NppExec: npp command resulting in error message in scripts
I assume something after NPP_SAVE is the cause.
I would insert echo statements to see where exactly it is failing.
It must have something to do with the" "
. -
While processing commands, NppExec removes the leading and trailing spaces ( ’ ’ also known as ‘\x20’ ) and tabs ( ‘\t’ also known as ‘\x09’ ).
In this situation, the next line after NPP_SAVE most likely contains some whitespace-like character that looks like a space but has a character code different from 0x20 and 0x09. -
This can be investigated locally by adding
npe_debug local 1
right above the line withNPP_SAVE
. It will print all the details of how NppExec executes the given commands and it will be possible to see the command item responsible for the “empty” command. -
@vitalii-dovgan Yes, that was the issue, a whitespace-like character in the next line.
Thank you!