• Cursor become black square at line selection

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Yeah same thing there although I doubt it’s a bug on their side. When I force Intel’s built-in GPU the mirror arrow displays correctly. Without my intervention AMD does everything hence the black square.
    Since both chips and their drivers are from the same year I presume AMD’s drivers are to blame. They’re latest since ages ago so I can’t simply update them. They had a rather sloppy period around that time (and technical standards were very dynamic) and one the symptoms are hardware cursors such as this example.

    For that reason it makes little sense to file a ticket to support faulty and obsolete technology. It would take away from devs time to support a handful of such old (don’t ask) PC configurations that still exist. This one is on its last legs as well so the problem is about to fix itself soon enough :)

    If it were a real bug I suspect a lot more people would react so no biggie. Thanks for the links btw, it was interesting to see how Scintilla and N++ are connected, I had no idea.

  • Massive list and massive search and replace?

    0 Votes
    23 Posts
    Yurble VươngY


    Many thanks for help

  • Is there a way to move columns down?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    Hello, @dochbert, @ekopalypse, @terry-r, @Coises, @mark-olson and All,

    Mark, from your INPUT text :

    |Date|Percentage| |:-|:-| |February 9|0.30769230769231%| |February 10|0.30864197530864%| |February 11|19%| |February 14|0.3125%| |February 15|0.31347962382445%| |February 16|0.31446540880503%| |February 17|0.31545741324921%| |February 18|5%| |February 22|| |Blerun 33|15.7934343%| |rkejrkej 22|| |rjerkjekre 33333|78.334343%| |rekerkekre |99.4444%| |jgkjgkf|| |yiowpwk||

    If we delete the two last lines |jgkjgkf|| and |yiowpwk||, then, after running your search-replacement, I got this text:

    |Date|Percentage| |:-|:-| |February 9|| |February 10|0.30769230769231%| |February 11|0.30864197530864%| |February 14|19%| |February 15|0.3125%| |February 16|0.31347962382445%| |February 17|0.31446540880503%| |February 18|0.31545741324921%| |February 22|5%| |Blerun 33|| |rkejrkej 22|15.7934343%| |rjerkjekre 33333|| |rekerkekre |78.334343%99.4444%|

    Note that the last line is not exact and should be |rekerkekre |78.334343%| only

    Thus, I tried to solve this problem and here is a generalization of your method !

    Let’s suppose we have this text :

    |Year|Month|Day|Percentage| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |2025|February|10|0.1%| |2025|February|11|0.2%| |2025|February|12|| |2025|February|13|0.4%| |2025|February|14|0.5%| |2025|February|15|| |2025|February|16|| |2025|February|17|0.6%| |2025|February|18|0.7%| |2025|February|19|0.8%|

    And that we want to move all text of the column 4 downwards

    Note that the last line |2025|February|19|0.8%| is followed with a line-break which ends the file contents !

    First, with this first regex S/R, we replace any | character, except for the first one and the last two containing the percentage value, by a ! char

    FIND (?!^)\|(?=.+\|.*?\|$)


    So our INPUT text is changed as :

    |Year!Month!Day|Percentage| |:-!:-!:-|:-| |2025!February!10|0.1%| |2025!February!11|0.2%| |2025!February!12|| |2025!February!13|0.4%| |2025!February!14|0.5%| |2025!February!15|| |2025!February!16|| |2025!February!17|0.6%| |2025!February!18|0.7%| |2025!February!19|0.8%|

    Now, we apply the main regex S/R :

    FIND (?-s)(\d+(?:\.\d+)?%)?(\|\R\|.*?\|)|(?:[^%\r\n]+%(?=\|\R\z))

    REPLACE ${2}${1}

    Running that S/R once, we get :

    |Year!Month!Day|Percentage| |:-!:-!:-|:-| |2025!February!10|| |2025!February!11|0.1%| |2025!February!12|0.2%| |2025!February!13|| |2025!February!14|0.4%| |2025!February!15|0.5%| |2025!February!16|| |2025!February!17|| |2025!February!18|0.6%| |2025!February!19|0.7%|

    Then, if desired, you may again re-run this regex S/R and it returns :

    |Year!Month!Day|Percentage| |:-!:-!:-|:-| |2025!February!10|| |2025!February!11|| |2025!February!12|0.1%| |2025!February!13|0.2%| |2025!February!14|| |2025!February!15|0.4%| |2025!February!16|0.5%| |2025!February!17|| |2025!February!18|| |2025!February!19|0.6%|

    And… after some clicks on the Replace All button, you should get :

    |Year!Month!Day|Percentage| |:-!:-!:-|:-| |2025!February!10|| |2025!February!11|| |2025!February!12|| |2025!February!13|| |2025!February!14|| |2025!February!15|| |2025!February!16|| |2025!February!17|| |2025!February!18|| |2025!February!19||

    Finally, the trivial S/R

    FIND !


    Would replace all the ! chars by the separator character

    Best Regards,


  • Search and Replace with PythonScript compared to built-in

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Wim GielisW


    Thank you, then I leave it in the code.

  • Change colors in console window open after Find All in Current Document

    0 Votes
    16 Posts

    Sorry, @Reggie-Wherry,

    You have misunderstood the question from 6 years ago. They were asking about the Search Results panel; your answer is talking about how to change settings for the NppExec plugin’s console panel, so is irrelevant to the original, already-answered question.

  • WebEdit Plugin for NPP x64 ?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Hey @Sam-Cem, or anybody watching this thread: 64-bit WebEdit is now ready to use, for x64 and ARM: https://github.com/npp-dotnet/WebEdit/releases/tag/v2.7.rc.1

    No plans for an official release until a licensing issue gets resolved.

  • 0 Votes
    18 Posts
    Patrick 909P



  • Save unsaved files to a folder

    1 Votes
    6 Posts
    Wim GielisW

    Thank you for the feedback.

    I made changes to this:

    import os import re from Npp import notepad, editor SAVE_FOLDER = r'D:\_\Notepad++tabs' FILE_PATTERN = r'^\d{2}\.txt$' if os.path.exists(SAVE_FOLDER): counter = sum(len([file for file in files if re.compile(FILE_PATTERN).search(file)]) for _, _, files in os.walk(SAVE_FOLDER)) else: os.makedirs(SAVE_FOLDER) counter = 0 for (full_file_name, bufferID, file_index, view) in notepad.getFiles(): notepad.activateBufferID(bufferID) do_saveas = True if os.path.isfile(full_file_name) and os.sep in full_file_name: if os.path.exists(full_file_name): notepad.save() do_saveas = False if do_saveas: counter += 1 new_file_path = os.path.join(SAVE_FOLDER, f"{counter:02}.txt") notepad.saveAs(new_file_path)

    Best regards,


  • 0 Votes
    18 Posts

    @Mark-Colvin said in Notepad++ v8.7.1 (32-bit) NppShell.dll is intermittently crashing Windows Explorer.:

    How does this compatibility mode affect the Explorer context menu invocations?

    Good point, this probably influences the N++ app only and not the NppShell extension DLL invoked by the shell Explorer.

  • Can't add directories to workspace project

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @WolfyRed ,

    I understand that you are upset, but unforuntately, as a fellow user of Notepad++, all I can tell you is that you are trying to do something without first understanding how the Workspace/Project feature works, and what you appear to be trying to do is not possible in the Workspace/Project feature, hence your confusion and frustration.

    As the user manual explains, in the project panel, a “folder” is just a container inside your project, and does not 1:1 correspond to a specific “directory” on your file storage. Specifically, if you want to have a folder under your project, and have it access all the files currently in a specific directory on your computer, you need to Add folder, which adds an empty folder; to populate that folder, you can then right click on that folder, and Add files from directory…, which will add all the files currently in the chosen computer directory into your project’s folder (and if you don’t want all the files, but just a subset, you could use Add files… – the command you already mentioned – instead). But without adding files using one of the two commands, there will be no files in your project. This is the way the Workspace/Project feature of Notepad++ was designed.

    Please note that I’m careful to say “currently in a specific directory”: the Workspace/Project feature does not automatically update one of its projects or folders to include new files that have been added to any computer directory, nor to remove files from the projects or folders that have been removed from your computer’s directory. It’s a static list that you can add to or remove from manually.

    The “Workspace/Project” feature of Notepad++ is intended as a way for you to manually group disparate files, not necessarily from one computer directory, into a logical/virtual group, which you can save the list of files, and load it again later. No “project” or “folder” within this feature is synced to any specific location or directory hierarchy on your computer. (it’s somewhat the same concept as a project in Visual Studio, where you have to manually add or remove files from the project, even if the directory containing those files has been updated to include more or fewer files; in VS, you can also create a “folder” in your project, where you can put files from throughout your sourcecode tree, regardless of what directory they were part of originally; so in a way, other than the compiling features that VS provides, it’s very much like the project inside a VS solution.)

    If you want a similar panel in Notepad++, but one that automatically tracks one or more computer directories (in a hierarchical manner), rather than manually putting together a static list of files for your project, I recommend “Folder As Workspace” (“FaW”), in which you can add one or more computer directories for the FaW panel to track. This feature doesn’t allow you to arbitrarily organize the files like you can in a project panel, but it does automatically track one or more directories in your panel.

    Unfortunately, your description of your search implies that you are using the “Find in Project” feature, which is something that doesn’t have an exact duplicate for the FaW feature. The Find in Files search tab comes close, because it can search any single directory (or recursive directory, depending on your options), but it will not be able to automatically pick the top level directory from FaW (though you can easily get Find in Files to start searching in the directory where the active file is, and can quickly modify that start-in-directory to go up a directory or two)

    But, unfortunately for you, it doesn’t look like either FaW or Workspace/Project features will do everything that you want it to; so you’ll have to pick which subset of features are most important to you (if syncing to the actual computer filesystem is most important, pick FaW; if being able to Find In Project is most important and the one-directory or one-recursive-directory available through Find In Files isn’t sufficient for you, you might need to live with the limitations of Workspace/Project, instead of using FaW)

    No, I don’t know why the developer implemented those two Panels separately, rather than just allowing the Project feature to either set a Folder to always “track” a directory or to be a “manual” folder instead; he has resisted all requests to combine the best of both features into a single unified user experience, unfortunately. Which means that neither FaW nor Workspace/Project will have all the features that many users want from the same feature in Notepad++, annoying users who want all the features from both Panels in one place. Sorry.

  • How to save 2000 files at once

    0 Votes
    17 Posts

    @Turuseutas ,

    I use Notepad++ only for note-taking. Sometimes I write, and other times I open a new tab to copy things to read later. On some days, I might create 0 to a few tabs, while on other days, I could create 10 or even 20 tabs just by clicking.

    I might suggest installing the plugin called TakeNotes. Its description as shown in the Plugins Admin:

    Helps people who like to use Notepad++ for jotting quick notes. Instead of using unnamed ‘new ?’ files, this plugins allows to quickly create new empty files in a folder of choice. The file names may be custom generated using a mask and may contain details such as the user name, date, and time of creation so that unique files may be generated. Additionally, the plugin allows to load exiting notes in the folder of choice, save existing files as a note, and open the last saved note quickly. Please refer to the Options dialog box for more details. It is strongly recommended to use this plugin in combination with AutoSave to make sure that you never loose a note.

    Based on your description, this plugin (especially combined with the author’s AutoSave plugin) will provide you with both the functionality you seem to want, plus the safety of always having your files saved somewhere rather than just relying on the session-snapshot+periodic-backup

    Perhaps they might not notice the explanation in the bottom corner of the screen?

    Users might overlook a short message that appears in the bottom corner

    I am confused how that can happen. When I use my dummy account with no reputation to start a new post, I see:

    The big purple message box doesn’t just “disappear”. I have to manually click the X to be able to start typing my first post in that account. If you choose to ignore the contents of the box and just click the X, there’s not much I can do from a User Interface perspective to stop you from doing that. When I do click the X and then type and try to post, I see the “temporary” popup in the corner for about 10-15sec. But even if I missed that one, there was still the big purple box that was there when I first posted. If I try to make a second post before my earlier one is approved, because I didn’t see my first, I see the big purple box again, that I again have to click X on. And if I get a first post approved, when I try to make a second real post with no reputation, I still get the big purple box.

    Are you sure you’re not getting that box every time, and just clicking X without reading it? (If you are using a different color scheme in the forum, it might not be “purple”, but it should get in the way of you entering any post.)

  • Language, User Defined

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @Dennis-Bareis ,
    You have to understand, the UDL uses a complex, but pretty thorough general purpose lexer that anyone that takes the time to learn the UDL documentation and system, (and it doesn’t happen overnight) can make some pretty good User Defined Language Packages. I say package, because right now, short of the Visual UI designer in my dBASE IDE, I can use Notepad++ for a damn good IDE. It took me about a year to complete (not constantly working on it) the UDL and it includes several customizations of NPP basic features to do it.

    Syntax Highlighting - basic, I’m working on advanced now. Auto Completion - Entire language documented and hints available FunctionList - Entire language Class/Method/Functions usable for navigation Popup Context Menu that has the dark/light language options selectable and will soon include multiple versions of our legacy language UDL’s with options chosen by right click navigation. Snippets - Setup with our language specific code for pasting UDL Specific Macros for Header insertions Plugins that allow this development environment to process things that our IDE doesn’t even touch, with the option to use other plugins Theme, dark mode, color control, that our IDE lacks…etc. Replace the NPP help F1, that calls up the dBASE Help documentation

    The list can go on. Everyday I learn things. Look at it like this. If you want to make a quality UDL for yourself…slow down and take the time to learn this system, so that short of writing your own Lexer/Parser you can make a pretty good package fairly quickly.

    dBASE, that I made the package for, is more difficult for the UDL to address all things, because it’s a loose language that allows some legacy procedural code, Visual UI creation, database manipulation language, OOP Object’s and language etc. So if I can figure this out, you can. I’m no Einstein, but I had a lot of persistence, an open and positive attitude wanting to learn all of this from scratch, including learning NPP’s version of regex and regex in general.
    But try not to come here frustrated because you don’t get a red carpet roll out of how to do things. It’s not easy being a product that can do a lot for a lot of people. Maybe not everything, but so far I’ve found the only thing lacking here, is my own knowledge of how to do it…and that’s what you have to understand. You’re learning their eco system…so try to learn it and not complain about what you don’t understand yet. Please. You get more bees with honey, than vinegar.

  • Notepad ++ XML Plugin

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    @Jana-Laster said in Notepad ++ XML Plugin:

    We have previously used Notepad ++ to do transforms without issue.

    I am assuming you were using a plugin to do these transformations. Which plugin, and which command within that plugin? Which version of Notepad++?

    I suppose you could have been committing the unspeakable atrocity that is editing HTML with regex, but I don’t want to accuse you of such a grievous crime without evidence.

  • Marco's do not record and execute shortcuts.

    0 Votes
    19 Posts

    Hello, @rens-duijsens and All,

    Apparently, you forgot the Key "40" ==> Down, in your list

    The key INS is Key 45 ( and not 55 )

    Some OEM keys seem missing too !

    Refer this post and the next posts, for further information :


    Best Regards,


  • How to disable duplicate line?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @mkupper So I’m explicitly pressing Control+D and it’s no longer duplicating lines. This tab got buried though in the time since I do not recall having to remove a duplicated line. So the earlier mentioned directions seem to have worked. Thanks!

    @guy038 Thanks Guy, that worked!

  • Italics and text color

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Ya-Boley ,

    In Notepad++, you would type the HTML code that changes color and/or sets text as italics, like the <i> tag or <p style="color: red;"> style, then save your file and upload it to your website.

    Your question is actually an HTML/CSS question, not a question specific to Notepad++ . We can help you use Notepad++ to make it more efficient for you to enter and manipulate your HTML/CSS code (for example, recommending the HTML Tag plugin and probably XML Tools plugin to make your HTML manipulation more efficient, and the NppFTP plugin for remote editing directly on your webserver)

    But generic HTML/CSS questions like the one you asked are nothing specific to Notepad++, and the HTML/CSS answer is the same whether you are using Notepad++ or notepad.exe or emacs, and thus is off topic for a Notepad++ forum, as our FAQ explains. If you need help with HTML/CSS, you will need to find a website/forum that specializes in HTML/CSS, or at least has a section where HTML/CSS questions are on-topic (such as the Stack Exchange family of sites)

  • Different text path Notepad++ batch files

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Max-lighnting said in Different text path Notepad++ batch files:

    how to use different text path on batch notepad++
    “set /p Text”= it makes messege like text on powershell
    but i want it to use differet path for like yes/no questions

    Further to @PeterJones 's comments, it’s not clear what you mean by a “text path” in NP++. Your follow-up comments sound like references to the console window from a running batch script, but as Peter alluded to, those are the subject of other forums like the various Stack Exchange sites, not this one.

  • Display in NPP

    1 Votes
    22 Posts

    @DomOBU said in Display in NPP:

    There are some basic words in CSS: selector, property and value. Why don’t these words appear in the CSS Style Configurator?

    This sounds like a question for the developers, but it looks like a few other users have had similar/related issues with CSS syntax highlighting, even when the identifiers are listed. If these threads do not answer your question, feel free to start a new one.

  • Remove duplicate links from the end - notpad++

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Hello @robaned, @terry-r and All,

    Terry, your regex (?-s)^.+?/([^/]+)\R(?=.+?\1) works as expected. Howewer you still could shorten it !

    Indeed, if you have begun your regex with (?-s)^.+/, obviously, the remainder of current line cannot contain any / char anymore !

    Thus, your search regex can be simplified to :


    I found out an other solution which could be faster in case of numerous duplicates :

    FIND (?-s)^(.+/(.+)\R)(.+/\2\R)+

    REPLACE $1

    My solution acts as the opposite of yours : it keeps the first duplicate line of each set !

    Best Regards,


  • COBOL Word Character

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @Jonathan-R ,
    You’re very unclear in your question. @PeterJones is correct.

    It’s been a long time since I did any COBOL of any flavor, so I did a quick search on the newest IBM COBOL syntax, and apparently, yes, the hyphen(-) is a word character. My question, is why don’t you think that the current COBOL language is properly rendering syntax coloring, etc for COBOL, let alone IBM COBOL?

    Here is a screenshot of me just pasting some sample COBOL code in Notepad++, and just selecting under Language->C->COBOL and this screenshot shows the current colorization of that language, properly showing the hyphen as a word character.


    This is that code so you can try it yourself:

    IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. VARS. DATA DIVISION. *> working storage defines variables WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. *> define a number with a sign, 3 numbers, a decimal, and then *> two numbers aafter the decimal. by default it should be 0 filled 01 FIRST-VAR PIC S9(3)V9(2). *> do the same thing as above but actually initialize *> to a number -123.45 01 SECOND-VAR PIC S9(3)V9(2) VALUE -123.45. *> defines an alphabetic string and initialize it to abcdef 01 THIRD-VAR PIC A(6) VALUE 'ABCDEF'. *> define an alphanumeric string and initialize it to a121$ 01 FOURTH-VAR PIC X(5) VALUE 'A121$'. *> create a grouped variable 01 GROUP-VAR. 05 SUBVAR-1 PIC 9(3) VALUE 337. *> create 3 alphanumerics, but use less than *> the allocated space for each of them 05 SUBVAR-2 PIC X(15) VALUE 'LALALALA'. 05 SUBVAR-3 PIC X(15) VALUE 'LALALA'. 05 SUBVAR-4 PIC X(15) VALUE 'LALALA'. *> print our variables PROCEDURE DIVISION. DISPLAY "1ST VAR :"FIRST-VAR. DISPLAY "2ND VAR :"SECOND-VAR. DISPLAY "3RD VAR :"THIRD-VAR. DISPLAY "4TH VAR :"FOURTH-VAR. DISPLAY "GROUP VAR :"GROUP-VAR. STOP RUN.

    As you can see…the hyphen(-) is treated as a word character, and properly highlighted even when being used as minus in a numerical representation.

    So again, what are you really asking, because you are clear as mud.