• Notepad++ resets file permission bits for WSL files on save

    1 Votes
    18 Posts

    @anno73 said in Notepad++ resets file permission bits for WSL files on save:

    (wsl --update) and since then the issue does not occur any more.

    This could mean that the WSL team fixed this stuff somehow in some newer versions (as I installed WSL for testing some time after you, I had probably such a newer version installed, so my ok N++ test corresponds to your current one).

    Still - I am curious how this works (there has to be probably some watch-dog guard of these NTFS EA for the drives/folders mounted from within the WSL (?)).

  • assign the same keyboard shortcut to multiple Macros

    0 Votes
    13 Posts

    @mathlete2 said in assign the same keyboard shortcut to multiple Macros:

    I’ve submitted another request targeted more towards my ultimate end goal.

    If your intent is to have the new one, not the old one, make sure you close the old one, so the developer knows which you actually want.

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @gokul-bhardwaj ,

    Please take the advice that I and @mkupper provided, and let us know the results:

    were you able to find the uinstaller event using the Microsoft article I linked? did you search the locations that @mkupper suggested for finding the exe? (for the third “location”, you can just search your whole computer using Windows Explorer’s “search” feature to find notepad++.exe) If so, was it at any of those locations? did you search the locations that @mkupper suggested for the config.xml and session.xml ? if so, did you find them, or not?

    Without you following through with that advice, no one can help you more than the advice already given.

  • Folder as workspace doesn't update symbolic link folders

    2 Votes
    2 Posts
  • How to insert blank line in between every line

    0 Votes
    16 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in How to insert blank line in between every line:

    I suppose this is about the same as @Ekopalypse 's post earlie

    No … I have zero dollars, you have two? No cookies for me :(

  • NotePad French via Intune

    1 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Jean-Jean said in NotePad French via Intune:

    i would like the package FR for Notepad usage like Settings > Preferences > General > Localization : Français

    If you do, what I told you, then after the silent installation your N++ GUI should be automatically in FR.

    (during silent installations, the N++ installer can only look for any previous installation lang used on the comp and then use it to also preset the GUI of the installed N++ app)

    Edit: Maybe the problem is in what Intune really sees in that RegKey during your installation. A logging should reveal if this is it.

    Edit2: You can also do a “post-installing” action: simply take e.g. the “C:\Program Files\Notepad++\localization\french.xml” and copy it to the user %APPDATA%\Notepad++\nativeLang.xml

  • [Off Topic] How to write HTML code

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Please don’t continue with off-topic replies to this off-topic thread.


    Suggest locking.

  • need help with a style for a .cfg

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Beau-Thompson ,

    You are in the right area:

    the COMMENT styles affect the lines that start with # the SECTION styles affect the [QoLmod] headers the ASSIGNMENT styles affect the = between the key and value the KEY styles affect the setting name (like lastUsername, to the left of the =) the DEFAULT styles affect the value (to the right of the =) I am not sure, but I am guessing the DEFVAL is an error condition (since it’s red in the default light-mode styler)

    So you can set the colors for each of those styles to match your desires.

    The “Properties” language appears to not recognize comments at the end of a setting – that’s most likely because either the “Lexilla” library that Notepad++ uses for parsing the files doesn’t recognize that variant of the loosely-related slew of file-types that make up the “Properties” and “INI” filetypes, or because there’s an option for Lexilla’s “Properties” lexing which Notepad++ doesn’t use; I haven’t looked into which it is. Either way, it would require a fix in Notepad++ and possibly a fix in Lexilla before it (though if it is an option, then you could make use of the PythonScript plugin, or similar, to automatically set that Lexilla option even though Notepad++ itself doesn’t).

    For the comment-after-assignment, there is a possible workaround:

    install EnhanceAnyLexer plugin open your QoLmod.cfg Plugins > EnhanceAnyLanguage > Enhance current language it will open EnhanceAnyLexerConfig.ini in your other View, and create a section called [properties file]. You could set that section to[properties file] 0x00aa00 = \S\s*\K#.* (making sure to not keep excluded_styles or to comment out that line)
    and save the EnhanceAnyLexerConfig.ini Going forward, the plugin should change the end-of-line # .... comments to a shade of green. (It will happen automatically the next time you open properties files, once the plugin config has been saved)

    The limitation with EnhanceAnyLexer is that it cannot change bold/italics/underline status, and cannot change background color. So it won’t exactly match the italicized normal COMMENTS style, but it will be close.

    update: In the LexProps source code, I only see lexer.props.allow.initial.spaces and fold.compact, so as far as I can find, Lexilla does not provides a way to allow comments at the end of a line. As a result, someone would have to request that the Lexilla project add that feature, and they would have to implement and publish it, then Notepad++ would have to update to the most recent Lexilla.
    Also, it appears that DEFVAL is used for the @ symbol for “default value”, not an error condition.

  • How to Select ALL text within a Folding Block?

    0 Votes
    13 Posts

    @Federico-Debla said in How to Select ALL text within a Folding Block?:

    I’m on Version 7.6.6 by the way.

    That Version came out in April 2019. Wouldn’t it be time for an update? People here might not be able to reproduce your issues just because they use a more current Version.

  • Advanced replace

    1 Votes
    3 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    Try using the find-replace form (Search->Replace from the main menu or Ctrl+H with default keybindings) and do the following:

    Set Search Mode to Regular Expressions Check the Wrap around box Find what: <(ClosingStockQuantity>)(-?\d+)(\.\d)?</ClosingStockQuantity> Replace with: <${1}${2}(?3${3}0:.00)</${1}

    This will add a zero as the second decimal place for all numbers that already have one decimal place, and a .00 after all numbers that don’t yet have any decimal places.

    Note that this is just manipulating the numbers as text, not doing actual math. If you wanted to do math on the numbers, you will need to use a scripting language.

  • Notepad++ in usb can't open

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thank you so much for the info.

  • Novice - Interpretate JSON files.

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    @Alan-Kilborn said in Novice - Interpretate JSON files.:

    I took that to mean he was looking for Notepad++ to further help him understand the data (it really can’t)

    I mean, JsonTools does have fairly comprehensive support for JSON Schema, so if by understand the data you mean “create a schema that compactly represents the structure of your file and then validate other JSON files against that schema”, JsonTools can absolutely do that.

  • Question about LF and <br>

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Saragrace-Knauf said in Question about LF and <br>:

    What am I not understanding?

    Probably that a plain text editor (like Notepad++), the editor in WordPress, and HTML (what’s ultimately sent to a web browser to display as a web page) all have different conventions.

    I haven’t used WordPress, but it’s likely that the editor you use to create your pages there has its own conventions about how to interpret line-ending signals. From what you’ve written, I think you might be copying from HTML, editing in Notepad++, then copying to and saving from WordPress. To do that successfully, you’d need to understand how each of those three manages line endings.

    Notepad++ interprets CR, LF or CRLF in sequence as a line break. In the status bar at the bottom, you’ll see Windows (CR LF), Unix (LF) or Macintoch (CR); that tells you what Notepad++ will insert when you press the Enter key. (There are also a few operations that will not work correctly unless all the line endings in your file match whatever is set there.) You can right-click that to get a menu to change all line endings to a different one of the three choices. It is almost never a good idea to have mixed line ending types in the same file, or to have what’s in the file be different from what is shown in the status bar. (If you have mixed endings but what is shown is already what you want them all to be, just switch to something else and then switch back.)

    HTML mostly ignores CR and LF. (There are exceptions in certain contexts, such as within <pre></pre> tags.) Most often you allow the browser to determine where line breaks should occur within paragraphs, and use tags like <p></p> or <div></div> to separate blocks of text. The <br> tag is used when you want to force a line break within a block (rather than, say, starting a new paragraph). Unless you know why you need to do that, don’t; use <p></p> tags to separate paragraphs, and let the reader’s browser work out where to break lines within paragraphs.

    Finally, I don’t know how the WordPress editor works, but it probably has its own conventions. You’d need to learn about those from WordPress documentation, forums and support.

    Edit to add: One other thing. If you’re just adding line endings in Notepad++ because you can’t read the paragraphs because they stretch way past the right edge of the window, turn on View | Word wrap.

  • Notepad fails to respond

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Terry RT


    Well you have given almost no information at all. Firstly you need to show us the debug info (from the ? menu). Copy that info and paste here.

    Then you might also want to read the FAQ post here as it contains useful info to help you identify where the issue might arise.


  • 1 Votes
    3 Posts
    Saragrace KnaufS


    .* is greedy
    Try .*? which is non-greedy

    That works perfectly. This also allowed me to go back to the instruction manual and find it. The “Multiplying Operators” threw me. I was looking for multiple characters after single characters!

  • 1 Votes
    5 Posts
  • Python Script editor.replace Bug? concerning the characters '(' and ')'

    0 Votes
    33 Posts
    Robert JablkoR


    ah, is deprecated and will be removed. Point to you ;)

  • VBScript Plugin

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @AlanRobbo-69 ,

    Notepad++ can syntax-highlight VBScript natively, without any plugins.

    If you mean, is there a plugin which helps with developing VBScript code, by giving some extra VBScript-specific productivity features that might help with efficiency or similar: not that I know of, nor can I find anything in the Plugins Admin. That doesn’t mean it does not exist, because not all Notepad++ plugin developers submit their plugins to the Plugins Admin.

    If you mean, is there a plugin which can make use of VBScript inside of Notepad++ to automate tasks in Notepad++, similar to the PythonScript or LuaScript plugins: not that I can see in the Plugins Admin, nor have I heard of such a plugin elsewhere.


  • Autocomplete stopped working

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Taras TkachenkoT

    P. S. Reinstalling fixed it.

  • Create many macro but the same message is used

    0 Votes
    4 Posts


    I understand what was my issue : each macro corresponding of recording of some words.
    exemple (between double quotes)


    and to accelerate, i use a copy-paste to create each macro and I don’t type the text letter after letter. But Notepad record PASTE action, not the texte of the paste action (that’s makes sens) !

    sorry for that !
    thank you for your help !