UDL styles are defunct
Re: Few problems with User Defined Languages
I’m trying to create a Z80 assembly syntax highlighter, with colored text representing each instruction’s “category” (data, arithmetic, bit ops, etc.), by using the Stylers within the UDL dialogue. However, Notepad++ has decided that this (left) was what I wanted. Spoiler alert: it is not.
I will illustrate my point with a snippet of Pokemon Yellow’s code (provided by Retro Game Mechanics Explained), and a mockup (right) of what it’s supposed to look like.
UDL styles are defunct
I have never found that to be true.
However, Notepad++ has decided that this (left) was what I wanted. Spoiler alert: it is not.
Then tell it what colors you actually want for they various keywords, rather than telling it the wrong color.
You need to change the individual style colors for each keyword group. So whatever
keywords are in, you need to choose it’s Styler button, then set the foreground color to green, probably with bold enabled. And whicheverkeyword#
are defined in, you need to set to your aqua/cyan color with the right background (instead of white background). And your number style definition need to be set to magenta rather than white+italic+underlineI will admit, UDL does have limitations, and there are some things you won’t be able to do. But I believe that the symptoms you showed are easily correctable by you hitting the Styler button and selecting appropriate colors.