Copy all text that are exactly 4 lines before a search result.
Hello. I’m trying to come up with a regular expression that could select what is inside "
when after we have
<fill> <color value="255,255,255"/> </fill>
Also, I’d like the expression copy what is inside
<text name="title">Find and copy me</text>
Here are some example. Note that the color value is always 4 lines after the <text>
A big thank you for your help :)
<draw name="id" w="6.35mm" h="4.233mm" y="1.058mm" x="160.867mm"> <ui> <textEdit> <margin/> </textEdit> </ui> <value> <text>400</text> </value> <font size="8pt" typeface="Helvetica" baselineShift="0pt" weight="bold"> <fill> <color value="255,255,255"/> </fill> </font> <margin topInset="0mm" bottomInset="0mm" leftInset="0mm" rightInset="0mm"/> <para vAlign="middle" spaceAbove="2.5pt" spaceBelow="0pt" textIndent="0pt" marginLeft="0pt" marginRight="0pt" hAlign="center" lineHeight="9pt"/> <border> <edge presence="hidden"/> <corner presence="hidden" thickness="0.1764mm"/> <fill> <color value="0,0,0"/> </fill> </border> <desc> <text name="ObjectVersion">Release 6.0 - October 17, 2014</text> <text name="ObjectName">LineNumber_FillBlack_White100</text> </desc> <traversal> <traverse ref="form1[0].Page5[0].P10[0].Ln400[0].lbl[0]"/> </traversal> </draw> <text name="title">Find and copy me</text>
Hello, @david-l and All,
If I fully understood what you said :
Given your INPUT text, below :
<draw name="id" w="6.35mm" h="4.233mm" y="1.058mm" x="160.867mm"> <ui> <textEdit> <margin/> </textEdit> </ui> <value> <text>400</text> </value> <font size="8pt" typeface="Helvetica" baselineShift="0pt" weight="bold"> <fill> <color value="255,255,255"/> </fill> </font> <margin topInset="0mm" bottomInset="0mm" leftInset="0mm" rightInset="0mm"/> <para vAlign="middle" spaceAbove="2.5pt" spaceBelow="0pt" textIndent="0pt" marginLeft="0pt" marginRight="0pt" hAlign="center" lineHeight="9pt"/> <border> <edge presence="hidden"/> <corner presence="hidden" thickness="0.1764mm"/> <fill> <color value="0,0,0"/> </fill> </border> <desc> <text name="ObjectVersion">Release 6.0 - October 17, 2014</text> <text name="ObjectName">LineNumber_FillBlack_White100</text> </desc> <traversal> <traverse ref="form1[0].Page5[0].P10[0].Ln400[0].lbl[0]"/> </traversal> </draw> <text name="title">Find and copy me</text>
Open the
dialog -
Uncheck all box options
<text name=.+>\K.+(?=</text>)|(?<=<text>).+(?=</text>\R(?:.+\R){3}\h*<color)
Check the two options
Purge for each search
andWrap around
Select the
Regular expression
search mode -
Click on the
Mark All
button -
Click on the
Copy Marked Text
button -
Open a new tab
Paste the clipboard contents (
Ctrl + V
Voila !
However, I almost certain that it’s not exactly what you want to :-)
Best Regards,
Hello. Thank you for your help and your time.
I probably didn’t explain well ;)
the code is from a .xfa forms. There is a lot of content inside but I would like to extract only the information that are inside black boxes.
So, my idea was to search for all code that make a box black
<fill> <color value="255,255,255"/> </fill>
and from here, copy the value written in this box (that is 4 lines above in the code). Here, 400
<value> <text>400</text> </value>
This expression partially work. The problem is that it select the 4 lines above my color value, not only the 400
(?-is)^(.\R){4}(?=.<color value=“255,255,255”/>)again, thank you for your help :)
the message on your link is not encouraging :)
I fount the solution
I used this:
(?-is)^(.\R){4}(?=.<color value=“255,255,255”/>)
then another one on the result of the first to keep only what is between <text> and </text>All run on a macro. It’s doing the job.
Thx again :)
Hi, @david-l, @mark-olson and All,
@david-l, I do not understand !
The second part of my regex, AFTER the alternation symbol (
) was :SEARCH
That I, now, improved as :
(?-is)(?<=<text>).+(?=</text>\R(?:.+\R){3}\h*<color value="255,255,255"/>)
and these both regexes just match the string
, against the INPUT text below, not more :<value> <text>400</text> </value> <font size="8pt" typeface="Helvetica" baselineShift="0pt" weight="bold"> <fill> <color value="255,255,255"/> </fill>
So what ?
Now, @david-l, in your first post, you said :
Also, I’d like the expression copy what is inside
<text name=“title”>Find and copy me</text>
This was considered in the first part of my regex :
<text name=.+>\K.+(?=</text>)
which does find the stringFind and copy me
only, against the INPUT text, below :<text name="title">Find and copy me</text>
Now, may be it’s because i’m not fluent with the
language but, in your second post, you said :So, my idea was to search for all code that make a box black
<fill> <color value="255,255,255"/> </fill>
And, obviously, the color referenced is the white color ! So what ?
Sorry, I’m a bit lost !!