Created a test file that not running
I have a problem. I’m trying to run the test website I created, but it won’t run. Why?
So whenever I open the test file and try to run it, It does not work. It does a short blink and nothing happens.
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You seem to have a misunderstanding of this forum. This is a forum for Notepad++, where we talk about (and ask/answer questions about) the Notepad++ text editor.
General programming questions (where “programming” includes writing webpages) are not on-topic here. The best question to ask yourself is “does the answer to the question I want to ask depend on what application I am using to write my code”? If the answer to that question is “no, it doesn’t matter whether I’m using Notepad++ or notepad.exe or something else to write my code”, then the Notepad++ forum is not the right place to ask the question.