Notepad++ v7.9.3 Released
Dialogues like “File Open” or “Save As” do not open up at all when installed on Windows Server Core 2016, no issue with Server 2016 Core machines where 7.9.2 is still installed.
Notepad++ v7.9.3 (64-bit)
Build time : Feb 14 2021 - 03:15:58
Path : c:\program files\notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : ON
Local Conf mode : OFF
OS Name : Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (64-bit)
OS Version : 1607
OS Build : 14393.4225
Current ANSI codepage : 1252
Plugins : mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll -
@kickapoo said in Notepad++ v7.9.3 Released:
Dialogues like “File Open” or “Save As” do not open up at all when installed on Windows Server Core 2016, no issue with Server 2016 Core machines where 7.9.2 is still installed.
Ok, I’ll take a look once I get a VM for this OS version.
@kickapoo said in Notepad++ v7.9.3 Released:
Dialogues like “File Open” or “Save As” do not open up at all when installed on Windows Server Core 2016, no issue with Server 2016 Core machines where 7.9.2 is still installed.
Which way do you use Notepad++? Do you have a desktop?
I’m not very familiar with Windows Server Core, but it seems that by default, it has no desktop GUI: -
@kickapoo Here is an issue I’ve created:
Please, post any comments in that issue. -
Thanks, yes, that´s right, Core Editions have no Desktop environment, you only have a commandprompt.
I use the 2016 Core image as it is in AWS EC2, additionally installing .NET 4.8 for testing my applications and also Chocolatey, which is also used to install npp ( ). Tried also downloading and installing manually, made no difference.
Npp is used for looking at log files, nothing fancy, started via commandprompt simply by typing notepad++.exe. Also the dialogue can be used for file operations to easier copy/move files between the vm and my local machine, as there is also no Windows file explorer like explorer.exe on board.
Note: On „regular“ notepad.exe that comes with Windows, those dialogues open without issues.
@0imax said in Notepad++ v7.9.3 Released:
The document map displays like this:
Could you check if your problems in v7.9.3 are solved in v7.9.4 (RC) ? -
View --> “Hide Line Number Margin” doesn’t work anymore. The line numbers stay visible, they don’t disappear. In my former version v7.9.1. it works.
Please solve this in v7.9.4. Until then I use v7.9.1.
@geertsj said in Notepad++ v7.9.3 Released:
View --> “Hide Line Number Margin”
AFAIK, there is no “Hide Line Number Margin” on the “View” menu.
So… don’t know what you’re talking about. The control for the line number margin is in Settings menu > Preferences… > Margins/Border/Edge and looks like this: -
@Alan-Kilborn Yes, it exist:
Hello, @geertsj, @alan-kilborn and All,
@geertsj, first, you said :
It doesn’t work also in 7.3.2. See picture. I see the Line Numbers while I have selected View --> Hide Line Number Margin. In version 7.3.1. it works. It seems to be related to the new Line Number changes since 7.3.2.
I suppose that you wanted to say :
It doesn’t work also in 7.9.2. See picture. I see the Line Numbers while I have selected View --> Hide Line Number Margin. In version 7.9.1. it works. It seems to be related to the new Line Number changes since 7.9.2.
Now, it’s definitively not an Notepad++'s issue
I think that, in each new release, you re-installed the
plugin. This is that plugin which adds the commands, below, inside theView
menu !-
Hide Line Numbers Margin
Hide Bookmark Margin
Hide Folder Margin
And probably, you added these three commands to your context menu !
And, as a new
panel has been added to thePreferences
dialog, since N++v7.9.2
, I suppose that you should contact the developerdave-user
or create an issue hereBest Regards,
@Ekopalypse The Debug-Info is:
Notepad++ v7.9.3 (32-bit)
Build time : Feb 14 2021 - 03:12:31
Path : C:\tols\npp\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : ON
Local Conf mode : ON
OS Name : Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
OS Build : 7601.0
Current ANSI codepage : 1252
Plugins : FingerText.dll HexEditor.dll NppExec.dll NppHorizontalRuler.dll _CustomizeToolbar.dll -
@geertsj said in Notepad++ v7.9.3 Released:
@Ekopalypse The Debug-Info is:
Plugins : FingerText.dll HexEditor.dll NppExec.dll NppHorizontalRuler.dll _CustomizeToolbar.dll*As @guy038 explained, the Customize Toolbar plugin is what is providing those three menu options. If they don’t work with the newest Notepad++ version, you will have to take it up with the Customize Toolbar author, as the fix needs to be in the plugin, not in Notepad++
Does anybody else think that it is really dumb for a plugin called “Customize Toolbar” to modify the View menu in such a way?
@Michael-Shulist said in Notepad++ v7.9.3 Released:
Hello. I’ve in Windows 8.1 Update 1. The app does not able opening application, may be error. I installed the v7.93 and opened app are failed and doesn’t show the app but if are a error silently. I decided to install the previous version v7.92 and also works!.
Do you have SaveAsAdmin plugin?
For running 7.9.3 you need to remove it. -
This post is deleted! -
@Alan-Kilborn Just released the version 1.0.211 from
Removed “Save As…” feature and fixed crash.
Try compile it and voila!.
open file from network shar with UNC notation failed : \server\share\path\file.txt.
leading backslash is removed by file open dialog