Scintilla HotKeys can not be Cleared. WHY????
Scintilla HotKeys can not be cleared. WHY???
I want clear a lot of unused by me HotKeys, but “Clear” and “Remove” disabled.
@kuzduk-kuzduk said in Scintilla HotKeys can not be Cleared. WHY???:
I want clear a lot of unused by me HotKeys, but “Clear” and “Remove” disabled.
As it says in the User Manual:
Thanks! It working! I finally cleared out unused hotkeys.
But I still have the same question: why so hard like in Firefox? It is Kind of philosophy “little needs via hard elephant”: it so unintuitively and as complicated as possible through a bunch of plugins and add-ons and special settings. I DONT UNDESTAND WHY IS ITEM “CLEAR” IN POPUP MENU NOT WORKING?!
@kuzduk-kuzduk said in Scintilla HotKeys can not be Cleared. WHY???:
While I think your questions are perfectly reasonable, and I’m not annoyed with you, I would strongly urge you to reduce your use of ALL CAPS. I’ve already alienated at least one person this way, and I wouldn’t want you to do the same.
You’d be surprised how many people online miss what you’re trying to say and fixate on your use of ALL CAPS because it they don’t like being shouted at.
@kuzduk-kuzduk said in Scintilla HotKeys can not be Cleared. WHY???:
But I still have the same question: whн so hard like in Firefox? It is Kind of philosophy “little needs via hard elephant”: it so unintuitively and as complicated as possible through a bunch of plugins and add-ons and special settings. I DONT UNDESTAND WHY IS ITEM “CLEAR” IN POPUP MENU NOT WORKING?!
Because Notepad++ is primarily written by one volunteer owner, as a hobby project, with occasional volunteer help. Firefox, on the other hand, was written by a coporate team (the Netscape company wrote Netscape Navigator, which eventually became the codebase for Netscape’s Mozilla Application Suite, the code for which eventually spun off into the separate Mozilla entity’s Firefox application), so had corporate dollars; and it’s still owned/controlled by the Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla Corporation, which has a budget infinitely bigger than Don’s $0 budget (mathematically, even a $1 budget is infinitely more than a $0 budget, because of 1/0 being undefined, and the limit approaches infinity).
And things that you find difficult to change or set in Notepad++, other people find easy and intuitive. People disagree about what’s easy and what’s not. And when you get something as complexly configurable as Notepad++, you are never going to please all users, so Don focuses on making an interface that he finds intuitive and appropriate, and meets his needs. You can feel free to disagree with his assessment, but whining and SHOUTING at your fellow Notepad++ users will do nothing to alleviate your frustration and will just serve to annoy your fellow users.
And plugins and special settings, rather than being the “bane” of Notepad++, are actually the primary reason I started using it years ago and continue to use it now. And despite your implications, Firefox and all the other web browsers also have a HUGE plugin landscape, which copious settings. Back when I was actually using Firefox, I could never have enjoyed it out of the box without changing the settings and installing plugins, because nothing was quite the way I wanted it; the same is true for Chrome and Edge, which I change settings on an install plugins for.
@PeterJones said in Scintilla HotKeys can not be Cleared. WHY???:
And plugins and special settings, rather than being the “bane” of Notepad++
Of course! Plugins are very good. I myself love NPP for its large number of plugins. You misunderstood me: I’m not hating on plugins here, but criticizing the lack of basic intuitive functional things, such as, for example, the blocked “Clear” item for Scintilla commands.
@kuzduk-kuzduk said in Scintilla HotKeys can not be Cleared. WHY???:
Of course! Plugins are very good. I myself love NPP for its large number of plugins. You misunderstood me: I’m not hating on plugins here,
I don’t see how else I am supposed to interpret “as complicated as possible through a bunch of plugins and add-ons and special settings.”
but criticizing the lack of basic intuitive functional things, such as, for example, the blocked “Clear” item for Scintilla commands.
“Clear” on Scintilla command being unavailable is a relatively minor annoyance that you could have figured out on your own by clicking the Edit that isn’t disabled. You can whine about it all you want, but as I said, Don has designed the user interface in a way that works for him.
And as I’ve tried to make clear, your intuition is not the same as mine – for me, if Clear didn’t work, Edit would be the first thing I’d try, and then it would become obvious to me. And your intuition and mine are different than Don’s intuition.
In essence, Notepad++ is a tool that Don wrote for his own use, and he just likes sharing it with anyone else who wants to use it, for free. If you don’t like his design choices, you can either politely ask him to change his mind, or you can find another tool, or you can choose to accept that it is the way it is; again, whining at fellow Notepad++ users will do no one any good.
@PeterJones I don’t like that you call my constructive criticism “whining”. Apparently May be I’m writing in the wrong section of the forum. In another topic, I already asked: where and how can I formulate my topics with suggestions of requests to Dong Ho for improvement?
@kuzduk-kuzduk said in Scintilla HotKeys can not be Cleared. WHY???:
@PeterJones I don’t like that you call my constructive criticism “whining”.
I am sorry that you don’t like it. The first time, maybe it could be considered constructive. When you have been told that you need to politely make feature requests elsewhere, but you keep coming back here, reiterating your points, it becomes non-constructive “whining”.
You asked a question here. I gave the right answer. You came back AND YELLED AT ME WITH YOUR COMPLAINT ABOUT DON’S DESIGN CHOICES. I am sorry if I then don’t reply with the calmness you expect. I don’t like being yelled at.
Apparently May be I’m writing in the wrong section of the forum.
The “boycott notepad++” is the only section of the forum dedicated to complaining.
There is no section of this forum for official bug reports.
In another topic, I already asked: where and how can I formulate my topics with suggestions of requests to Dong Ho for improvement?
There is no section of this forum that Don reads for feature requests. He uses the GitHub “issues” interface for that. As @Alan-Kilborn told you in that discussion, 30 minutes before you re-asked here, we have a FAQ that explains exactly how to make feature requests.
Besides that, in this post, I told you on Feb 7, 2019, exactly where to go (to that FAQ) to learn how to make an official feature request. And when you came back 5 years later, and suggested something that could make a good feature request, I again pointed you to the feature request FAQ in my Feb 26, 2024 post. So Alan’s post is the third time you’ve been linked to the FAQ which explains where to make an official feature request. I suggest you follow the link from one of those three posts, or go to the FAQ section of this Forum and find the Feature Request FAQ yourself in that section.
to Dong Ho
BTW: I don’t think he’d appreciate being called “Dong”. I suggest avoiding that typo if you make an official feature request.
Personally, I don’t understand why the Clear button is disabled for this tab either. Sure, the first several workflows are common to other programs, but the same can be said of the ones in the Main menu tab, and those ones can be cleared.
Either way, I’ve filed a feature request to address this.