• 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Terry-R said in Find line containing word and the next line below it:

    I’d go for a “Mark” with bookmark lines selected.

    Use:(?-s)^(?=.*tweak:)(.+\R.+\R) and click Mark All. All the tweak lines and corresponding following lines are bookmarked. Then you’d just copy the bookmarked lines to another tab.

    Thanks, Terry, perfect!!

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Wicke2d said in Is it possible to enable autoscroll? (Scrollclick):

    Just because?

    @xomx gave you the reason in the reply to your issue: the Scintilla library (used as the underlying editor component of Notepad++) doesn’t expose access to the middle-mouse-button click (ie, scrollwheel click on modern mouse architecture). Until they do, Notepad++ cannot know that the MMB was clicked in the text-editing components of Notepad++.

  • 1 Votes
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    @PeterJones Thanks. Also, I forgot to turn on Regular expression. Can you believe it?! What a noob! :D

    It works now! Thanks!

  • Unicode Normalization

    May 27, 2021, 2:09 PM
    1 Votes
    9 Posts

    @guy038 Reacting late to this thread, but I think in many case when you want to normalise a unicode text, NFC isn’t enough because it doesn’t handle ligatures.
    So for many people, a longer table than the one here, including all the decomposition in NFKC, will be needed.

    To make this more concrete : NFC won’t normalise the ffi_ligature (U+FB03).
    So “A\uFB03n” will stay “A\uFB03n” if normalized with NFC, but will change to “Affin” if normalized with NFKC which is much more useful for many people.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Säbelzahn-Tiger said in Can't drag and drop files into existing Notepad++ window:

    have done anything what I have found in the internet without any success.

    We cannot know what instructions you did or did not try. If we don’t know what you’ve tried, how can we know what we should or should not suggest? If we try to suggest anything, you would likely come back and say “I already tried that”, but there was no way for us to know.

    If you want help, explain the exact circumstances of what’s causing the problem, share your ?-menu’s Debug Info, and let us know what you tried. Don’t make us guess.

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Jacob-Holmes said in Capitalization challenge with srt subtitle file - ignoring strings of text possible?:

    Otherwise, is there maybe a way to accomplish this with RegEx?

    So given the single example it might not be a good solution, but:
    Using the Replace function:
    Find What:(?-is)^Speaker\s*\d*:\s*\K(.)
    Replace With:\U\1

    Of course the search mode is Regular Expression and you need to click on the “Replace All” button. Best if the cursor is at the start of the file.

    The \K will cause issues if you want to detect and replace one line at a time, hence the need for the “Replace All”. So obviously you’d consider working on a copy of the file, just in case it caused more problems. If you did try this and it failed we’d need to know more about the issues. Then either we adjust this solution or start with a new idea.


  • Colouring of Python code dubious

    Jan 7, 2025, 7:50 PM
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    Currently this Python module has 10,792 lines of code, and on line 4072 I saw the unexpected orange italic highlighting, which made no sense to me.


    As part of the same bug report, it was mentioned in one of the replies on the issue, that ending a Python comment with a . triggers the attribute formatting on the next line.

    This is because it’s looking for . followed by 0-or-more-whitespace (which includes newline) followed by what would otherwise be an identifier, and if it finds that, then instead of identifier, it treats the word as an attribute/method instead. So, to get around that bug, either remove the ... at the end of your comment, or put some other (non-whitespace) character after the ... - maybe use : instead of ...

  • 1 Votes
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    Do you think it would be something useful to share with the rest of the community?

    There is a TODO.txt UDL in the User Defined Languages Collection already; and if you have a different angle-of-attack for lists/todo/done choices, it would be reasonable to share it as another UDL in that Collection, to give people more options.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    I don’t use any of these functions (currently), however a quick search of the forum came up with this post by one of our more experienced users. Have a read of this post. I think it might answer some of your questions (hopefully).


  • 1 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Alex-De-Lara said in Switch to previous/next document... was this previously asked ?:

    @PeterJones we were talking about next document/previous document so those are the keys I referred to on my post: remapped them to use F11/F12 and whatever was there before, I simply assigned “None” because I don’t use those.

    You were describing behaviors (opening of the Doc Switcher) which those menu entries cannot do, because they are not making use of the Ctrl+Tab which DocSwitcher uses; thus, because what I believed you were describing seems impossible to me, I asked for clarification. I want to confirm: is this the popup you are seeing?


    Because that’s the DocSwitcher popup. If it looks different, then you might be seeing something other than the DocSwitcher.

    There are no conflicts: I took the time to look all shortcuts.

    The Shortcut Mapper shows any conflicts in a reddish tone, so it would have been obvious.

    The two checkboxes in the “Document switcher” box are not selected.

    Then I do not see how you could ever see the Document Switcher popup. When those are disabled, there is no way that I know of that can get the Document Switcher to appear.

    I think you might have actually been seeing something else, or you have a plugin that has taken over the actions and is somehow mimicking or invoking the Document Switcher in a non-standard way.

    You are right: I don’t upgrade often… like my granpa used to say, “If ain’t broke…”

    There have been lots of bugs fixed in the last year and a half – so it was broke, and you were not fixing it. Including security fixes. But if you want new features or bugfixes, you’re going to have to update.

    But seriously, every time I upgraded my configuration xml files got clobbered and I got tired of running after the saved copies to restore them.

    Some people have come here to claim, but so far no one has ever been able to show a repeatable set of instructions which is guaranteed to overwrite the %AppData% settings when running ?-menu’s Update Notepad++ action. By default, the updater goes to great lenghts to not overwrite any of your customized settings – to the point where people complain that they don’t get updated syntax highlighting because it is correctly not overwriting their outdated-but-customized old syntax highlighting.

    Since it seems to happen frequently for you, sharing the ?-menu’s Debug Info, plus sharing the permissions on your %AppData%\Notepad++ folder, and any of the XML files in that directory.

    Of course, if you aren’t using the installer (as @Terry-R suggested), or if you’re not using the %AppData%\Notepad++ location for your configuration (and the ? > Debug Info that @Terry-R requested will tell us either of those), then it might be easier for it to accidentally clobber.

    I’m running 8.6.7 now which is working the way I wanted

    That’s still more than 6 months out of date, and again, there should be no difference between 8.6.7 and 8.7.5 in how Document Switcher responds to Ctrl+Tab based on the settings, and how Notepad++ responds to the View > Tab > Next/Previous Tab commands or their keyboard equivalents.

    You never told us the results of your portable-zip experiment, but maybe if you did, we could help you figure out whether you are doing something wrong, or whether you’ve found a difficult-to-notice bug, due to your unique situation… but in order to do that, we would need an exact and explicit set of instructions to reproduce. Something like:

    Download official 8.7.5 64bit zip and unzip into a unique folder (not the place where you normally have Notepad++; we want a separate, independent copy) Run notepad++ from that folder, and create a few new files so that new 1 and new 2 and new 3 are available for forward/backward tab navigation Make the following changes to Shortcut Mapper (include screenshots) Make the following changes to settings (include screenshots) Hit F11 or F12 (or whatever) to cycle, and Document Switcher comes up, even though think it shouldn’t Using View > Tab > Next/Previous tab does or does not also show this popup

    These are just my guess as to the approximate situation. You need to tell us the exact steps necessary for you to replicate the problem from a fresh, unmodified copy of portable Notepad++, otherwise it’s going to be impossible to debug the problem. Explain the steps in excruciating detail, like you’re explaining it to a computer-newbie grandma or to a 5-year-old (don’t make any assumptions or leave out any steps).

    but again, had to reset the colors schema the way I wanted (every one us have our preferences right ?).

    In my years of using Notepad++, using the updater, I cannot remember a single time where it accidentally overwrote my stylers.xml. If you’re just unzipping a portable, then yes, you either have to not unzip the stylers.xml or whatever theme, or you have to do some extras to merge new config files into your old, so you don’t lose settings – this is made quite explicit in the Online User Manual’s “upgrading” page (https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/upgrading/#upgrading-a-portable-edition)

    When you are “upgrading” or “downgrading” Notepad++, what are the exact steps you are taking? (again, please include enough detail that a newbie grandma or a 5yo would be able to repeat exactly what you did)

    It’s all good now.

    Ignoring a problem isn’t “good”. But it’s your choice.

    NOTE: by describing a “newbie grandma” or “5yo”, I am not trying to imply that your particular grandmother (or any 5 year old that you know) is stupid or incompetent, or any such thing. I am using “newbie” to describe such a person who has no experience with Notepad++, and might not have a lot of experience with computers in general: in other words, someone whom you would need to take through little tiny steps to do anything new on the computer. If you have a grandma or 5yo who doesn’t need handholding when using Notepad++ or computers in general, that’s great. And if your newbie grandma or 5yo does need help, that’s perfectly understandable and acceptible, and I am not disparaging them or you.

  • 1 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn That was it. Thank you!

  • Notepad++ Table plugin

    Jan 7, 2025, 2:59 AM
    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Based on some Googling, it looks like the Notepad++ Table plugin consists of a single GUI form and a button that lets the user create an HTML table with customizable parameters. A decent Python programmer could probably cobble together something with comparable capabilities in PythonScript in a couple of hours.

  • 1 Votes
    47 Posts

    @Antheds-Kennel said in Delete every line below a bookmarked line.:

    since there are 397,580 rows

    So that’s a good reason to avoid (1), but nothing you have said explains why you think (2) won’t work for you.

    I have to give up

    Don’t lie to yourself. If you give up, it’s your own choice. All the information you have given us says that (2) will work for you, but you are choosing to ignore that option without explaining why.

    that I have to sort somehow.

    This is the first you’ve mentioned sorting, that I noticed.

    Until you accurately describe what you are actually wanting, no one can help you.

  • Recent Files submenu 64-bit

    Dec 31, 2024, 12:01 AM
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    3 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in Recent Files submenu 64-bit:

    It’s however Windows itself wants to display it; it has nothing to do with Notepad++.

    Thanks, Alan.

  • 1 Votes
    13 Posts

    @Dan-I-2072 said in can i use function list in Notepad++ 7.9.5?:

    You must make the file changes above within the %AppData%\Notepad++\functionList dir, which means it has to be done separately for each user of the PC.

    Trying to instead make the same changes for all users of the PC, within the C:\Program Files\Notepad++\functionList dir, results in Notepad++ entirely ignoring the configuration.

    The all users path might be %ProgramData%\Notepad++\functionList or the older Environmental Variable path of %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Notepad++\functionList. I do not know if Notepad++ searches in those paths.

  • Hide horizontal line at folds?

    Jan 4, 2025, 10:57 PM
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    @0Villitz ,

    Unfortunately, there is not yet a configuration option to allow users to change that color. As mentioned in the Hide Fold Lines discussion, there may be messages that plugins can send – that topic had an example of hidden lines, but I was able to find an equivalent for the fold line: the PythonScript plugin could send

    editor.setElementColour(ELEMENT.FOLD_LINE, (0,0,255,255))

    where the color is (RED,GREEN,BLUE,ALPHA) where ALPHA should be 255

    here’s the results of me running that command in PythonScript 3:

    and then I changed it to GREEN instead of BLUE:

    editor.setElementColour(ELEMENT.FOLD_LINE, (0,255,0,255))


    And hiding it completely can be done by either setting the ALPHA to 0, or editor.setFoldFlags(0) in PythonScript (or the equivalent, as shown in that other discussion, in NppExec or other such plugin)

    This feature was requested in 2023, but neither the developer nor any other volunteers have apparently put in a PR to implement it. I’ve just “bumped” the discussion, with links to a few related discussions here; if you’d like to go upvote that, and/or put in your 2cents, that might encourage someone to put in the effort.

  • 1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Neeraj-Shrivastav said in iOS or iPad app which can open Cloud Backed Notepad++ files:

    Can anyone tell or guide me to any iOS or iPad app which can open Cloud Backed Notepad++ files?

    Notepad++ edits files as plain text files on Windows. The files are not special in any way, and Notepad++ doesn’t have any associated cloud service.

    So, if you have cloud backup for the files you edit in Notepad++, you are using a cloud provider (iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, whatever). You would have to look to people familiar with that provider to find out the best way to access plain text files on that service from iOS.

  • Notepad customization is it possible?

    Jun 26, 2022, 2:45 PM
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    11 Posts

    @PeterJones Thanks for the detailed reply. Much appreciated.

    Your suggestion to look for workarounds that would result in the document being centered led me to solution that works for me… the Explorer plugin. Having a filetree directory of the left side is helpful and since its width is adjustable it allows me to have documents centered exactly where I need them on the screen. Wanted to mention it in case anyone else finding this topic in the future might also find it a useful workaround for them too.

  • 0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @guy038 said in Find text, display line with text and the next line:


    I do not take the gift of anyones time lightly.
    Many thanx, much appreciated.
    Most helpful.

  • 0 Votes
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    Thank you for your insight.
    I guess there are many ways of working.

    I am in an environment where add-ons are not readily available. Using the native capability over time has been my best option, and so I have not explored alternatives.

    Backup is not a deprecated feature, so expecting it to be reliable, as I do for any other saved file.

    Whether the number of un-named files is large or small, this highlights what can happen when the user changes the saved location, and is, I now think, a good case for consideration when designing or testing code modifications around the backup location.