Notepad++ v7.9.2 Released
some 3 weeks past and automatic channel still not triggerred? All updation software regularly reminding about this update available and I am waiting for this to come through automatic channel.
What is the issue? Are there many problems in this release so you are removing the bugs. or busy on something?
@V-S-Rawat said in Notepad++ v7.9.2 Released:
some 3 weeks past and automatic channel still not triggerred?
Trolling, trolling…
@V-S-Rawat said in Notepad++ v7.9.2 Released:
What is the issue? Are there many problems in this release so you are removing the bugs. or busy on something?
Auto-updating to v7.9.2 won’t be triggered due to several regressions:
v7.9.3 is coming soon.
When I use Print All in 7.9.2, I get line numbers on the printed page even though Settings > Preferences… > Print > Print Line Number is unchecked. This didn’t happen with any previous version I’m aware of, and I know I didn’t change that setting (I had to look around to find it).
@Doug-Ewell Sorry, for “Print All” read “Print Now”.
@Doug-Ewell said in Notepad++ v7.9.2 Released:
Print Line Number
It’s a known issue and will be fixed on v7.9.3. See here for details.
Take care and have fun!

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