selected text color changes between partial word and complete word how to adjust the style to have the color of selected text to be the same for partial words and complete words
Hi everybody,
I am using
For easier finding search-hits I changed the color for selected text to pink.
Here are screenshots how it looks like
a partial word is highlighted in pink as I want it
Now If a complete word is marked the color changes to some light brown with pink border huh?
Where do I have to adjust what color-option to have it marked always in pink
I want to use pink for easier finding searched text and I want the highlighted text to be pink always regardless if it is a partial word or a complete word.
It’s likely that the Smart Highlighting feature is causing the effect you see; as a first step try turning it off completely. Go to the Settings menu and choose Preferences…, and then uncheckmark this box:
Then test things out…
yes that works!
Thank you very much!