• Update the MultiClipboard plugin to support NPP's new darkmode!

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  • Found Indecent Phrase during Installation

    -1 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in Found Indecent Phrase during Installation:

    I seem to recall this has been pointed out before; not sure if it was in a community posting here, or someone actually made a github issue out of it.

    There was a recent post here, and it actually linked to times when the phrase was removed then re-installed. According to the comments in those commit messages, there were complaints whichever direction he changed the quotes.

  • 6 Votes
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  • Compare plugin icons are not visible in fluent UI

    0 Votes
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    Please see my post regarding the release of Customize Toolbar 5.1.

    Using the custom button definition feature and quick codes, it is very easy to create images for the Compare plugin buttons that are not visible when using Fluent Icons.


  • Customize Toolbar - New Version 5.1

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  • LanguageTool Plugin

    0 Votes
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    It’s suggestions like this that begin to raise my interest in your postings. I suggest you consider posting translations of the key portion of your help (.chm) files. The Readme_Ru.txt files you create are more commonly known as a changes_ru.txt file and do not tell me much about what the program can do. I don’t think too many users will de-compile and then Google translate an entire .chm file to locate the key information to then determine if they are interested in learning to use the plugin. My guess is that you write better English than 99% of the users on the Community board can write Russian.

    using Google translate:
    Подобные предложения начинают повышать мой интерес к вашим сообщениям. Я предлагаю вам рассмотреть возможность публикации переводов ключевой части ваших файлов справки (.chm). Создаваемые вами файлы Readme_Ru.txt более известны как файл changes_ru.txt и мало что говорят мне о возможностях программы. Я не думаю, что слишком много пользователей будут декомпилировать, а затем Google переведет весь файл .chm, чтобы найти ключевую информацию, чтобы затем определить, заинтересованы ли они в обучении использованию плагина. Я предполагаю, что вы пишете по-английски лучше, чем 99% пользователей форума сообщества могут писать по-русски.

  • Python3 under Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit: include external script Dialogs, How?

    0 Votes
    18 Posts

    @Jens-Kallup said in Python3 under Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit: include external script Dialogs, How?:

    I don’t know why is that so,

    The PythonScript documentation explains that you have to add it to the menu in order to make a shortcut.

    If that’s not enough of an explanation as to why: it’s because the Notepad++ Shortcut Mapper will only go as deep as Top Level > Next Level > Action for mapping a shortcut to the action; in this case, Top Level is Plugins and Next Level is Python Script, so an Action has to be in the Python Script level of the menu system for the Shortcut Mapper to be able to see it.

    @Ekopalypse ,

    Complete, detailed, simply good.


  • Compare Plugin - creates 8 invisible buttons in toolbar

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Perfect. Although the same is true of “not Dark” mode. I surmise that the developer hasn’t added any Fluent icons.

  • Plugin "AutoCompletion"

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    TypeList = 1
    Used keyword list from a 1.txt file. Search is executed from the beginning of the word.

    TypeList = 2
    … 2.txt. Search is executed from the any part of the word.

    TypeList = 3
    … 3.txt. Search is executed from the beginning of the word. But instead of inserting a word inserted file from the folder “files” with the same name. That is, it is an insertion of snippets.

    Lists 1, 2, 3 must have CRLF at the beginning and at the end.

  • Plugin "Help"

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    The advantage over the plugin “LanguageHelp” is that the help opens in a separate process, that is, it is not a NotePad++ process. Accordingly, the buttons are not grouped on the taskbar. There are CHM files that can open examples in a text editor, that is, you click the button on the CHM file page and the file specified in it opens. If the process is open as a subsidiary, the opening of examples from the CHM file is missing, does not work.

  • Plugin "DB_RegExp"

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    5 Posts
    I wanted to make one topic and lay out 5 plugins, but the site said that I was spam, probably because many links. Some things are not good enough to write about them, but the very idea is important. I store regular expressions in another program and I made an automatic insert in NotePad ++ in my program. It would be nice if the program was built into the NotePad++ interface. But for this I need a lot of effort. I need to write in another programming language, the old programming language is not suitable. I can lay out on any site. I do not get money from advertising sites. I have adblock, I hope that you too. I have another “Change” plugin similar “LocationNavigate”, but my option is badly made to show it. The plugin “LocationNavigate” has unnecessary buttons on the toolbar, and I only need to highlight changes. Therefore, I tried to write my plugin.
  • Plugin "Highlight"

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  • Plugin "TextA"

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  • Takenotes plugin package hash mismatched

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Ekopalypse said in Takenotes plugin package hash mismatched:


    It seems to work for me.


    What Npp version are you using? (Debug-info from ? menu)

    Ha! Legend, my bad. I was on an older Notepad++ version, and TakeNotes installed instantly on the latest NP++ build.

    And yeah, I did look into the python script too, but also had trouble getting this setup, a little time poor at the moment (I don’t even have time to date/save my text files, hence the need for help!)

    I’ll look into python scripting for notepad++ in future when I have a weekend to spare, cause I can imagine how useful it would be.

  • DSpellingCheck Malaysian

    0 Votes
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    Looks like someone made one here.

  • Display markdown outline view through Functionlist

    2 Votes
    11 Posts

    @Ernesto-Saavedra said in Display markdown outline view through Functionlist:

    Is there somehow a way to replace

    Sorry, the functionList processing is a match-search, not a search-and-replace.

    You can make a single-level hierarchy by doing a “class” vs “function” in the definition, as described in the function list overview and function list config files documentation, or in @MAPJe71’s FAQ Desk: Function List Basics entry.

  • -2 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Michael-Young ,

    You do what’s best for you. If you’re looking for a graphical file-comparison environment, I like the one that comes bundled in TortoiseSVN. And when I’m on linux, or a Windows machine that has gvim installed, gvimdiff is great (if you like the vim-style editing)

    However, I must contradict your factually-incorrect statement: Compare Plugin 2.0.1 runs just fine with Notepad++ v8.1.1 (the most recent): my version that I upgraded the Notepad++ with Compare Plugin already installed continued to work without difficulty; further, I just made a fresh unzip of Notepad++ v8.1.1-64bit portable, and used Plugins > Plugins Admin to install a copy of Compare Plugin v2.0.1, and it installed just fine, and works just fine. So to claim that “the compare plugin which no longer installs” is factually incorrect. There might be some combination of circumstances in which there are difficulties, but since you didn’t provide any version information, or otherwise ask us to help you debug your problem, but instead obviously came here to vent, there’s not much likelihood that you’re willing to ask for help.

    For others reading this, who might not be as annoyed as @Michael-Young, but are still interested in why “nobody tested the compare plugin”: For Notepad++, the Plugin development is a separate process from the Application development, so it is not up to the Notepad++ application developers to test to make sure that all plugins are compatible with the most recent Notepad++. Instead, it is up to the individual Plugin developers to keep up with Notepad++. And for the Compare Plugin, the developer has specifically stated that the plugin as it currently exists will no longer be updated, but that he is working (albeit slowly) on a new ComparePlus plugin, which will have more features and will include everything needed to match with the new toolbar icon requirements for plugins.

  • [New Plugin] Random Values plug-in

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  • Session Manager settings storing on relative path

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    @gjf ,

    As far as I know, the author of Session Manager plugin doesn’t frequent this forum.

    Further, I followed the link to the session manager homepage, and the author says that he no longer maintains the Session Manager plugin.

    Apparently, @chcg forked the original code and made the 1.4.3 release, but my guess is that was just to get the plugin to install properly in modern Notepad++, and I doubt is actively supporting feature requests on the plugin.

    (My point being: it appears to be abandonware, so you aren’t likely to get code changes to that plugin, unfortunately)

  • Version 5.0 of Customize Toolbar has been released.

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