Problems with opening and editing files
Hey I couldn’t find info likely due to wrong search terms, however my issue is that after an update the files by default open “commented” or something like this
when they used to open like this.
Files only open normally the way I want by opening them via the edit with notepad++ option.
The colouring of the text in your 2nd image is because Notepad++ either automatically identified the file as being a XML file by the file extension or the first line entry, or maybe you selected the language as XML to manually initiate colouring.So does the file have an XML extension (look at tab name at top) and/or at the bottom of Notepad++ where it might hopefully say “extensible makup language file” rather than “normal text file”? Look under the Language menu, is there an XML entry, if so select it and it will colour the file.
Also check Settings, Preferences, Performance and make sure the large file setting, if enabled has a size greater than your file as this will prevent syntax highlighting from occuring.
If none of this helps you need to copy your debug info (? menu) and paste here.
You should still be able to edit the file, it is just not coloured to help with the editing.
@Terry-R Thank you, I figured out the issue now, before it used to open xml files regularly now it opens them as JSON5 files instead of like you said “extensible markup language file” It doesn’t stop me from editing, but stops me from easily commenting out useless stuff which is what I most commonly need. Now I just need to find a solution to that.
That seems to suggest the XML language portion isn’t present in your installation. Look under Language menu, is XML there? If so can you select it to see if it will colour (syntax highlight) your file as you previously had it?If it isn’t present then that may be a reason for another language to be active although I don’t see why specifically JSON5.
You refer to an update. Is your installation an installed version (so resides under Program Files or Program Files x86, or are you using a portable installation? Might pay to run Debug Info, under ? menu and paste that here as that may help if figuring out the problem.
@JukeStuff See if this closed issue report helps:
XML files being opened with JSON5 language highlighting when opening from Explorer -