Find text, display line with text and the next line
With RegEx, how would I Find text, display line with text and the next line both.
Example:Line 1: \id MRK Line 4: \toc2 Mako
(locate and print both lines)
@Robert-Or-Janet-Diebel Maybe “Find All in Current Document” is what you are looking for?
@Robert-Or-Janet-Diebel said in Find text, display line with text and the next line:
With RegEx, how would I Find text, display line with text and the next line both.
You have not provided enough information for anyone to help you.
Sadly, though, I’m sure some will try. -
Robert Or Janet Diebellast edited by Robert Or Janet Diebel Jan 2, 2025, 10:04 PM Jan 2, 2025, 9:55 PM
I wish to search a file for a line containing a pattern.
On finding it I wish to display that line, and the line following.
The file looks like this:Search "\\id\s.{1,3}|\\toc2\s.*|\\toc3\s.*" (96 hits in 32 files of 33 searched) [RegEx: Case] E:\Documents\Zambia\41MATLUV.SFM (3 hits) Line 1: \id MAT 41MATLUVSF3, August 1, 2011, LCP LUVALE ST4 Chavuma, Zambia Line 4: \toc2 Mateu Line 5: \toc3 Mat E:\Documents\Zambia\42MRKLUV.SFM (3 hits) ***Line 1: \id MRK Line 4: \toc2 Mako*** Line 5: \toc3 Mako E:\Documents\Zambia\43LUKLUV.SFM (3 hits) Line 1: \id LUK 43LUKLUVSF1, August 1, 2011, LCP LUVALE ST4 Chavuma, Zambia Line 4: \toc2 Luka Line 5: \toc3 Luka E:\Documents\Zambia\44JHNLUV.SFM (3 hits) Line 1: \id JHN Line 4: \toc2 Yowano Line 5: \toc3 Yowa
I would search for “MRK”, and get
Line 1: \id MRK
Line 4: \toc2 MakoJust adding I found “\id\sMRK.\R\K^.\R” here which prints the second line, but not the first.
@Robert-Or-Janet-Diebel said in Find text, display line with text and the next line:
In that regex you supplied the
advises the system to disregard the string found thus far. So that is very likely why you ONLY get the 2nd line. You also appear to show a single DOT character behind the MRK. This signifies any 1 character, not sure if you intended to have only 1 character position before the end of line (\R). I would be inclined to put a.*
there, so that means any number of characters but also precede the regex with(?-s)
meaning DOT characters can’t include end of line/new line characters.Your example, whilst entered into a code box is admirable, it is only the search result. So it’s not actually the file as you stated, only the search results from finding things.
Overall you are on the right track, but the example isn’t helpful and the post is very light on content. Maybe if you were to try again with correct example (in a code box) and explain a bit more including a 2nd code box with what you expect as a result of the 1st code box examples being searched (the result) you might get a bit more response.
@Robert-Or-Janet-Diebel said in Find text, display line with text and the next line:
On finding it I wish to display that line, and the line following.
Unfortunately, Notepad++'s Find in Files thing only shows the first line of the results in the search results window.
For example, of you did a Find in Files search for
then the search results will show all lines that containabc
. If you click on one of those in the search results window then Notepad++ will take you to the line in the file and with the abc, all following text on that line, and all of the line after that selected.This is likely not terribly useful as you mentioned wanting to print the results.
If you were dealing with a single file then you could have done a Mark-all using
and then clicked the[Copy marked text]
button. That will allow you to copy the text of matches into a new file which you then print. Note that I did a couple of things to help this work better. 1) I added.*
at the front of the expression to select any text on that line that appears before theabc
. I also added an\R
at the end so that when I do the[Copy marked text]
that there is an end-of-line insert at the end of what gets loaded into the copy/paste buffer.You will discover that the pairs of lines are not separated by blank lines. You’d need to add those with an extra search/replace.
You will also discover that it’s painful if you are dealing with many files as Notepad++'s marking thing only works on one file at a time and the Marking thing is the only one of the various ways to search or replace that offers the
[Copy marked text]
button that allowed for extracting the text.I used
here as a generic pattern in this example. Your
will work though you should wrap that in(?:parentheses)
so that we haveSearch
The parentheses tell the regular expression parser that the
is a sub-expression.The
with the leading question/colon tells the regular expression parser to not assign a\1
group number to the sub-expression. -
Hello, @robert-or-janet-diebel, @alan-kilborn, @terry-r, @mkupper and All,
Sorry for all people which answered to @robert-or-janet-diebel, but, this time :
I first tried to understand the @robert-or-janet-diebel’s goal
I did not try to analyze the other replies in order to keep a neutral point of view
I tried to elaborate my own solution
And I concluded with this generic regex S/R :
This results in the
functional regex expressions below :MARK
Thus, given your INPUT text :
Search "\\id\s.{1,3}|\\toc2\s.*|\\toc3\s.*" (96 hits in 32 files of 33 searched) [RegEx: Case] E:\Documents\Zambia\41MATLUV.SFM (3 hits) Line 1: \id MAT 41MATLUVSF3, August 1, 2011, LCP LUVALE ST4 Chavuma, Zambia Line 4: \toc2 Mateu Line 5: \toc3 Mat E:\Documents\Zambia\42MRKLUV.SFM (3 hits) ***Line 1: \id MRK Line 4: \toc2 Mako*** Line 5: \toc3 Mako E:\Documents\Zambia\43LUKLUV.SFM (3 hits) Line 1: \id LUK 43LUKLUVSF1, August 1, 2011, LCP LUVALE ST4 Chavuma, Zambia Line 4: \toc2 Luka Line 5: \toc3 Luka E:\Documents\Zambia\44JHNLUV.SFM (3 hits) Line 1: \id JHN Line 4: \toc2 Yowano Line 5: \toc3 Yowa
Open the Mark dialog (
Ctrl + M
) -
Untick all the box options
Check the
Bookmark Line
option -
Check the
Wrap around
option -
Select the
Regular expression
search mode -
Click once on the
Mark All
Now use the same method with the two other searches :
At this point, you should have
lines bookmarked, as shown below ( Note the•
bookmark at the beginning of these6
lines ) :Search "\\id\s.{1,3}|\\toc2\s.*|\\toc3\s.*" (96 hits in 32 files of 33 searched) [RegEx: Case] E:\Documents\Zambia\41MATLUV.SFM (3 hits) Line 1: \id MAT 41MATLUVSF3, August 1, 2011, LCP LUVALE ST4 Chavuma, Zambia Line 4: \toc2 Mateu Line 5: \toc3 Mat E:\Documents\Zambia\42MRKLUV.SFM (3 hits) • ***Line 1: \id MRK • Line 4: \toc2 Mako*** Line 5: \toc3 Mako E:\Documents\Zambia\43LUKLUV.SFM (3 hits) Line 1: \id LUK 43LUKLUVSF1, August 1, 2011, LCP LUVALE ST4 Chavuma, Zambia • Line 4: \toc2 Luka • Line 5: \toc3 Luka E:\Documents\Zambia\44JHNLUV.SFM (3 hits) Line 1: \id JHN • Line 4: \toc2 Yowano • Line 5: \toc3 Yowa
Now, click on the
Copy Marked Text
Open a new tab (
Ctrl + N
) -
Paste the clipboard contents (
Ctrl + V
And here your expected OUTPUT text :
***Line 1: \id MRK Line 4: \toc2 Mako*** ---- Line 4: \toc2 Luka Line 5: \toc3 Luka ---- Line 4: \toc2 Yowano Line 5: \toc3 Yowa
Don’t know if my solution will be useful to the OP. Just a try !
Best Regards,
@guy038 said in Find text, display line with text and the next line:
I do not take the gift of anyones time lightly.
Many thanx, much appreciated.
Most helpful.