Hello Peter
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
So is your account the account named “Administrator”, or is it a normal user account that has administrator privileges? Because my Windows account is a normal user with Admin privileges. The two might not behave the same, depending on circumstances.
No my account name is user, but with administrator privilages.
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
I am curious exactly what steps you took to “update” Notepad++ if it installed a version that’s 2 years old
Looking at Settings > Preferences > MISC, is the ☐ Enable Notepad++ auto-updater checkmarked or not?
Thats because I forgot that I disabled auto updates for this reason and I did not expect its more than two years from that time now, but auto updates was enabled at first and selcted template changing was happening after updates so I disabled auto update and after disabling that option I remember notepad++ many times asked me for updating at begining of program and I remember I updated it manually (by accepting that update message) for a few times after disabling update but I decided to accept updates less often specially because of fear of loosing some options and requiring to set them again as like as selecting my prefered theme; and yes Auto update is disabled in my prefrences now, but this background loss was happend recently for a few time, and once exactly when I opened a ticked I thought my auto update option is on and it happend because of update but now I conclude that there must be somethingelse happening separate from updating of program which causes the templates reset too. but I can assure you I haven’t cleared my %appsdata% or restoring or cleaning windows manually and it must be very rare to automatically this happens in my system because I do not install such softwares to clean files or system for me and I do most of the things manually if I see a problem.
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
When you updated to v8.4.8, which of the following happened?
Notepad++ popped up a dialog telling that an update was available, and that update was v8.4.8
oh yes recenly this happend and I ignored update I think this template change happens even if I ignore it !! I’m not sure about this but I can tell you for next time if such message come up and I ignore to see what happens.
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
You went to Notepad++'s ? menu and chose Update Notepad++, and it downloaded and installed v8.4.8
no I did not updated this way recently
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
You already had a copy of npp.8.4.8.Installer.x64.exe in your downloads directory, so you just ran that one
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
You went to https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/ , and instead of going to the first entry on that page, which would be v8.7.5, you instead scrolled way down on the page to “Download Notepad++ v8.4.8”
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
You went to some other website other than notepad-plus-plus.org or github.com and downloaded Notepad++ v8.4.8 installer from there
No because notepad++ have an update option in application and its easier than all.
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
the version before that one would have been v8.7.4 from earlier in Dec 2024.
Yess you giving me clues that the template reset is not depending my selection to update or not it always reset my template options after this update warning and make me think the program was automatically updated (Because I trust this app I do not care very much if it update now or later and some time I think I selected yes but in real I was selecting no because of fear of loosing options again and I was focusing to continue reading text file)
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
This still boggles my mind
It was a suprise for me too, I really didn’t knew I havn’t updated this app for such long time (mostly because of template reset which was my logical address to conclude application is updated again so I must do select template again)
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
Its correct! in my system “L:” means Large volume drive and I always create big L: partition on my partitionings, keep static large files and medias including small applications and every other things which not depends on harddisk speed and OS and can run on any computers and on slow and old hard disks, which are much cheaper and larger than new M.2 and fast volumes. The L: also is very unique letter and helps me to never loose application addresses and file locations after system change. I just change the old volume drive letter on my hard disk to L: which is rarely happens to be occupid on different systems so its kind of portable. Also V: is a similar unique drive letter for me which is always my chosen Vistual drive just for not mistaking with other drives for example DVD/CD drive or connected portable ones. And my windows drive is mostly C: or D:.
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
As I said above, when you are a normal user who happens to have Admin power, you don’t have to run Notepad++ “As Administrator” – I almost never do, except when I need to edit a file in the c:\windows or c:\program files hierarchies. (Which is very rare, for me.) I believe that not using “As Administrator” is less likely to give you problems like what you’re having.
Oh peter, You know a lot!! This is my case too… I’ll tell you why I did this. I sometime code in AHK(autohotkey) so I managed to setup notepad++ to open/edit some files and codes with just pressing a hotkey! saying more clear I have a large AHK file manually written to manage custom hotkeys on my windows and I open/edit many files even itself with its own hotkeys too. For acheiving this I need to run notepad++ from another application(Autohotkey.exe) which would be the parent for notepad++ on that moment and this caused to limit my access to edit some system files from hotkeys. For example when I want to add a line of code to windows system files (like “hosts” file) it gave me error of restricted user so I managed to do something to run notepad++ as adminstrator.
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
That’s fine. I frequently run with a true portable. And, in fact, at work, I often used a portable copy but set my file associations and paths so that Windows could associate files with that portable, during a period when my employer made it a hassle to update Notepad++ when it was in C:\Program Files. (They eventually relented, so I went back to a normal installation.)
I do not prefer this because after uninstall/reinstall I need to do my customizations windows and its apps relations to notepad++ again and they are too many, and I even can not remember all things I did after these years. For example now I can not remember what I did to give notepad++ administrator privilages when it is started from another app, I just searched google and used some tricks guys used and suggested to do this.
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
Yes. That is Notepad++'s default behavior. But when you ran the installer, it did ask you whether you wanted to use AppData or not. You are the one who agreed to let it install there.
So I can reinstall it again and choose right option. I think I can handle it now.
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
I disagree vehemently with that statement. I’ve been using the same AppData directories on this computer through its original Windows 10 and all the Win10 updates, through the Windows 11 and all the updates there, and it has correctly maintained those settings. And the %AppData%\Notepad++ setting that I put in on Win10 were the ones I copied over from my previous computer, and probably from the computer before that. My AppData literally has a legacy on the order of a decade. If you think of a decade as being “temporary”, I am impressed with your longevity.
I really respect your decition and opinion, I can not say anything other than thank you for your helpful messages guiding me a lot.
@PeterJones said in Selected theme (in style configurator) resets back to default after every program update!:
From step 4 on, all of Notepad++'s settings will be stored in L:\Programs\Notepad` instead of in the AppData hierarchy
Now I ran to step 4 and downloaded latest install version after that but I could not find “AppData” checkbox in step after choosing “L:\Programs\Notepad” (and it was “c:\program files\notepad++” by default) so I stopped. Isn’t it better to copy and replace all files from zipped protable version to “L:\Programs\Notepad”??