• TextFX plugin.

    0 Votes
    17 Posts

    Notepad++ v8.5.7 (64-bit)
    Build time : Sep 6 2023 - 23:13:49
    Path : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
    Command Line :
    Admin mode : OFF
    Local Conf mode : OFF
    Cloud Config : OFF
    OS Name : Windows 11 Home Single Language (64-bit)
    OS Version : 22H2
    OS Build : 22621.2134
    Current ANSI codepage : 1252
    Plugins :
    LuaScript (0.12)
    mimeTools (2.9)
    NppConverter (4.5)
    NppExport (0.4)
    NppOpenAI (0.2.1)
    PlanetCNCNpp64 (3001.21.1125.1)
    PythonScript (2)

  • Zeilenzahl größe bei android version

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @TG-King said in Zeilenzahl größe bei android version:

    I also wanted to have it on my Android tablet, found it,
    but unfortunately the lines of numbers are very small there.

    Sorry, the various “Notepad++” apps that are available in the Google Play store (yes, I just searched and found at least two) are not truly Notepad++, and are not controlled by the real Notepad++ development team. As a result, the Windows Notepad++ developers cannot do anything to change the app for you, and we fellow Windows Notepad++ users are not experts on that completely separate software, and will not be able to tell you how to use that Android app.

    Tut mir leid, die verschiedenen „Notepad++“-Apps, die im Google Play Store verfügbar sind (ja, ich habe gerade gesucht und mindestens zwei gefunden), sind nicht wirklich Notepad++ und werden nicht vom echten Notepad++ Entwicklungsteam kontrolliert. Daher können die Entwickler von Windows Notepad++ nichts tun, um die App für Sie zu ändern, und wir Mitbenutzer von Windows Notepad++ sind keine Experten für diese völlig separate Software und können Ihnen nicht sagen, wie Sie diese Android-App verwenden.

    English is the primary language of this forum. I used online translation to read your message and to translate my English to German; I make no guarantees as to the quality or accuracy of the translation.

  • TI-Basic Support

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Ovismue-Veholkin ,

    I have a personal User Defined Language (UDL) for TI-Basic / Extended Basic for the TI-99/4A. It doesn’t currently use those extensions (I’m not overly connected to the modern TI-users world, so I didn’t know there was a standard extension for TI-Basic files), but it highlights the syntax. I haven’t uploaded it to the public UDL Collection because I didn’t figure it would be of general use, since I don’t know how many Notepad++ users intersect with 99ers. So you can download that UDL definition into your %AppData%\Notepad++\userDefineLangs\ folder, then restart Notepad++ to make it see the new UDL) – and then you can manually add 8xp 8xk to the Language > User Defined Language > Define Your Language dialog’s User Language: TI-BASIC selection, in the Ext.: input which currently has TIBAS (so you would change it to TIBAS 8xp 8xk or just 8xp 8xk). (That said, I also am just assuming that by “TI-Basic”, you mean the BASIC that was used on the TI-99/4A; I don’t know if that name has a different meaning to other people. And if those extensions are for binary files that encode/store TI-Basic, like maybe for emulated “tape” storage or something, it won’t help, because Notepad++, as a text editor, has no way of understanding a binary file.)

    As an aside: When we created the Themes Collection, I uploaded a theme that you might find amusing (though given that it’s inspired by the default TI-99/4A bright-cyan background color, I doubt anyone would want to use it on a regular basis. And no, when I made my UDL, I used standard light-theme color scheme, rather than a TI-inspired color scheme)

    addenda: after making this post, I did a websearch, and found that 8xp appears to be the file extension for TI-83/84 calculator’s BASIC – confusing of Texas Instruments to use the same name for what are likely two totally different implementations of BASIC. My UDL probably won’t help you; sorry. And it wouldn’t surprise me if the 8xp/8xk extensions were binary files that compress the BASIC text into bytecodes/opcodes that the calculator uses internally; in which case, you would need an external converter to convert from binary to text, then edit the text in Notepad++, save it, then use a converter to convert it back to the binary format.

  • Creating a 'find in files and click' type window

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    I think the source of the confusion is the outdated copyright notice, e.g.,

    // This file is part of Notepad++ project // Copyright (C)2006 Jens Lorenz <jens.plugin.npp@gmx.de> // . . .

    @ThosRTanner, just look at the git history and you’ll see that these files are not actually 17 years old.

    git clone https://github.com/npp-plugins/plugintemplate.git cd plugintemplate git log -p -- src/DockingFeature/*.h
  • Task List

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Maybe even implementing a filter to show only items the user is searching for; very useful when the list contains a lot of tasks/todos items

  • Function list customization

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Stephan-Romhart-0 said in Function list customization:

    Are there any plans that the function list can be customized? Probably font-size or icons?

    No plans for that, that I’m aware of: I doubt anyone has ever made an official feature request like that.

    And I’m dubious that it would receive any attention, even if someone were to make an official request. The font-size just follows the Windows standard size for interface elements (which is the size that Notepad++ uses for menu text and similar text elements)

  • Function list parser for classes

    0 Votes
    14 Posts
    Stephan Romhart 0S

    My final javascript class parser I use now for work is the folling:

    <parser displayName="JavaScript" id="javascript_function" commentExpr="(?s:/\*.*?\*/)|(?m-s://.*?$)"> <classRange mainExpr="class [A-Za-z_$]*\s*\{" openSymbole ="\{" closeSymbole="\}"> <className> <nameExpr expr="Klasse: [A-Za-z_$]*" /> </className> <function mainExpr="^\t[A-Za-z_$]*\([a-zA-Z,=0-9]*\)\s*\{"> <functionName> <funcNameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*" /> </functionName> </function> </classRange> </parser>

    It works for me at the moment, because I use only js classes with declaration.

  • Styling Speed tied to Visible Area

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Thomas KnoefelT

    @Coises said in Styling Speed tied to Visible Area:

    Have you checked whether setting different options for SCI_SETIDLESTYLING makes any difference?

    I tested them right now, and they make no difference. They seem to be more tied to a direct lexer implementation, as they control the threads for styling.

  • Plugin DLL becomes incompatible after calling CreateLexer()

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Thomas KnoefelT

    @Thomas-Knoefel Just a short update on my achievements. I managed to compile everything using the original N++ sources. However, upon further investigation, I realized that if I wanted to use the Lexer, I would need to adapt a lot of code to fit into the plugins framework.
    I decided to run some tests by setting the styles without a Lexer. Remarkably, I found that using Styles instead of Indicatorstyles (which I initially used for my first test) was much faster than expected.
    Surprisingly, the speed almost matches that of a Lexer (even if it is 3 times slower, it still offers good usability for that purpose).But i think i will probably leave the N++ Source Code next to the Plugin to have a better updated in future for some other files.

  • NppExec v0.8.6 has been released!

    7 Votes
    26 Posts
    Vitalii DovganV

    One more idea that requires help of someone familiar with HTML.
    It would be great to add a search index (ability to search for a given word) to the online NppExec Manual.
    I’ve created the corresponding issue on github, please feel free to comment right there:

  • Unable to check a toolbar button on startup

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Every menu item should have a Boolean property similar to the _init2Check member of the FuncItem interface type. Setting this to true makes the checkmark appear.

    Assuming your plugin initializes its menu items in a constructor, the ::setInfo function is where you would assign the restored state to each item’s _init2Check member, or whatever your implementation calls it. One of my own plugins does exactly that by reading values from an *.ini file.

    ::setInfo is called by N++ before ::getFuncsArray, and long before the toolbar gets drawn. Up to now you’ve been calling a window procedure, but your menu items need to be created and configured even before there is any window to receive messages.

  • NPP on arm ?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @David-Slipper ,

    Notepad++ is a Windows application.

    Ones that are easily accessible on Ubuntu are running in a Wine or similar environment, and are unofficial distributions.

    So if you have that environment, you may be able to manually download the ARM version that @terry-r mentioned and get it to run. And maybe whoever supplies the easy-to-install bundle for Ubuntu might choose to eventually distribute one for ARM Ubuntu as well.

    But Notepad++ developers do not support it running on any non-Windows environment, and do not and will not supply bundles for non-Windows environments

  • Debugging Npp .exe without a debugger (beginner)

    0 Votes
    15 Posts
    Victorel PetrovichV

    @PeterJones said in Debugging Npp .exe without a debugger (beginner):

    I assumed @Victorel-Petrovich wouldn’t mind it being moved


  • SQLinForm x64 crashes with N++ 8.5.5

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Guido ThelenG

    @rdipardo @Alan-Kilborn it looks like there is a fix now available. https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/post/88610

    Thanks for all your feedback!

  • how to add/use external libraries in plugin

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    Joseph SamuelJ

    @rdipardo :

    BinaryKits.Zpl.Viewer as a project reference and building it yourself.

    sure, thanks for the suggestion. will try that way…

  • Cannot run NppPlugindemo in Npp8.5.4 X64

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @909369409 said in Cannot run NppPlugindemo in Npp8.5.4 X64:

    C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\Demo\NppPluginDemo.dll

    You need to rename the directory under plugins like C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\NppPluginDemo\NppPluginDemo.dll

    or rename the plugin.dll to demo.dll like C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\Demo\demo.dll

  • Call graph

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Victorel PetrovichV

    @dinkumoil thanks, I will try it.

  • PythonScript/NppExec question

    1 Votes
    9 Posts

    @Ekopalypse , @Alan-Kilborn , and others,

    I think the difference is that in the situation called, there are two layers: there’s the NppExec script, which is being called by the shortcut; then the NppExec is using SendMessage to activate the PythonScript menu from a “click the menu equivalent”.

    So while the shortcut is associated with the NppExec script, it’s keys are still “active” when the menu is “clicked”, so the PS check of “am I being Ctrl+Clicked” sees the Ctrl from the NppExec shortcut and the click from the NppExec SendMessage.

    Whereas, when you just run a PythonScript with a keyboard shortcut, it isn’t also getting the “clicked” attribute.

    At least, that’s what I’ve gathered from the evidence given in this dicsussion; I could easily be wrong.

  • How to use StyleSetBack properly

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Michael LeungM

    @rdipardo Oh wow that worked great!

    Really appreciate the time you guys took to help me, thanks!

  • linter plugin notepad++ 8.5 compatibility

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