• sql language style issue with \"

    0 Votes
    30 Posts


    I just tried the Notepad++.MSVC.x64.Release artifact and am impressed. It changes directly in the editor pane with checking and unchecking the checkbox. I tried cloned view and works good with both panes. I see NPPM_ACTIVATEDOC, that I presume it is helping to refresh the property change live.

    I have tested multiple Notepad++ restarts, checkbox changes and buffer changes. Tests are so good, that it should IMO fix and close the issue ticket #16244.

    Well done!

  • Multi-language syntax-highlighting

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones said in Multi-language syntax-highlighting:

    not every XML-based file will use a Setting tag with the Type=“htf:jscriptexec” attribute to indicate javascript

    True, but to be fair, the jscript part of the Type attribute does give a sensible starting point for language-specific formatting rules. Whether or not the feature is easy to implement this way is another story…

    Given that @Blastocystis focused more on the CDATA section of the sample code, I’m guessing that (s)he was hoping for a more generic secondary language feature - one that gives users flexibility with the secondary language used. So, instead of applying a single language (the one selected in the current Language menu) to an entire document, have a Secondary Language menu that is designed to work on subsections of the document (to be marked in a specific manner). I could see this being equally complex to implement, though.

    Either way, perhaps it would make more sense to use/add a feature like Bookmarks to control where secondary language formatting is applied. In other words, give users the ability to directly choose which lines they want to format in another language by clicking on the margin.

  • Unable to see Data in the Notepad++

    0 Votes
    19 Posts
    Brad MartinB

    @xomx This fixed it for me. Thank you!!!

  • Can't rebind mouse buttons/scroll wheel

    0 Votes
    13 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    I must say that I like the functionality provided by the script myself, and I’ve started to use it. One thing I don’t particularly like, however, is not anything to do with the script, but rather how the NextResult (F4) and PreviousResult (Shift+F4) functionality works. After the last match is encountered, another F4 “wraps around” to the first match. It’s similar for Shift+F4. I find this annoying for reasons I’ve specified HERE. If other users feel the same way, and can publicly state so, maybe we can get an option to control this behavior.

  • RegEx This but not that

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Robert Or Janet DiebelR

    @Mark-Olson Thanx. Your time and effort is much appreciated

  • Convert the line format to a specific format

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Find/Search window not dockable anymore?

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Jeff TremblayJ

    The easiest way is to rename to config folder name located below to for example “Notepad++2” to force Notepad++ to reconfigure itself to its default settings.

    -Close notepad++
    -Rename this:
    For this:
    -Restart notepad
    -Magic happens!

  • Scroll to a position

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Wim GielisW


    Thank you for the confirmation ! I will not spend more time on it.

  • indent between the lines

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Linda-Delenra ,

    I mean that I have many lines of text in each line.

    I have no idea how you can have many lines of text in one line; there seems to be a language barrier. I answered the question based on your example data. If your example data doesn’t match reality, neither I nor anyone else here can answer your real question until you provide us data that matches reality. Sorry.

    If you have the text like you showed originally and want to transform it into your second example text, you need to run the regular expression replacement action that I described.

    by pressing one button

    You could record a macro where you do the replacement (Macro > Start Recording, run the REPLACE ALL, Macro > Stop Recording, Macro > Save Current Recorded Macro and assign a keyboard shortcut)

  • Bug found in "Col" indicator in column mode

    1 Votes
    5 Posts


    Enter w and then press home key.


    Press tab key.


    Press backspace to go back to state of the 1st image.

    Now press Alt and Shift and click on the caret position.
    A rectangular selection is created with anchor and caret at the same position.

    Press tab key.


    Compare the 2nd image with the 3rd image.
    Col and Pos in the status-bar are different values.

    Use PythonScript to run


    to get the selection mode with each step.

  • Transform the style and order in a certain way.

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @mkupper ,

    My point wasn’t to get into the details of IPv4 and CIDR, but to show that, as asked, the problem is unanswerable without more detail, even when the person answering does know at least a little about the problem domain.

    When asking for help with data transformation, people need to provide enough information about the requirements for someone to be able to answer them, without requiring the answerer to know generically about the kind of data they are using, and without requiring that they make guesses as to hidden/implied restrictions which make the difference between “easy” and “impossible”, as I pointed out in my examples.

  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Robert-Jablko, A while back @PeterJones posted this which shows a way to have comments in a macro.

  • How can I change the icon for Notepad++

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Craig-Shannon said in How can I change the icon for Notepad++:

    previous regedits didn’t work for me

    Yes it did, because knowingly or not, you followed my instructions.

    You chose a different icon than I did (which is reasonable: the icon you want is of course up to you), and yours was called Notepad++_file\ instead of the txtfile in my example, but my instructions explicitly said, “or whatever it was for yours” to indicate that while it’s often txtfile (because that was the old default for opening a .txt file under older versions of windows), it always depends on the exact circumstances of each user, and no set of instructions that claims one key can be correct for everyone… And there’s no point in trying to list all the possible key names, because it’s virtually limitless. Hence, my instructions gave the old default key, and confirmed that the key might be different for any given user.

  • Delete all lines that NOT contains a specific phrase

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Rockberto ManentiR

    @Coises and @Terry-R

    thanx so much. Both methods work perfectly.

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @Fermi said in Efficiently select/copy bookmarked lines and their collapsed contents altogether?:

    In a generic form (.ini), I want to select the header and its contents, where the header/comment before/after the keyword (ie. positive) are unique.

    Ideally, regular expressions are constructed to match only the data you want it to match and will not match anything else. You don’t want false positives nor false negatives.

    As you seem unwilling or unable to provide examples of the data you are attempting to match any help we provide here will also need to be generic or vague. To complicate things, you also seem to be shifting the goalposts of what a section header looks like.

    I decided to define a section header as a line that starts with a [ and that anything else is not a section header line. With that in mind, here is a rather general regular expression that will match the positive sections:

    (?-i)^\[.*[,;] *positive,.*\R(?:(?!\[).*\R)*

    That expression has two main parts

    (?-i)^\[.*[,;] *positive,.*\R matches the section header lines we are interested in. (?:(?!\[).*\R)* matches zero or more lines that are not section header lines.

    Reading the (?-i)^\[.*[,;] *positive,.*\R part from left to right we have:

    (?-i) Turns off the ignore-case option so that we only match a lower case positive. If your data includes things such as Positive or POSITIVE then you should use (?i) instead of (?-i). ^ matches the start of a line, \[ matches a [. We need the \ as [s have a special meaning within regular expressions. Using \[ says to look for a normal [. .* matches zero to any number of characters. [,;] matches either a comma or semicolon. When you first posted you had commas and now you have semicolons. That’s fine, we can handle either or both and so I went with both. * matches zero to any number of spaces between the [,;] and the positive. positive, matches the word positive followed by a comma. .* matches zero to any number of characters. This will run to the end of the line. \R matches the end of line characters themselves.

    The second part with (?:(?!\[).*\R)* is slightly convoluted as I also want to match empty or blank lines and to include those in the section.

    The (?: and )* outer parentheses and their decoration says to repeat the stuff that’s inside zero or more times. (?!\[).*\R is the inner part and it matches any line that does not start with a [.
  • automatic romanization in cyrillic cue files

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Rockberto ManentiR

    thanks for reply. you are absolutely right, in fact a friend who programs in python has prepared a script that works perfectly for this need

    thanks also to you. I will try also this regex. Thanks for help

  • Whitespace background cannot be changed

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @HalfOffHell ,

    Your screenshot is of a “normal text file”. But it appears to actually have PythonScript, at least on the non-red-boxed line.

    So if you are coding in some language, many of the language lexers have a DEFAULT color – including Python – which is used for the spaces. So it might be than changing Language: Python > Style: DEFAULT > Background colour is sufficient for you.

    For example:

    Caveat: Not all languages have or use a DEFAULT style for whitespace – and some that have the DEFAULT also use it for real text that doesn’t match any of their other Styles while lexing, not just whitespace, so changing the background of a language’s DEFAULT style might not work like you want for all languages … But for what I remember of Python, it doesn’t use the DEFAULT style for anything but whitespace, so it may meet at least some of your desires.

  • Selection Offset

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thankyou. Both Scale and Resolution are different.

  • ComparePlugin crashed and lost all files

    0 Votes
    19 Posts


    0x40000015 means STATUS_FATAL_APP_EXIT, usually it means that something caused an unhandled runtime exception in app and a terminating signal (SIGABRT/SIGTERM/SIGINT) has been raised (e.g. by the Microsoft C-Runtime abort() func). Faulting module name: ComparePlugin.dll means for us a confirmation that the problem is most likely in the plugin and not in the N++ app
  • changing font not working in v8.6 (but changing size and color does work)

    1 Votes
    25 Posts

    @Andi-Kiissel said in changing font not working in v8.6 (but changing size and color does work):

    In N++ UI this can not be changed,

    In the upcoming N++ version (probably v8.7.8) these Scintilla rendering modes will be accessible via the standard N++ Preferences > MISC.: GitHub commit.

    @Tobias-Lind said in changing font not working in v8.6 (but changing size and color does work):

    When DirectWrite is enabled, I can only use the base version of the font. Any other variant will default to some fallback font.

    The whole problem with the N++ DirectWrite mode & fonts is in the fact that the DirectWrite uses WSS (Weight-Stretch-Style) font family model whereas the older GDI RBIZ (Regular-Bold-Italic…) one. Notepad++ originally supported the older GDI font handling only, then it makes the newer DirectWrite mode accessible but did not accommodate the existing N++ GDI font handling code to match the WSS model of the DirectWrite font families.

    There was a nice patch for the Scintilla library, which solves exactly that but unfortunately it has not been accepted. So someone has to fix that directly in the N++ codebase. There is the MS DirectWrite interface IDWriteGdiInterop helper intended exactly for that job, so maybe a challenge for someone capable with free time…?