Hi, @ray-landolfi, @coises, @alan-kilborn and All,
@ray-landolfi, while seeing your picture, I note that the ComparePlus plugin tell you to add a new empty line at the very beginning of your two files in order to compare them properly. So :
First, follow this advice and add an empty line on top of each file
Secondly, change the Ignore regex and use this new one ^.+?\x20|\x20-\x20.+$
Thirdly, re-compare your two files
This time, everything should be OK !
For your information :
Copy the
three lines below, provided in your
last post, in a
new tab
!celtic KVD-59990 - Luther Vandross - Killing Me Softly.zip ::INFO:: 2.6Mb
!beni-Lappy BKD-24733 - Brantley Gilbert - Devil Don’t Sleep.zip
!MrRay SC7515-12 - Frank Sinatra - My Way.zip
Open the Mark dialog of N++ ( Ctrl + M )
Type in the regex ^.+?\x20|\x20-\x20.+$ in the Find what: zone
Un-check all the box options ( IMPORTANT )
Check only the Wrap around option
Click on the Mark All button
=> All text should be highlighted, except for the zones KBD-59990 , BKD-24733 and SC7515-12
So, the highlighted zones are the zones excluded of the comparison by the ComparePlus plugin. Thus, ONLY the parts KBD-59990 , BKD-24733 and SC7515-12 will be taken in account in the comparison process !
Now :
Open a real file of yours
Repeat the above MARK operation
=> You’ll can verify that everything, but the DISK-TRACK zones, is marked, as you expected to !
Best Regards,