Notepad++ release 8.7
Minor regression in 8.7 :
@donho Hi.
I don’t have the search results window appear for all open documents.
I fixed the problem in previous versions by adding two lines to config.xml.
<FloatingWindow cont=“6” x=“2669” y=“198” width=“4974” height=“1362” />
<ActiveTabs cont=“6” activeTab=“0” /> -
You might want to read v8.7 search results window not showing and Ctrl+shift+f not working … – those might give you ideas on how to get your search-results window working for now. @xomx (who is usually the volunteer to work on such issues in the codebase) is well aware of the problem, and I’m hoping there will be a fix in-place before v8.7.1 is released.
We also have a FAQ from the earlier versions where it was often caused by the docked-panel size getting too small, so people didn’t notice it; that aspect was fixed in v8.6.9, but unfortunately, we’ve seen a lot of these reports in v8.7.
As mentioned in those other threads, usually if people exit Notepad++, edit
with a different editor (like the builtinnotepad.exe
– Notepad++ cannot edit its ownconfig.xml
because even if you save it, Notepad++ overwritesconfig.xml
when you exit Notepad++), then delete the whole<GUIConfig name=“DockingManager” …>…</GUIConfig>
section, then save and exit the other editor, then relaunch Notepad++, then their search results window is able to return on their next find-all.If you would like to share more details, please reply to this topic), and supply the details mentioned in that topic: how many monitors do you use? are one or more monitors High DPI? what were the values of the
<GUIConfig name=“DockingManager” …>…</GUIConfig>
section before you deleted them -
@PeterJones with search result window works. Maybe it’s a settings issue?
@Rudolf-Baykalov said in Notepad++ release 8.7: with search result window works. Maybe it’s a settings issue?
Yes, that’s why my instructions told you how to edit the settings to clear out the “old values”, and when Notepad++ resets that deleted section, it generally works again.
Also, for you (and all future readers), I have updated the Cannot find my panel FAQ to have debug/fix instructions for v8.7 Search Results panel issues
@donho said in Notepad++ release 8.7:
- Make find dialog status messages color customizable via Style Configurator.
There are bugs with this implementation.
For details, see this linked topic, starting with the posting: -
@Alan-Kilborn said:
- Make find dialog status messages color customizable via Style Configurator.
There are bugs with this implementation.
@donho Do you want a github issue created for this in order to give it attention?
- Make find dialog status messages color customizable via Style Configurator.
@Alan-Kilborn said in Notepad++ release 8.7:
Do you want a github issue created for this in order to give it attention?
Yes, please. Thanks!
We are using Notepad++ 8.6.2 and Nessus scan identifies a HIGH vulnerability - CVE-2014-9456 on the updater\libcurl.dll
@Kingslin-Charles said in Notepad++ release 8.7:
We are using Notepad++ 8.6.2 and Nessus scan identifies a HIGH vulnerability - CVE-2014-9456 on the updater\libcurl.dll
CVE-2014-9456 is a Notepad++ issue, and it’s been fixed by commit: you’re talking about the issue of the updater\libcurl.dll, I guess you’re meaning CVE-2024-7264, which is fixed by commit in wingup: new version of WinGup which cotains above fix will be included in next Notepad++ release v8.7.1.
@donho Thank you. Yes. Sorry for the confusion. I meant the CVE-2024-7264 present in updater/libcurl.dll. When is it possible to get v8.7.1 released?
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