@Alex-De-Lara said in Switch to previous/next document... was this previously asked ?:
@PeterJones we were talking about next document/previous document so those are the keys I referred to on my post: remapped them to use F11/F12 and whatever was there before, I simply assigned “None” because I don’t use those.
You were describing behaviors (opening of the Doc Switcher) which those menu entries cannot do, because they are not making use of the Ctrl+Tab which DocSwitcher uses; thus, because what I believed you were describing seems impossible to me, I asked for clarification. I want to confirm: is this the popup you are seeing?
Because that’s the DocSwitcher popup. If it looks different, then you might be seeing something other than the DocSwitcher.
There are no conflicts: I took the time to look all shortcuts.
The Shortcut Mapper shows any conflicts in a reddish tone, so it would have been obvious.
The two checkboxes in the “Document switcher” box are not selected.
Then I do not see how you could ever see the Document Switcher popup. When those are disabled, there is no way that I know of that can get the Document Switcher to appear.
I think you might have actually been seeing something else, or you have a plugin that has taken over the actions and is somehow mimicking or invoking the Document Switcher in a non-standard way.
You are right: I don’t upgrade often… like my granpa used to say, “If ain’t broke…”
There have been lots of bugs fixed in the last year and a half – so it was broke, and you were not fixing it. Including security fixes. But if you want new features or bugfixes, you’re going to have to update.
But seriously, every time I upgraded my configuration xml files got clobbered and I got tired of running after the saved copies to restore them.
Some people have come here to claim, but so far no one has ever been able to show a repeatable set of instructions which is guaranteed to overwrite the %AppData% settings when running ?-menu’s Update Notepad++ action. By default, the updater goes to great lenghts to not overwrite any of your customized settings – to the point where people complain that they don’t get updated syntax highlighting because it is correctly not overwriting their outdated-but-customized old syntax highlighting.
Since it seems to happen frequently for you, sharing the ?-menu’s Debug Info, plus sharing the permissions on your %AppData%\Notepad++ folder, and any of the XML files in that directory.
Of course, if you aren’t using the installer (as @Terry-R suggested), or if you’re not using the %AppData%\Notepad++ location for your configuration (and the ? > Debug Info that @Terry-R requested will tell us either of those), then it might be easier for it to accidentally clobber.
I’m running 8.6.7 now which is working the way I wanted
That’s still more than 6 months out of date, and again, there should be no difference between 8.6.7 and 8.7.5 in how Document Switcher responds to Ctrl+Tab based on the settings, and how Notepad++ responds to the View > Tab > Next/Previous Tab commands or their keyboard equivalents.
You never told us the results of your portable-zip experiment, but maybe if you did, we could help you figure out whether you are doing something wrong, or whether you’ve found a difficult-to-notice bug, due to your unique situation… but in order to do that, we would need an exact and explicit set of instructions to reproduce. Something like:
Download official 8.7.5 64bit zip and unzip into a unique folder (not the place where you normally have Notepad++; we want a separate, independent copy)
Run notepad++ from that folder, and create a few new files so that new 1 and new 2 and new 3 are available for forward/backward tab navigation
Make the following changes to Shortcut Mapper (include screenshots)
Make the following changes to settings (include screenshots)
Hit F11 or F12 (or whatever) to cycle, and Document Switcher comes up, even though think it shouldn’t
View > Tab > Next/Previous tab does or does not also show this popup
These are just my guess as to the approximate situation. You need to tell us the exact steps necessary for you to replicate the problem from a fresh, unmodified copy of portable Notepad++, otherwise it’s going to be impossible to debug the problem. Explain the steps in excruciating detail, like you’re explaining it to a computer-newbie grandma or to a 5-year-old (don’t make any assumptions or leave out any steps).
but again, had to reset the colors schema the way I wanted (every one us have our preferences right ?).
In my years of using Notepad++, using the updater, I cannot remember a single time where it accidentally overwrote my stylers.xml. If you’re just unzipping a portable, then yes, you either have to not unzip the stylers.xml or whatever theme, or you have to do some extras to merge new config files into your old, so you don’t lose settings – this is made quite explicit in the Online User Manual’s “upgrading” page (https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/upgrading/#upgrading-a-portable-edition)
When you are “upgrading” or “downgrading” Notepad++, what are the exact steps you are taking? (again, please include enough detail that a newbie grandma or a 5yo would be able to repeat exactly what you did)
It’s all good now.
Ignoring a problem isn’t “good”. But it’s your choice.
NOTE: by describing a “newbie grandma” or “5yo”, I am not trying to imply that your particular grandmother (or any 5 year old that you know) is stupid or incompetent, or any such thing. I am using “newbie” to describe such a person who has no experience with Notepad++, and might not have a lot of experience with computers in general: in other words, someone whom you would need to take through little tiny steps to do anything new on the computer. If you have a grandma or 5yo who doesn’t need handholding when using Notepad++ or computers in general, that’s great. And if your newbie grandma or 5yo does need help, that’s perfectly understandable and acceptible, and I am not disparaging them or you.