• Please Read This Before Posting

    Pinned Locked
    7 Votes
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  • v8.7 Search Results Missing

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    This v8.6.9-v8.7.2 issue has been fixed (GitHub commit).
    The fix will be included in the next Notepad++ version (probably v8.7.3).

    I would leave this topic pinned for a while longer until the fix reaches most N++ users.

  • HELP: Having trouble with Macros in v8.5.3 or later

    2 Votes
    28 Posts
    Mike NewmanM

    Moderator Note: The contents of this post were moved to a separate topic, Macro works normally, but fails when shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+C, because it’s actually separate from the >=v8.5.3 issue for this Topic.

  • Problemewith regex in multi-line search

    2 Votes
    2 Posts


    Most likely you are editing a file with Windows line endings, which are \r\n, not just \n.

    I would suggest:

    Leave . matches newline unchecked — you don’t want that .+ to cross lines

    Use \R to represent the break between lines — it matches \r, \n or \r\n

    You don’t need the $ when it’s immediately followed by a line-ending character, nor the circumflex immediately after (though they don’t hurt, either)

    So, try: ^(.+)\R\1Ɣ$ and see if that matches as desired; leave . matches newline unchecked. If you are using Windows line endings, use \1\r\n\1=Z to replace. (On the status bar at the bottom, towards the right side, you’ll see either Windows (CR LF), Unix (LF) or Macintosh (CR), which tells you the current line ending setting for your file.)

  • Fold Margin Style Box Tree

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @AlanRobbo-69 said in Fold Margin Style Box Tree:


    @AlanRobbo-69 is a different username than @Francis-Robinson – are you the same person? If so, please use one account for posting, so the conversation don’t get confused.

    Alan’s incredulity is that that you seem to think that Fold Margin has no purpose, just because you cannot customize it for built-in languages. That’s an interpretation that he cannot fathom. I understand it’s annoying to you, because you found a bug, but if the Lexilla library had properly implemented the right folding rules for VB, you wouldn’t think it needed to be customizable in order to serve a purpose – so I think your “cause - effect” pair of “it’s not customizable - thus, it doesn’t serve a purpose” is fallacious. You had bad data, so you came to a bad conclusion; it happens. If you wanted to say at this point, “fold margin for Visual Basic does not serve my needs, because it is currently broken” that’s completely reasonable (but a very different statement than you made). And my response to such a hypothetical statement would be, “that’s too bad; hopefully ScintillaOrg will fix Lexilla, so that Notepad++ can be updated. too; until then, I guess you won’t be able to fold, unless you cleanly indent your code; sorry.”

  • 1 Votes
    12 Posts

    Hi, All,

    As intended, here is my issue , on GitHub :




  • Help replacing some numbers

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Hello, @manuel-rodríguez, @mkupper and All,

    Manuel, could you provide us of an example of your file ( let’s say between 10 and 30 lines ), like you did in your first post ?

    When replying and pasting your text in your post, if possible, use the </> icon, named code, in the header line. It always better to get true literal text !

    See you later,



  • Exporting an Existing Language Defintion?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @Monsterray ,
    In addition to what @PeterJones is saying, while you have a functional ability that he suggests, you could create your own UDL mirroring the stuff that is already accessible to you from the main language you want to copy from, like Keywords, background colors, foreground colors, font Name, font size, font style, and helpfully, the Names that the word style is applied to from the stylers.xml file, so you can duplicate it inside of the UDL with applicable mapping to the UDL components of Operators 1 & 2 and Delimiters, Comment and Number, Folding & Default and Keyword Lists. You can also then work on the Function List aspect and the AutoComplete that would be tailored to your use case and preferences. We don’t have control over the parsing and application and customization that writing the lexer does, but if you work hard enough and learn the intricacies of working with the UDL and customizable features available, you can make a pretty good alternative to the original’s capability…but it will take learning and work. :-)

    The people here can help you do it, if you want to, or you can do what @PeterJones suggests to do it the easy way. :-)

    Below here are the mappings from the Python section of the stylers.xml file you’ll need to map to the UDL categories and properties.

    <LexerType desc="Python" ext="" name="python"> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="DEFAULT" styleID="0" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="008000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="COMMENT LINE" styleID="1" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="FF0000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="NUMBER" styleID="2" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="808080" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="STRING" styleID="3" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="808080" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="CHARACTER" styleID="4" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="0000FF" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="1" keywordClass="instre1" name="KEYWORDS" styleID="5" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="FF8000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="TRIPLE" styleID="6" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="FF8000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="TRIPLE DOUBLE" styleID="7" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="1" name="CLASS NAME" styleID="8" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="FF00FF" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="DEF NAME" styleID="9" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="000080" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="1" name="OPERATOR" styleID="10" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="IDENTIFIER" styleID="11" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="008000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="COMMENT BLOCK" styleID="12" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="880088" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="1" keywordClass="instre2" name="BUILTINS" styleID="14" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="FF8000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="2" name="DECORATOR" styleID="15" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="808080" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="F STRING" styleID="16" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="808080" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="F CHARACTER" styleID="17" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="FF8000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="F TRIPLE" styleID="18" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="FF8000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="F TRIPLEDOUBLE" styleID="19" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFFFF" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" name="ATTRIBUTE" styleID="20" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFF80" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" keywordClass="substyle1" name="USER KEYWORDS 1" styleID="128" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFF80" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" keywordClass="substyle2" name="USER KEYWORDS 2" styleID="129" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFF80" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" keywordClass="substyle3" name="USER KEYWORDS 3" styleID="130" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFF80" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" keywordClass="substyle4" name="USER KEYWORDS 4" styleID="131" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFF80" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" keywordClass="substyle5" name="USER KEYWORDS 5" styleID="132" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFF80" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" keywordClass="substyle6" name="USER KEYWORDS 6" styleID="133" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFF80" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" keywordClass="substyle7" name="USER KEYWORDS 7" styleID="134" /> <WordsStyle bgColor="FFFF80" fgColor="000000" fontName="" fontSize="" fontStyle="0" keywordClass="substyle8" name="USER KEYWORDS 8" styleID="135" /> </LexerType>
  • Help Me mouse cursor automatically Error.

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
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  • Hide Fold Lines

    1 Votes
    34 Posts
    Ruben NevesR

    @leonardchai Thank you very much. I searched for your plugin in the plugin admin menu and there it was. Works great!

  • Find & Replace in multiple values

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Artur MonhoA


    Solved. Thanks

  • bug : "{file} doesnt exist any more. Keep file in editor?"

    0 Votes
    13 Posts

    I just remembered similar “file does not exist” issue in the N++ v8.7.1+ caused by an interfering SW (in that case by the corporate telemetry spyware Teramind, monitoring all the files opened by user):


  • How to Make Fonts Bolder in Notepad++?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @PeterJones @xomx
    When I switched the rendering mode to “GDI (most compatible),” the font display ended up looking even stranger than before, especially with Chinese fonts. It felt like I’d been transported back 60 years.


  • blurry colored output with 8.7.5 on windows 11 with cleartype disabled

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Jean-Michel KisslingJ

    Hello, thanks for your fast answer.

    I tried switching on and off font smoothing, but it really does nothing on the old version.

    After installing the new 8.7.8 version, MIRACLE, it works with GDI


    Thanks a lot for the update and the help.

    Best regards.

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Bharath-k ,

    That is not the same as the regex I gave you: it will match ANY line with the text on the right side of the | , not just the ones that have the prefix you described.

    If it “works” for you, great. But it doesn’t match your original request.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @GM-Bobby-B ,
    First off, you should go to the Notepad++ menu bar, select the ?->Debug info...->Copy debug info to clipboard and add that to this message thread so people can see what you’re working with. This is vital information before beginning any serious troubleshooting of your issue. It would also help if you read over the FAQ Threads of the forums in particular this one 'FAQ:Why can’t I just say “Most Recent Version” ’ to learn things about posting, information required to help, etc.

  • Issue if Folding in code

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Zachary DeckerZ


    Thanks for the reply. I followed your suggestions, but these did not resolve the issue.

    However, I did find a solution after much troubleshooting. You noted that there can be issues if the first line is a comment. This is not the case in my file, but I realized the folding issue was correlated with the number of comments. Playing around with the Comment settings in the Comment & Number tab shows this to be true. I had some strange settings going on in there which worked for the comments, but screwed up the folding.


    Removing the Comment Style settings fixed the issue.


  • Different foreground/background colors per tab?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @coltrane31 said in Different foreground/background colors per tab?:

    Is it possible to have two versions of the app installed at the same time

    See the user manual for “instances”; the user manual may be accessed via your ? menu in Notepad++. There are several alternative things you could do in this regard, although to get “different fg/bg colors per tab”, it all seems a bit much to go through.

  • The view jumps not quite to the bottom of the page when switching tabs

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Taras TkachenkoT

    @PeterJones That is probably the best. I don’t want a version cluttered with features.

  • Is it possible to open two instances on startup?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Wicke2d ,

    At startup of windows? Yes, there are multiple ways.

    You could create a .bat which runs two instances (ie, it calls c:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe twice, at least one of which with the -multiInst option, or having the always-use-multiple-instances setting on in your Notepad++ config), and put that in your Startup folder (search the interwebs to see how to add something to the startup folder for your particular Windows version).

    Or you could use Task Scheduler to create a task that runs two instances of Notepad++ (again, with the -multiInst or the preference equivalent mentioned above)

    I have a dual desktop setup

    I, however, don’t think that either of those solutions would be able to put a separate instance on a specific Desktop when you first boot.

    I want to say maybe you could do it with calling a different session from the command-line in each, but I don’t think that would be able to automatically run them at bootup. Maybe someone else has some ideas.