Open all files in Directory
get-childitem *.txt |foreach-object { >> Notepad++.exe $ >> }
Using Powershell, this will not find or recognize Notepad++
How do I make this work?
It is eazy from Explorer, but it sorts wrong for my purpose.
Powershell & Cmd sort as I want.
I could also use CMD if someone could help with that.
Or could I change the sort function in explorer?
All help much appreciated. -
Hello @Robert-Or-Janet-Diebel ,
you may add the full path to notepad++:
get-childitem *.txt |foreach-object { >> & "C:\full\path\to\notepad++.exe" $ >> }
Hope it helps!
Either you need to add the directory where notepad++.exe is to your PATH, or you need to include the full path to notepad++.exe in your powershell command (as @litos81 posted just as I was typing)
What worked for me:PS E:\documents\Zambia\LuvaleText> get-childitem *.txt |foreach-object { >> Start notepad++ $ >> } PS E:\documents\Zambia\LuvaleText> Also, I did get the full path into the path variable. Thanx to all. Bob
Glad you figured it out! By the way, going forward you should probably obfuscate any directory paths that you post online, e.g., replacing the true path to a file with
@Mark-Olson Thanx, good point.