Possible to Change Color of Hyperlinks in Text File?
I am wanting to find a method to be able to change the text color of all hyperlinks in text files from the standard black, to a color of my choosing.
I know I can do this on hover, but my goal is to change the color of all hyperlinks in a text file so they are a different color before I even hover over them.
Is there any code, any macro, LuaScript, code, any other script, or any plugin that anyone is aware of or can make so I could do this?
I have searched the internet for the past many hours and haven’t been able to find a solution to this.
I greatly appreciate any help.
Please don’t post the same thing twice, in two different threads. REF
Realize that it is the weekend and people are taking time off to do other things than be behind the keyboard.
I’m sure that someone will reply to your query before too much longer.
And if not, reposting in a new thread isn’t going to do anything but annoy… -
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