Encoding TXT UTF8NoBom -> UTF8
This post is deleted! -
This post is deleted! -
(Deleted my original reply, because it was partially based on a misreading, sorry. Rephrasing to be more applicable.)
Your question doesn’t seem to be about Notepad++. https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/15958/faq-desk-you-ve-asked-your-question-in-the-wrong-place
UTF-8 syntax, see, for example, https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/post/48272 which shows a working conversion to utf-8 -
You have a file in utf8 encoding - not format.
Does it include non-English symbols? I assume yes.
You try to “convert” it into what? Another specific encoding?Any converter need to:
- Know/guess the original encoding.
- Know the desired encoding.
Notepad++ seem to guess correctly.
Whatever other tool you are using is either guessing wrong (probably ascii with some code page) or just broken.
Try to see if you can tell it utf-8 explicitly instead of letting it guess. -
Just read better the title.
Moving from UTF8 wo/BOM to UTF8 w/BOM is not a conversion. All that need to be done is add 3 BOM bytes to the beginning of the file. Just be sure not to add them twice. So basically create a 3 byte file with BOM and do something like (I don’t remember the exact copy syntax of Windows):
copy bom.txt+file.txt file_new.txtRead this to understand Unicode and encoding. You should realize that UTF8 w/BOM is a pretty stupid concept. So unless you need to feed your file into an application that requires UTF8 BOM stay with UTF8 wo/BOM.