preview AI (claude) generated alternatives for selected text portions, click to commit changes within surrounding paragraph context
Is this possible with a plugin or can the developers add this ?
I want a system that allows me to interactively generate and preview AI-generated (Claude AI) alternatives to small highlighted/selected portions of text in real-time as I select them and hove over them
Hovering would be the trigger to show/hide the options incrementally
Use the surrounding paragraph as context for the AI/NLP model to understand meaning and intent
Generate alternatives for the selection based on understanding the fuller context and meaning within the paragraph
Preview the alternatives on hover without committing to changes
User can then click on one of the previewed alternatives
Upon clicking, the selected alternative would dynamically replace the original selection within the paragraphso basically lets say I take a whole paragraph “bla X bla bla bla bla…” and when I go to Claude AI, put the whole “bla X bla bla bla bla…” and then say “list alternates for X” so basically whatever the claude AI gives me as alternates I want them to show up but less time consuming (im not using this for coding)
It doesnt have to be notepad++ only
For example, quillbot website does this very well but it’s not what I want exactly
I highly doubt that the Notepad++ Developer would be interested in adding that, as it’s well away from the core functionality of Notepad++ (and is something that could likely be handled by a plugin). You are free to read our “FAQ: Feature Request” and follow those instructions to make an official feature request, but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.
I don’t know of any plugins that do specifically what you are asking, but if there’s an API to access Claude AI (or any other AI of choice), then it’s quite feasible to do. (It would be similar to the DSpellCheck plugin in terms of interface, so someone writing such a plugin could use that for the user-interface portion.)
If you have the skill to write a plugin, that would be a reasonable path for you to take.
If you are hoping to convince someone to write that plugin for you, I highly doubt that’s going to happen: I cannot remember anyone ever asking “please write a plugin to do X” getting what they asked for in this Forum – most plugin writers that are here are only interested in the plugins that they already write/maintain, and aren’t looking for more ideas for plugins they could write.
NppOpenAI is the closest you are likely to get in Notepad++.
++@Mark-Olson: Either your memory is better than mine, or your eyes are, or both ;-). Somehow, I didn’t see that when I skimmed through the plugin list looking for similar plugins, like the “grammerly” plugin that I thought might have existed, which would have a similar interface to the original request.
So that plugin isn’t exactly what @sdsds-rgdsfds was asking for, but maybe they could go put in a feature request to NppOpenAI to either “add alternate AI, rather than just OpenAI” or “add the ability to ask OpenAI to rewrite the selected text for me”, and it might get close enough.
Or a theoretical new plugin author could use NppOpenAI as the base, but then tweak it to focus the interface on rewrite rather than “answer my question”, and convert from the OpenAI interface to the AI-of-choice interface.
@PeterJones can you tell them to add this like make a suggestion i dont know who owns that pluigin
can you tell them to add this like make a suggestion i dont know who owns that pluigin
Make a feature request by submitting an issue here . But the plugin hasn’t been updated in two months, so don’t expect a quick turn-around.
And this is what I keep trying to explain to people who ask for things like this: GitHub Copilot has a team of full-time professional developers maintaining it. Notepad++ plugins are usually maintained by one person in their spare time. Which do you think is going to add new features faster? Which do you think is going to have fewer bugs?
@Mark-Olson Is there other stuff that will help ? I mean out of notepad++
@sdsds-rgdsfds said in Hover to preview AI (claude) generated alternatives for selected text portions, click to commit changes within surrounding paragraph context:
Is there other stuff that will help ? I mean out of notepad++
I’m the wrong person to ask about this sort of thing, to be honest. I am not that familiar with the world of generative AI.