Delphi/Lazarus plugin template - update info about probs with Lazarus
@Ekopalypse @rdipardo
Ekopalypse, as you took part of the discussion in
this is for your info:
About some issues mentioned when using with Lazarus (3.6 64bit)- GDB needed as external installation?
No. One might choose, in project settings, Debugger, as debugger backend “GDB (GNU debugger” from the dropdown list - Could not start Debug:
Reason: in the HelloWrld.lpi there is the line: <Runnable Value=“False”/>
When setting the options within the IDE, it’s in project settings, Miscellaneous, “Project runnable?” (or similar)
Must be true for using the debugger. - The compiler output must be defined for the correct place, and this is not obvious:
Given, Npp is installed or unzipped into some <npp-dir>.
Npp expects the plugin dll to exist in <npp-dir>\plugins<plugin-name>
So the compiler option ‘Target-filename (-o)’ must be set to <npp-dir>\plugins<plugin-name>$NameOnly($(ProjFile))
Otherwise one might debug and step through, but he is in the wrong room.
It’s not enough to define ‘host application’ etc. For to be able to debug, it’s a Must
to set such path within IDE: project settings >> compiler settings >> Paths.
Would be good to have such within the documentation.
Now the reason for the ‘issue when shrinking the number of plugin’s submenu items’ could be found
(= when removing some items, NPP might start next with showing the plugin’s About box).
Reason: HelloWorldPlugin.pas:const /// menu index of the dockable form //DlgMenuId = 2; DlgMenuId = 0; // When shrinking the menu it might be 0 ! }
A more understandable variable (instead of a constant) name would have helped when modifying the menu. Maybe with a defaulting.
constructor THelloWorldPlugin.Create; ... begin inherited; self.PluginName := 'Hello &World'; DlgMenuId := 2; // That was the original value valid before shrinking the menu // With defaulting and using a speaking variable name it could be something like: // DlgMenuIdDockingForm := DlgMenuIdDockingFormDefault; // --- Now shrking the menu: { PSk := MakeShortcutKey(true, false, true, $48); // CTRL + SHIFT + H self.AddFuncItem('&Insert "Hello, World!"', _FuncHelloWorld, PSk); PSk := MakeShortcutKey(false, true, true, $48); // ALT + SHIFT + H self.AddFuncItem('&Replace "Hello, World!"', _FuncHolaMundo, PSk); } self.AddFuncItem('Load Docking &Form', _FuncHelloWorldDocking); DlgMenuId := 0; // menu index of the dockable form is here now 0, not 2 !! First item! // DlgMenuIdDockingForm := 0; // More understandable name
@rdipardo probably i’ll make an item in your new wiki later.
- GDB needed as external installation?
@rdipardo , It’s in status ‘submitted’ (not visible within the list, as not ackknowledged) since two days; did went something wrong?
The topic is on a very goood way.
With the information given above it’s sufficiently possible to debug (Lazarus internal GDB debugger).
With the help of some custom drawing i made good steps forward in gui adpations
and meanwhile rdipardo updated the demo to show treeview theme painting too.
Details within the issue thread mentioned.
The template looks very promising! -
@klaus101 said in Delphi/Lazarus plugin template - update info about probs with Lazarus:
DlgMenuId := 0; // menu index of the dockable form is here now 0, not 2 !! First item!
Answered (I hope) on Bibucket.
Yes, answered there too … And, regarding the Gui painting, i succeeded in the essential parts.
Finally, regarding dark theme. there remained only three particular things:
The frames/borders around a treeview (borderStyle bsSingle, borderWidth 1)
appear somehow too light for me (does look a bit inconsistent) -
The comboBox body was not painted in dark. -> This i could solve via:
ThemeName := ‘DarkMode_CFD’;
SetWindowTheme(ComboBox1.Handle, ThemeName, nil);
See image before/after:
- But now: toolButtons with dropdown arrow: the dropdown symbol is not recognizable
(and dividers/separatos don’t look very well, but the most important thing are the dropdown arrows.
Is this solvable without painting the toolbutton from the scratch?
How is that achieved by others?
Any hints or tips would be very welcome.