• Get normal text and find all

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @neil-schipper said in Get normal text and find all:

    It should be understood why a file would look so different in the two programs. Perhaps Fred could provide screenshots (see FAQ)

    Unless Fred comes back, we might never know. My experiments show that the situation will not arise: looking at a valid RTF in a word processor like Word Pad, you will see a pretty, word-processed document; but if you look at it in a text editor, whether it is MS Notepad or our Notepad++, it will show the underlying code, as seen below:


    So I cannot replicate the initial situation that Fred described. My first guess is that Fred was mistaken, and was actually looking at the RTF in WordPad or some other word processor, not in notepad.exe like was originally stated. But if there is proof to the contrary, I would be curious to see enough evidence to be able to replicate what I believe is an impossible situation.

    That said, Neil’s regular expression (regex) solution is the right way of doing the search in Notepad++. But it won’t “copy the results.” If Fred needs the “copy” as well, then use the Mark dialog with the same regular expression; once xyz or abc are marked, then use Search > Copy Styled Text > Find Mark Style (or Find Style (Marked) in slightly older versions of Notepad++) will place all the text that was highlighted in the Mark action into the clipboard. But that seems a bit silly, because it will just end up with N copies of xyz or abc in the clipboard, without any of the surrounding text… If Fred actually wanted to copy any lines that contain either xyz or abc, then the regex would have to be modified to select the whole line: (?-s)^.*(abc|xyz).*$. So, as you said, unless Fred does a much better job of describing what is actually wanted, Fred will likely be disappointed with the results of our guessed solutions.


    Some bonus info for @fred339:

    Useful References Please Read Before Posting Template for Search/Replace Questions FAQ: Where to find regular expressions (regex) documentation Notepad++ Online User Manual: Searching/Regex
  • PyNPP supported Version

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @sinnamonsnow ,

    It looks like the author never submitted it to the nppPluginList, which is why it’s not showing up in Plugins Admin. Which means you would have to download the plugin yourself from https://github.com/mpcabd/PyNPP

    Given that it hasn’t been updated since 2019, it might have a problem with Notepad++ v8.3 or newer… but if they don’t use any of the changed API calls, then there’s a good chance it will work with those newest ones. If not, then it should work with v8.2.

  • GoLang suggestion hint help

    0 Votes
    4 Posts


    Thank you!, I will look into it and report back once I managed to get something to work.

  • Modify tabulation to insert space for user defined language

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @firepowi ,

    There was a discussion on that a bit ago: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/22857/adding-the-extension-of-prg-in-the-tab-settings-list/6

    The short version is: not natively in UDL. However, using Python Script plugin, it’s doable.

    There is an example script near the end of the conversation

  • sorting data atoz

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Well, it really isn’t a reasonable expectation for a text editor to do such a thing.
    A better way is to have a keycombo run a command or a macro to perform the action on demand (as opposed to automatically).
    If this is agreeable to you, you can certainly find appropriate commands for sorting on the Edit > Line Operations submenu.

  • Code folding help

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @vindicit ,

    If it works for you, that’s the important thing. I always keep the pairs in the same order, so I would have said OPEN = "begin object" "attributes beg" macro and CLOSE = "end object" "attributes end" end so that the object-pair were the first tokens in each, the attributes-pair were the second tokens in each, and the macro-pair were the third tokens in each. But that doesn’t seem to be required.

  • Not able to install XML plugin

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @nup-bakshi ,

    Reposting the v7.9.5 announcement/change-log doesn’t help us understand the problem that you are having. If you need help, you need to use your own words to describe your problem.

    If you are saying that you have v7.9.5 and XML Tools plugin will not install, you will have to explain the sequence that you are using to install it, because “1) Open Notepad++ v7.9.5; 2) click Plugins > Plugins Admin; 3) checkbox XML Tools and click Install; 4) wait for Notepad++ to restart” is the only sequence you need to get XML Tools correctly installed in v7.9.5.

  • Notepad++ 8.4 Crashes opening XML files

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @rdipardo I have found the problem plugin.
    It was version of ColumnTools.
    I updated to version from


    and the XML files open with all the rest of my plugins loaded,
    including XMLTools.

  • XMLTools: Access Violation

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mats KøberM

    Issue is solved in the newest version:

  • partial file saved with large file modification

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Perhaps best to try the operation sequence again with NO plugins at all?

  • Recent file history

    0 Votes
    23 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    I’m not a big user of it, but for the times where I do want to run multiple “instances”, I have a completely separate “portable” version set up, and I get to it via a couple of Run menu entries from my main “instance”:


    This doesn’t have any of the typical multi-instance problems you cite, but it has the disadvantage of some overhead (a separate copy of Notepad++, creation of Run menu entries, …)

  • Outcome window

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @eva-forsgren ,

    The answer to that previous question hasn’t changed since November 2020 – and it never will, because Notepad++ is a text editor. There are possible preview plugins (Preview HTML for HTML/web preview; Markdown++ for Markdown preview; and a plethora of ways to compile-and-run programming languages so that their results show up in a panel inside Notepad++). But if all you do is link to another question, and don’t even bother expanding with the details that were requested of the original poster two years ago, we cannot say any more than we did the last time.

  • Shortcut not working as expected

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @peterjones Thank you!

    Appreciate the effort you’ve put in. I tried the portable version and found the key combo still didn’t work so, as you said, that points to an external hijack.

    I was planning to start the process of elimination following that failure but, the first time (and only the first) I tried Ctrl-Alt-C in the portable NPP, I noticed a very brief disturbance somewhere else on my display and I recognised the source of it. I use a program called MyPhoneExplorer to manage data on my phone and it looked like a progress dialog from that - lasting well less than a second, I would say. When I checked all the settings for that program, I found it has allocated Ctrl-Alt-C for copying selected text to the phone’s clipboard - I wasn’t even aware of that feature.

    Once again, many thanks for helping me find the culprit!

  • Session backups not working

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @mr-brunes said in Session backups not working:

    and the intended use case documenting.

    How is the FAQ in this forum, plus the huge number of notes in the backup section of the user manual describing exactly what the “session snapshot and periodic backup”, not sufficient “use case documenting”?

  • PHP to HTML

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    2 Posts

    @david-smith-1 ,

    You can edit the source code of your PHP file, and remove any PHP commands you want, and type in the HTML. So yes.

    But I doubt that’s what you’re really asking. There is no magic command in Notepad++ to “search for all PHP and translate it to static HTML”.

    You can do search-and-replace for specific pieces of PHP and replace with the equivalent static HTML. But Notepad++ cannot tell you what those are. Sorry, that level of cutting edge AI hasn’t made its way into our favorite text editor.

  • Go back to previous version of Find window

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    can I change the text following the step you mentioned?

    Yes, but it won’t solve your original problem:

    where Search backwords button is the same size as Search afterwords button?

    because, as Peter said:

    although you can change the text, the localization files do not change the width of the buttons

  • How to use keyboard to get text from autoscript

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Florent PagèsF

    @michael-vincent Thanks a lot

  • Finding and replacing characters

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    2 mins Summary2

    @peterjones Thank you very much

  • Download link that doesn't change with new versions ( For app deployment)

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @andreas-b-jensen said in Download link that doesn't change with new versions ( For app deployment):

    what is most important, outdated software with possible security holes or short disruption to employees?

    That is really up to the organization, not an outsider like me.

    But in my experience, with Notepad++, there has only been one group of changes that were security related – that was the EU-FOSSA batch in v7.6.3. Notepad++ is not primarily an internet-facing or internet-interfacing application, so most “security” issues don’t affect Notepad++. So, for Notepad++ updates, if I were in charge of distributing to a group of users, I would prioritize doing a quick check to make sure that the end-user experience wouldn’t be disrupted, over getting the newest update to the end-user ASAP.

    But it sounds like you have good ideas for how to implement things within your system; that’s great! Good luck.

  • Open .mlg extension?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    J.M. VannJ

    Thanks everyone. That’s a very helpful explanation. Looks like I’ll need to find another way to try and access the files.