Notepad++ in usb can't open
the notepad++ portable in my usb drive can’t open, when i double clicked it, it doesn’t do anything
Many people successfully use Notepad++ from a USB.
Some debugging questions:
- Do you have a setup where sometimes you have multiple monitors and sometimes you don’t? maybe N++ is opening onto a monitor that’s not connected
- Do you use the windows multiple-desktop (the “Task View” icon, Win+Alt+arrow) – maybe it’s running in single-instance mode on a different desktop
- Does your PC have security monitor / I.T. “controller” program which prevents certain apps from running, or prevents running apps from a USB for safety?
- Do you have the
in your USB’s Notepad++ directory? - Does it work if you copy from the USB to a temporary folder on your computer? (If so, when you run it, grab your ?-menu’s Debug Info, so we can know the details, because if it’s really a copy of what was on your USB, the details should be the same)
Thank you so much for the info.