How do I make a seconds to YY:DD:HH:MM:SS converter in Notepad++?
I’ve made a seconds to YY:DD:HH:MM:SS converter in c++ before by using modulus(%). But it doesn’t work the same when I use it in Notepad. As an example, instead of giving me 1 year it says 1.234… How do I get rid of these numbers in the end?
This is my current code:
$hour = ($_POST[‘sek’]/3600);
$min = (($_POST[‘sek’]%3600)/60);
$sec = ($_POST[‘sek’]%60);
echo $hour.“<br>”.$min.“<br>”.$sec;
<form method=post>
<input type=number name=‘sek’>
<input type=submit name=skickat></form>
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