Notepad ++ not responding when saving XML file
Thank you! It appears you’re on the latest XML Tools version (as of this thread) and the latest Notepad++ from your debug info above (thanks for that). I would open an issue on the XML Tools issue page if indeed the slow to save only happens when XML Tools is installed.
If Notepad++ has no issues saving XML / XLST without XML Tools installed, then it is most likely an XML Tools issue that should be resolved in that plugin’s code.
Yes, I can confirm that it is the XML-tools lugin that causes the problem. When I remove it, it will save in seconds (it is a very big XSLT file), if I reinstall the plugin (via de plugin admin) the behaviour is back. Saving the same XSLT (under a new name) makes notepad++ “not responding”What I now notice as well, is that when I crash the not responding notepad++ and restart it, it will save the file without problem, when I do save as again to another filename, it is back to not responding…
I will submit a bug report on the XML-Tools on github. Thanks.
I’m seeing similar issues when saving a large-ish (651k) XML file.
Notepad++ “hangs” for easily a minute or so before finally completing the save.
I do have XML Tools enabled, and (re)installed the latest v3.1.1.12 immediately after updating Notepad++. -
@bruce-hansen said in Notepad ++ not responding when saving XML file:
do have XML Tools enabled, and (re)installed the latest v3.1.1.12
Then follow the issue that @Luc-Verhoeven linked above. There’s already a potential solution there.
@michael-vincent and all,
is available on github and does solve my problem.
I do not know when the new version will be available in the plugin Admin, so I installed the dll manually in the folder plugins\XmlTools\
@luc-verhoeven Hello, i fixed s
disabling these optionsnow i can save all my XML faster i hope this works for you
@joel-rodriguez Thank you!
This is what worked for me
@joel-rodriguez Thank you so much! I’ve been having this for a while, so a work-around is much appreciated! :)
FYI, I just installed the July 15, 2022 build (v8.4.4) and the bug is back. Following the advice of @joel-rodriguez I was able to save my files without locking up.
Nick -
This happened to me on 8.4.7. Disabling the options mentioned by @joel-rodriguez worked for me
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