Unofficial strings for translations
Under <Scintillas title=“Editing”>
<Item id=“6215” name=“Enable smooth font”/>Regards.
Thanks for the updates in first post.
I propose to add in first post near date last update also the last Notepad++ version reference (now is 6.8).I believe that we could add these missing strings (ex. with pull request to english.xml - what do you think)? to enable all translator ato update (if it need) the not English language.
Whats about the untranslated part of the installer (ex. module to install and window with program install option).
Is it need to open a separate thread for that? -
Thanks for this below, it’s indeed a new and missing. I have added to the first post.Under <Scintillas title=“Editing”>
<Item id=“6215” name=“Enable smooth font”/>@Roberto-Boriotti
Added version info to first post.Additionally I found that below needs to be uncommented, so that it will work:
Under <Cloud title=“Cloud”>
<Item id=“6261” name=“Please restart Notepad++ to take effect.”/>Finally, I now created a Pull Request to include the 11 known unofficial to make official.
Hi batagy,
My pleasure. Many thanks for your work.
Best regards.
Could you please update english.xml oull with the request by batagy?
I’m waiting that to update Italian language.
I suggest you , that it’s not worth bugging developers and translators so much often. It’s actually worse than you just wait. The Pull Request was opened and assigned to Don, so he is aware. He will update it when he can do. Thanks for understanding. -
The request about new strings is officialy made just few days but the relative discussion is pending from several months.How many time is required to check and accept one requets of 11 strings (that the developer should know very well and should already included in teh language…) that are mandatory for the program and should have an high priority?
Who so many time to confirm that?
Why did they accept immediately the Hungarian pull request (that should have a lower priority than change to master english language and it means that have time to spent for the project…) and didn’t accept the english pull request?
It seems that the author don’t want change them…
But in this case they have to explain that…Like the discussion about the installer that has two window untranslated.
Like as the macro and other things that are in the same state .
I believe that many important aspects were parked in the oblivion state…
It’s not allowed to edit posts after 180 seconds anymore. So I cannot edit the first post.
Please find update here.Below 4 items were added to the master English.xml, for version 6.8.2 as part of PR #542, so these are not anymore unofficial:
Under <Commands>
<Item id=“43054” name=“Mark…”/>Under <StylerDialog title=“Styler Dialog”>
<Item id=“1” name=“OK”/>
<Item id=“2” name=“Cancel”/>Under <Scintillas title=“Editing”>
<Item id=“6215” name=“Enable smooth font”/>Below 5 items are choosed not to be included in translations by Don (version 6.8.2, as part of PR #542):
Under <Delimiter title=“Delimiter”>
<Item id=“6257” name=“bla bla bla bla bla”/>
<Item id=“6258” name=“bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla”/>
I guess this is not included in master file because it can be understood in other languages. :)Under <Commands>
<Item id=“44012” name=“Hide Line Number Margin”/>
<Item id=“44013” name=“Hide Bookmark Margin”/>
<Item id=“44014” name=“Hide Folder Margin”/>
These 3 items are only appearing in menu if “Customize Toolbar” plugin is installed.
These lines are not supported by Don in the master English.xml. Quote from him:
“Plugin translations will never be in localization file - not only because of maintenance problem, but especially the id of plugin commands are assigned dynamically.”The complete known real unofficial items are these 2 below, for version 6.8.2, modified on 2015.08.20:
Under <Cloud title=“Cloud”>
<Item id=“6261” name=“Please restart Notepad++ to take effect.”/>
This item just needs to be uncommented!Under <ColumnEditor title=“Column Editor”>
<Item id=“2036” name=“Repeat :”/>#759 is created for this latter 2.
New in v6.8.7:
Under <DefaultDir title
<Item id=“6430” name=“Use new style save dialog (without file extension feature)”/>
Hi Batagy, Yaron, Roberto and All,
2 New items, in version v6.8.8 :
In the <Scintillas> node :
<Item id="6235" name="No edge"/>
In the <Commands> node :
<Item id="47012" name="Debug Info"/>
Roberto, I agree to what you said in your last post : we should get little feedback from Don, and/or from the contributors, about these translation matters !
It doesn’t seem so difficult to add these additional items to the English.xml file, only, under the localization folder, even if they are absent, in the others .xml language files :-)
Thank you guy038.
Happy New Year.
Please find update here.Below 1 items were added to the master English.xml, as part of PR #759, so these are not anymore unofficial:
Under <ColumnEditor title=“Column Editor”>
<Item id=“2036” name=“Repeat :”/>Below 6 items are choosed not to be included in translations by Don.
Still you can include them in your translations for your responsibility:Under <Delimiter title=“Delimiter”>
<Item id=“6257” name=“bla bla bla bla bla”/>
<Item id=“6258” name=“bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla”/>
Denied by Don in PR #542.
I guess this is not included in master file because it can be understood in other languages. :)These 3 items are only appearing in menu if “Customize Toolbar” plugin is installed.
For Customize Toolbar 4.0 (this version is installed by default from Plugin manager!):
Under <Commands>
<Item id=“44012” name=“Hide Line Number Margin”/>
<Item id=“44013” name=“Hide Bookmark Margin”/>
<Item id=“44014” name=“Hide Folder Margin”/>
For Customize Toolbar 4.1 the ID’s are changed! (4.1 can be installed manually):
Under <Commands>
<Item id=“44212” name=“Hide Line Number Margin”/>
<Item id=“44213” name=“Hide Bookmark Margin”/>
<Item id=“44214” name=“Hide Folder Margin”/>
Denied by Don in PR #542.
These lines are not supported by Don in the master English.xml. Quote from him:
“Plugin translations will never be in localization file - not only because of maintenance problem, but especially the id of plugin commands are assigned dynamically.”Under <Cloud title=“Cloud”>
<Item id=“6261” name=“Please restart Notepad++ to take effect.”/>
Denied by Don in PR #759.
Quote from him:
“Item id=“6261” is used also for “Invalid path”, it’s currently hard coding so I prefer to keep it untranslatable.”
Otherwise, this item just needs to be uncommented.The complete known real unofficial items are these 3 below, for version 6.8.8, modified on 2016.02.14:
Under <DefaultDir title=“Default Directory”>
<Item id=“6430” name=“Use new style save dialog (without file extension feature)”/>Under <Scintillas title=“Editing”>
<Item id=“6235” name=“No edge”/>Under <Commands>
<Item id=“47012” name=“Debug Info”/>PR #1475 is created for this latter three!
From Notepad++ 6.9
Under <Commands>
<Item id="44085" name="Folder as Workspace"/>
but can’t find how to translate the title bar of the panel when this option is activated, also the right click menu in it. Also in Preferences -> MISC. -> Workspace file ext.: is untranslatable
Under <MISC title=“MISC.”>
for Preferences -> MISC. -> Workspace file ext.:
<Item id="6337" name="Workspace file ext.:"/>
For the next version
Under <Commands>
<Item id="41022" name="Open Folder as Workspace"/>
Hi rddim!
Thanks a lot for posting the new items.
Actually i’m still waiting the previous PR #1475 to be implemented first. It will be 2 months soon since it registered, bit it’s still not even assigned to anybody.It’s a little bit indeed annoying and demotivating that how us translators are so much ignored.
hi @batagy
I’m completely agreed with you. It is hard to keep translations up-to-date. In Mozilla Firefox I use an addon that track the changes of the menuCmdID.h source code file. You can try someone, there are tons of addons :) -
For the next version
Under <Commands>
<Item id="44097" name="Log Monitoring"/>
In version 7.5.5
<Folder title=“Folder && Default”>
- <Item id=“21127” name=“Styler”/>