Trouble downloading Notepad++
How on earth do you download Notepad plus plus?
Ive tried it 3 times, the last 2 versions, and nothing
shows up on windows.???
Zed Shaws book ruby the hard way, page 7. Stuck on 1. Where is the program???
moderator note: moved this to a new Topic; it was originally posted in response to an unrelated discussion
@Alex-Martin said in My First Taste Of HTML Code:
How on earth do you download Notepad plus plus?
You go to the official downloads page , find the most recent version (at the top, currently v8.7.1 ), and on the page for that, click the “installer” link (which for v8.7.1 is here ). Once you have the installer, you have to run it.
Ive tried it 3 times, the last 2 versions, and nothing
shows up on windows.Sounds like user error to me.
Zed Shaws book ruby the hard way, page 7. Stuck on 1. Where is the program???
Finding the table of contents for that book online, and seeing that it’s the “getting things setup” instructions, I am assuming it suggests Notepad++ (which is awesome). But I have no idea what instructions it might give, or why you are having difficulty following those instructions.
BTW: Your question had nothing to do with the blog post you replied to; you should have created a new question in “Help Wanted” instead of replying to an unrelated discussion. As a result, I moved it from there to here.