• RegEx: Modify text between sh. and ( to lowercase

    0 Votes
    16 Posts
    Eko palypseE

    @PeterJones said:

    🤦 U+1F926 (https://emojipedia.org/face-palm/)

    even easily understandable for me :-D

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    See https://notepad-plus-plus.org/news/notepad-7.6.1-released.html regrading the changed plugin location or https://notepad-plus-plus.org/news/notepad-7.6-released.html depending on your installed version.

  • index.php page disappeared from server, would not upload with NppFTP

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Pete NorrisP

    Meta Chuh, Peter Jones;

    Thank you for responding to my question.

    I am able to upload the index.php file using NppFTP. It may have been just a glitch with the server. This web hosting has had some unexpected behavior in the past.

    Anyway, the problem seems to have gotten resolved.

    Thanks again.

  • Notepad++ doesn't come to foreground

    1 Votes
    7 Posts
    Meta ChuhM


    yes, in normal mode it works fine, as long as your explorer and notepad++ share the same user level.

    if you can live with this situation (a minimised, elevated application will not pop up on explorer context menu or other commands, unless triggered by any h.i.d. like a mouse click, and you can’t drag and drop from an explorer window to eg. an elevated notepad++), you can leave uac enabled.

  • change font colour in txt file of selected words

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Eko palypseE


    I’m not 100% sure I understand what you did or what exactly you try to accomplish.
    Do you try to select a word and then you want to run a macro which should change
    font, color and size of this selected text?
    If so, I don’t think you can do this with builtins. PythonScript plugin might be one way to
    make it work.

    What exactly Is your general goal here? Maybe it can be done in a different way.

  • Cannot find settings or preferences menus in 7.6.2 in windows 7 ultimate.

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Meta ChuhM


    thanks for looking into it.

    i’ve now completed all of your tests with the portable .7z as well, both x86 and x64 on windows 7 and windows 10 build 1803 and build 1809, and they all are identical to the zip version, and behave as they should (menus are present under any case, but plugins is missing if installed to %programfiles% or %programfiles(x86)% if no plugins are at %programdata%)

    reader’s note: i could not reproduce the absence of a menu like ? or any other menu (apart from plugins) under any of our testing scenarios and machines.

  • Still no proper solution for the administor mode in NPP?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Meta ChuhM


    thanks for the link, but this only solves issues for the “open with notepad++” explorer context menu.
    unfortunately it would not fix other issues, like the drag and drop isolation, inaccessibility of user level mapped network drives and so on.

    note: this is a solely windows internally based limitation of uac as intended by design, and even explorer itself could not handle it.
    (explorer example: try to open any installer .exe or any other program that needs elevated rights from a network drive. it will fail if it needs to access resources within this .exe or other files on that network drive)

    any application that wants to circumvent this isolation, must use a daemon process which “talks” to the user level application via event and command queues (example: teamviewer system service) so a hell lot of work to do, and in my opinion (as a non notepad++ developer) near impossible to do it with an editor that uses external plugins (each would have to have it’s own daemon if needed).

    Please do not get me wrong: NPP is a truly amazing lightweight productivity marvel versus heavy, fat, slow and glitchy environments. But this excellence makes the quirks like those were discuss here even more frustrating. Let’s hope NPP will be able to get rid of the error without users manually redoing SendTo/OpenWith context menu commands or switching off UAC and so on. :)

    of course, you are correct. these are only workarounds, that might not suit every needs.
    and there’s nothing to get wrong here, you can always speak freely the way you do. this place is filled with devs, it pros and power users, and many if not almost all agree to what you’ve said.

    and here comes my “i hope you didn’t get me wrong ;-)”:
    the explanations and detailed guide on how to disable uac wasn’t for you, as it would have sufficed to tell you “disable uac” in a one line answer.
    none of us would have given you this extensive guide, if it would just be for you, after reading that you elevate npp via schtasks.
    it’s mainly for regular users that have a similar problem, found your thread, and don’t know how to handle uac or what it means … it also saves some time on repeated questions if there’s a step by step solution that can be linked to, from every supporting community member.

  • RegEx: Modify text between ' ' to lowercase

    1 Votes
    3 Posts
  • Notepad++ Problem with sorting lines

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    If you have a lot of lines, you may end up with space(s) between Line and the (first) number. Use the following to remove those:

    Find ^Line\h+(?=\d)
    Replace Line
    Again, search mode is Reg Exp

  • Join/Merge two lines on condition

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    If you used the capital \R in my regex above, it should have worked, whether your file had CRLF (windows, aka \r\n) or LF (linux and modern mac, \n), or CR (old macos \r). It should have worked even if some were CRLF and some were LF. It wouldn’t work, however, if there was a blank line between, or other such oddity.

    If you open the original file in Notepad++, and enable View > Show Symbol > Show All Characters, you should see little black boxes for the end of line, either two with CR and LF, or one or the other… Plus, your status bar should list what EOL Notepad++ detects (Windows (CR LF), Unix (LF), or Macintosh (CR)). If you give us a screenshot (see the help-with-markdown post for screenshot help; use the ![](url.to/image.png)-notation so the image is visible in the forum), we might be able to see why the regex didn’t work in your original file.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Andreas RebmannA

    notepad++ Explorer icons are totally wrong

  • Please help me anyone :(

    0 Votes
    20 Posts
    Meta ChuhM


    heheheheheheee 😄

    it took me 'till now to actually discover your “and now helping in the Notepad++ forum.” message 😂😂😂

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    I finally got it using a user-defined language.

    Thank You So Much!

  • Line copy and place?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Meta ChuhM


    its depraved, definitively depraved 😂😂😂
    glad you’re here, i’m a bit (compulsively) hypersensitive to even short offline periods of core members at the moment … i promise i’ll try to work on desensitising a bit ;-)

    btw: there was an unusually low amount of new or funny questions this weekend (perceived), so thankfully not much to miss or catch up with.

  • RTL to LTR

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    איתי שרוניא

    @Meta-Chuh Thank you so much!
    you’d very help me!!!

  • Search result with e.g. 5 lines before and 5 lines after result

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    My interpretation is that the OP really wants to see 5 lines of context before/after hits for his search. The LineFilter plugin can do it. Or the following regex search can, if one is searching for the word text (as just an example):

    Find what: ^(?:.*\R){5}.*text.*\R(?:.*\R){5}

  • I think there's an error

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    I changed the setting and there are no problems.
    Thanks, i wish you a good day…

  • How to create a portable npp?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Meta ChuhM

    welcome to the notepad++ community @Lasse-Jeremiassen

    you can download the official portable version of notepad++ 7.6.2 from here: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/repository/7.x/7.6.2/npp.7.6.2.bin.zip
    extract it to your desktop, usb drive or any place you want (except %ProgramFiles%)
    and run notepad++.exe inside it.

    In portable npp I assume plugin, language and function list files are a part of the portable environment, is that correct?

    yes, it will all be inside this npp.7.6.2.bin folder.

    note: you can rename this folder, and/or have more than one portable copy at the same time, to e.g. use one of it for testing and playing around with any settings, and one to work

  • Newline as delimiter in a UDL

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Meta ChuhM


    thanks for your link, it’s a reminder of paying a lot of gratitudes to loreia.

    i’ve just revisited this old thread answered by @Claudia-Frank and realized how fast an author, of an ingenious work like this one, can almost be forgotten, once it is taken as granted as the air that we breathe.

    … and yet again, i have to repeat that i miss claudia and scott … not that i just miss and lack their knowledge and passion to research,
    (many of the +2 year core regulars have already been able to achieve or surpass the same level)
    but i just miss having them around.

    readers note:
    yes we all do have a life outside notepad++, but we use it, love it (sub note: love|hate as in any relationships ;-) ), believe in it due to it’s almost unprecedented activity in the 16 years of it’s existence, and we just enjoy giving something in return, by helping people that can’t spend as much time on what you can do with notepad++, and most important: share how to do it.
    helping out is also a little gesture to appreciate the help we received when we started out as newbies.

  • Find / Replace two letter words with " " around them

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Francis NealF

    Thanks both, just what I wanted absolutely brilliant. Thanks also for the detailed explanation guy038 :-)