Broken emoji
I have text full of broken emoji like
displayed in strange symbols. is the anyway to fix it? (inside or outside Notepad++)
Notepad++ dose not break the emojis. Emojis were broken in the first place. I want to fix them and I don’t know How.
I read this but it didn’t help to fix my problem. -
When you open with Notepad++, does the lower-right (between “Windows (CR LF)” and “INS”) say “UTF-8” or “ANSI” or something else?
Because if it says ANSI or something other that UTF-8, then you might be able to trick Notepad++ into re-reading the bytes as UTF by using the Encoding > UTF-8 (not Convert to UTF-8).
Other than that, you weren’t very clear whether your text was a pure text file, or whether it was HTML like in the SO link you provided. And whether when you look at it in Notepad++ it’s wrong, or if it’s only wrong if you look using your browser but it’s right in Notepad++.
Click the </> button in your reply, and paste in some example text from your file into the code-block that the forum button created (make sure none of what you paste is confidential/proprietary) – and maybe also include a screenshot of what it looks like in your Notepad++ (and also in your browser, if it really is HTML like the one from SO).
could represent the bytes with hex valuesF0 9F 92 80
– and those, in turn, are the UTF-8 bytes ofU+01F480 💀
Unfortunately, there is no easy with a “regular expression”-mode search-and-replace to generically convert those from the individual bytes to the actual character.
However, you still might be able to use Notepad++ to help:
Copy that sequence of four weird characters, then File > New, Encoding > ANSI, paste (it will still look like those four bytes), save to a temporary file, Encoding > UTF-8, it will convert it; you should then be able to copy that character back into your original UTF-8 file. Before you save your final file, I would recommend putting in the BOM character so that future editors (and/or browsers) will be able to see that you want UTF-8: Encoding > Convert to UTF-8-BOM then save. (The lower right will now say
to indicate that Notepad++ knows the UTF-8 file has the BOM sequence at the beginning)If all special characters in your file are the mis-encoded emoji, like you showed, then you might be able to get away with:
- Open File
- Confirm it says UTF-8 in the corner, but has the bad characters like the ones you showed
- Copy
- Create new file, set Encoding > ANSI
- Paste
- Re-interpret using Encoding > UTF-8
- Then you can copy from there and paste back in your original. Save.
- Highly recommended: Encoding > Convert to UTF-8-BOM, Save.
You can test this procedure by starting with the following as your “bad UTF-8 source”:
Here is a file that claims to be UTF-8 (see the lower corner), but is showing the emoji's as bad characters, like 💀 I will include a couple more: 🌀 🌂
Hello, @hosein-GSD, @Peterjones and All,
I think that the clever @peterjones’s method can be recorded as a N++ macro !
So, first, insert this new macro in your active
file, right before the</macros>
ending tag<Macro name="Test_Emoji" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="0"> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="41001" lParam="0" sParam="IDM_FILE_NEW" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="45009" lParam="0" sParam="IDM_FORMAT_CONV2_ANSI" /> <Action type="0" message="2179" wParam="0" lParam="0" sParam="SCINTILLAMESSAGE.SCI_PASTE" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="45008" lParam="0" sParam="IDM_FORMAT_AS_UTF_8" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="45011" lParam="0" sParam="IDM_FORMAT_CONV2_UTF_8" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="41006" lParam="0" sParam="IDM_FILE_SAVE" /> </Macro>
Exit Notepad++
Restart N++
Open your original file in Notepad++
Select all your text (
Ctrl + A
) -
Copy its contents in the clipboard (
Ctrl + C
) -
Run the
Macro > Test_Emoji
macro -
Save the new created file with its default name or else
=> You should see all your Emoji characters correctly displayed !
To test my method, simply copy the two lines below, in the clipboard and use the
Macro > Test_Emoji
macroI have a file which is showing all emoji's as bad characters, like 💀 Here are some other examples of bad syntaxes : 🌀 and 🌂
Of course, you can easily change the macro’s name and/or affect a shortcut to this new macro
Best Regards,
thank you so much for your detailed answer 🙏Actually the problem was with the output files of this chrome extension.
I wrote a comment for that and today I used it again and noticed that it’s problems is solved.(before that, I treied to solve many problems using regex manually which was useful for things like & but not for things like like 💀. )
@guy038 said in Broken emoji:
I think that the clever @peterjones’s method can be recorded as a N++ macro !