autocomplete with clickable web link
Hello World,
im new here and hoping for help.
My target is to have a clickable hyperlink in the popup information for autocompleted code.If this is possible, i want to add reference/helpfiles for my code creation.
In description i added descr=“”
Its displayed correctly, but its not a link. I have tried to use href=“” as well, but its not working as i hoped.Thank you already for your ideas!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <NotepadPlus> <AutoComplete language="mpf spf def"> <Environment ignoreCase="no" startFunc="(" stopFunc=")" paramSeparator="," terminal="" additionalWordChar = ""/> <KeyWord name="FOR" descr="Akima spline"/> <KeyWord name="NEXT" /> <KeyWord name="IF" /> <KeyWord name="ELSE" /> <KeyWord name="ENDIF" /> <KeyWord name="HELLOWORD" func="yes"> <Overload retVal="int" descr="Returns absolute value of given integer"> <Param name="int number" /> <Param name="real more" /> </Overload> </KeyWord> <KeyWord name="ASPLINE" func="yes"> <Overload retVal="void" descr=""> </Overload> </KeyWord> </AutoComplete> </NotepadPlus>
@superfestung said in autocomplete with clickable web link:
If this is possible
This uses Scintilla calltips which don’t appear to support inline URL clickable links (as @Ekopalypse indicates above).
Thank you guys for the quick answers