Notepad++ release 8.7
During installer cannot click Show details button during install to show list of files installed. can this be fixed. thx
Confirm! It works as expected. Tested with drag and drop and with cmdline. Thanks! -
@TonyP said in Notepad++ release 8.7:
During installer cannot click Show details button during install to show list of files installed.
I tested it and indeed - there can be a problem with it. On one PC (latest HW, very fast one) I had to click on the details-btn several times before I finally managed to see these details. On another (older) machine, one click was enough. I have no simple solution for that.
(IMO - as this issue seems to be unrelated to this particular 8.7 release, any continued discussion of this should be elsewhere - General/Help)I also noticed that these details cannot be left displayed for some possible inspection after the installer has finished its ops, as the installer immediately switches to its last page “Completing Notepad++ vXXX Setup with Finish-btn” after completing its job. This can be simply changed (MUI_FINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE) in the installer source but it will add one more Next-btn click to the whole installation. What do you all think about it, is it worth doing so?
@xomx said in Notepad++ release 8.7:
This can be simply changed (MUI_FINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE ) in the installer source but it will add one more Next-btn click to the whole installation. What do you all think about it, is it worth doing so?
If there’s not a lot of code change, and no regression risk of course, why not? Otherwise, I would say no.
The auto-update is triggered for v8.7 -
@donho said in Notepad++ release 8.7:
If there’s not a lot of code change, and no regression risk of course, why not?
It should be one src-line change.
I will try and if it is OK I will make a PR for that, hopefully before the next release.(BTW I was able to reproduce that “Show details button” clicking problem on my older PC, where it was ok before, by clicking first somewhere in the inactive part of the installer page with that problematic-btn, so it is probably connected to the focus somehow…)
Minor regression in 8.7 :
@donho Hi.
I don’t have the search results window appear for all open documents.
I fixed the problem in previous versions by adding two lines to config.xml.
<FloatingWindow cont=“6” x=“2669” y=“198” width=“4974” height=“1362” />
<ActiveTabs cont=“6” activeTab=“0” /> -
You might want to read v8.7 search results window not showing and Ctrl+shift+f not working … – those might give you ideas on how to get your search-results window working for now. @xomx (who is usually the volunteer to work on such issues in the codebase) is well aware of the problem, and I’m hoping there will be a fix in-place before v8.7.1 is released.
We also have a FAQ from the earlier versions where it was often caused by the docked-panel size getting too small, so people didn’t notice it; that aspect was fixed in v8.6.9, but unfortunately, we’ve seen a lot of these reports in v8.7.
As mentioned in those other threads, usually if people exit Notepad++, edit
with a different editor (like the builtinnotepad.exe
– Notepad++ cannot edit its ownconfig.xml
because even if you save it, Notepad++ overwritesconfig.xml
when you exit Notepad++), then delete the whole<GUIConfig name=“DockingManager” …>…</GUIConfig>
section, then save and exit the other editor, then relaunch Notepad++, then their search results window is able to return on their next find-all.If you would like to share more details, please reply to this topic), and supply the details mentioned in that topic: how many monitors do you use? are one or more monitors High DPI? what were the values of the
<GUIConfig name=“DockingManager” …>…</GUIConfig>
section before you deleted them -
@PeterJones with search result window works. Maybe it’s a settings issue?
@Rudolf-Baykalov said in Notepad++ release 8.7: with search result window works. Maybe it’s a settings issue?
Yes, that’s why my instructions told you how to edit the settings to clear out the “old values”, and when Notepad++ resets that deleted section, it generally works again.
Also, for you (and all future readers), I have updated the Cannot find my panel FAQ to have debug/fix instructions for v8.7 Search Results panel issues
@donho said in Notepad++ release 8.7:
- Make find dialog status messages color customizable via Style Configurator.
There are bugs with this implementation.
For details, see this linked topic, starting with the posting: -
@Alan-Kilborn said:
- Make find dialog status messages color customizable via Style Configurator.
There are bugs with this implementation.
@donho Do you want a github issue created for this in order to give it attention?
- Make find dialog status messages color customizable via Style Configurator.
@Alan-Kilborn said in Notepad++ release 8.7:
Do you want a github issue created for this in order to give it attention?
Yes, please. Thanks!
We are using Notepad++ 8.6.2 and Nessus scan identifies a HIGH vulnerability - CVE-2014-9456 on the updater\libcurl.dll
@Kingslin-Charles said in Notepad++ release 8.7:
We are using Notepad++ 8.6.2 and Nessus scan identifies a HIGH vulnerability - CVE-2014-9456 on the updater\libcurl.dll
CVE-2014-9456 is a Notepad++ issue, and it’s been fixed by commit: you’re talking about the issue of the updater\libcurl.dll, I guess you’re meaning CVE-2024-7264, which is fixed by commit in wingup: new version of WinGup which cotains above fix will be included in next Notepad++ release v8.7.1.
@donho Thank you. Yes. Sorry for the confusion. I meant the CVE-2024-7264 present in updater/libcurl.dll. When is it possible to get v8.7.1 released?
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